糖尿病康复 > 浮肿 edema英语短句 例句大全

浮肿 edema英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-25 13:47:03


浮肿 edema英语短句 例句大全



1.Results: Talcum can markedly relieveedema of the joints.方法 :将大鼠分为三组 ,正常组、FCA对照组、滑石组 ,采用血清分离测定血清成分 ,血清蛋白、血清的变化 ,测量浮肿容积RA -test的变化。


1.His eyes were swollen and his head asleep.他的眼睛浮肿,脑袋昏沉。

2.His complexion was sallow, his face swollen.他面呈菜色,脸部浮肿。

3.The girl"s face looks wan and sallow, and her eyelids are swollen.姑娘脸色憔悴,眼皮浮肿。

4.Terminal can have hepatomegaly, icteric, bloated, ascites.晚期可有肝肿大、黄疸、浮肿、腹水。

5.a puffy look about his... as if he had been going it a bit too hard他眼圈显得浮肿,……似乎过于放荡了一点。

6.Puffiness round the eyes is a sign of poor health.眼圈浮肿是不健康的样子.

7.The turgor of his shoulder was a result of working too hard.他肩膀的浮肿是工作太过努力的结果。

8.Swelling, or edema, is not a typical symptom of DCS and would rarely occur alone.肿胀,或浮肿,并非是减压病的典型症状,但亦很少单独发生。

9.an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine.孕期的一种异常状态特征是高血压和水浮肿。

10.The dark walls seemed swollen with the disease of old buildings in New York.阴暗的四壁看起来浮肿,带着纽约老房子的宿疾。

11.He died of dropsy, cholera and jaundice, complicated by pneumonia. This last lie caught driving home in an open carriage from a visit on behalf of the unworthy Karl.他死于浮肿、霍乱和因肺炎并发而加剧的黄疽

12.She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water她看上去浮肿不堪,活像在死水里浸久了的尸体。

13.Her face looked sallow and swollen in the dreary light.在昏暗的光线中看上去她那蜡黄的脸有些浮肿。

14.The color of his skin was very pale, because low blood pressure gave him abnormal turgor.他肤色非常苍白,因为低血压使他有不正常的浮肿。

15.The most common reactions include skin rashes, itching, breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face.最常见的反应包括皮疹,瘙痒,呼吸困难和某些部位比如脸部浮肿。

16.My hands had grown quite soft with the continual soaking.我的两只手,由于经常不断地泡在水里,已变得浮肿了。

17.A second, optional application is the location and quantification of retinal edema.第二种可供选择性的临床应用仪器就是对网膜浮肿的定位和定量。

18.a diet that limits the intake of salt (sodium chloride); often used in treating hypertension or edema or certain other disorders.限制盐(氯化钠)量摄入的饮食;常用来治疗高血压、浮肿或其他病症。




4)malignant oedema恶性浮肿

5)war dropsy战时浮肿

6)Edema Malnutrition浮肿型



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