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功能障碍 Dysfunction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-25 11:08:21


功能障碍 Dysfunction英语短句 例句大全



1.Recent Progress of Islets Beta-cellsDysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病发病机制及胰岛β细胞功能障碍的研究进展

2.Efficacy of Combined Rehabilitation Management ForDysfunction in Knee Joint After Trauma;创伤后膝关节功能障碍综合康复治疗的疗效观察

3.preliminary clinical study of the management of posttraumatic knee joint dysfunction;创伤后膝关节功能障碍治疗的初期临床研究


1.functional disorders of platelet血小板功能障碍性疾病

2.neurogenic bladder神经性膀胱功能障碍

3.The lung function damage is limitation ventilation dysfunction and diffusion dysfunction.肺功能损害表现为限制性通气功能障碍及弥散功能障碍。

4.Wound contraction can produce serious functional impairment.伤口收缩能造成严重的功能障碍。

5.Faulty or abnormal functioning.功能障碍运转不对或异常

6.cardiovascular system disease and disorders心血管系统疾病及功能障碍

7.Prostatic disorder:ABnormality or disease of the prostate gland.前列腺疾病:前列腺的功能障碍或疾

8.It must be cautiously used for animals with renal dysfunction because of delay of sulfanilamide excretion.肾功能障碍时,磺胺药排泄延缓,应慎用。

9.neutrophil dysfunction syndrome嗜中性粒细胞功能障碍综合征

10.The application of sartorius muscle for treatment of extension disorders of knee应用缝匠肌治疗伸膝功能障碍(英文)

11.The evaluation of damaged eustachian tube function in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy鼻咽癌放疗后咽鼓管功能障碍的评估

12.Study on the Heroin Addicting Abstainer"s Attention Disorder;海洛因成瘾戒断者注意功能障碍研究

13.Epidemiology of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction among People Some Communities in Shandong People;盆底功能障碍性疾病的流行病学研究

14.A Clinical Study on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Endocrine Dysfunction;HIV感染与内分泌功能障碍的临床研究

15.A Review on Laws and Regulations of American Early Intervention to Functional Dysfunction;美国功能障碍早期干预法律法规述评

16.Memory Monitoring in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment遗忘型轻度认知功能障碍的记忆监测

17.Working Memory Study on Mild Cognitive Impairment轻度认知功能障碍患者工作记忆研究

18.Causes and Reoperations of Mechanical Valve Dysfunction机械瓣膜功能障碍的原因及手术对策


functional disorder功能障碍

1.The relationship between structural damage andfunctional disorder were analyzed on clinical practice.以临床实例论述了结构损伤与功能障碍的关系,指出结构损伤与功能障碍之间并不是完全的正相关,可以通过某种内外科手段,促进机体组织结构的修复;也可以利用器官之间的功能代偿机制,在已有组织结构改变的基础上,建立新的功能平衡。

3)sexual dysfunction性功能障碍

1.Tianeptine in combination with sildenafil for treatment of depression accompanied withsexual dysfunction;噻奈普汀合并西地那非治疗抑郁伴性功能障碍

2.Effects of low dose growth hormone supplement on middle-aging male withsexual dysfunction;小剂量生长激素补充对中老年男性性功能障碍患者的影响

3.Sexual dysfunction in men with spinal fractures complicated by incomplete paraparesis;男性脊柱骨折合并不完全性脊髓损伤患者性功能障碍分析

4)sex disorders性功能障碍

5)the functional gastrointestinal disorders胃功能障碍

6)hepatic dysfunction肝功能障碍

1.Objective: To investigate the incidence and the prognostic implications of earlyhepatic dysfunction in sepsis.目的:研究脓毒症病人早期肝功能障碍的发生率和预后的相关性。

2.The patients withhepatic dysfunction were frequently presented for anesthesia and surgery.背景:异丙酚是临床广泛应用的静脉麻醉药,它主要在肝脏代谢,其在体内的分布、代谢和清除受肝功能的影响;而临床上越来越多的肝功能障碍的病人接受麻醉和手术,严重肝脏病变对异丙酚药代动力学影响如何,值得研究。


勃起功能障碍勃起功能障碍病名。简称勃起障碍。即阳痿。详见该 条。

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