糖尿病康复 > 喉头水肿 laryngeal edema英语短句 例句大全

喉头水肿 laryngeal edema英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-18 03:16:03


喉头水肿 laryngeal edema英语短句 例句大全

喉头水肿,laryngeal edema

1)laryngeal edema喉头水肿

1.Acutelaryngeal edema caused by hepatocyte growth-promoting factors;促肝细胞生长素致急性喉头水肿

2.Laryngoscopy showedlaryngeal edema.98,BP90/60mmHg,P110次/min,喉镜检查示喉头水肿。

3.ObjectiveThe author reported the first aid nursing of 5 patients with asphyxia caused by acutelaryngeal edema while intravenous cefobid was done.笔者报道 5例患者在静脉注射先锋必过程中 ,发生急性喉头水肿致窒息的急救护理。


1.On day3 the patient required inhaled beclomethasone for laryngeal edema.第三天,患者要求吸入倍氯米松治疗喉头水肿。

2.We believe that this patient"s airway obstruction was likely secondary to laryngospasm rather than laryngeal edema.我们认为,该例患者的气道阻塞很可能是继发性喉痉挛,而不是喉头水肿。

3.Objective Laryngeal papilloma is a common laryngeal benign tumor,which recurs easily.目的喉乳头状瘤是常见的喉部良性肿瘤 ,本文探讨喉乳头状瘤的外科治疗方式。

4.The child is in pain because his larynx is all red and swell.这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿。

5.The child is in pain because his larynx is all red and swollen这孩子在遭受疼痛,因为他的喉头又红又肿

6.The Factor Analysis of the Throat Swelling After Operating On Children for the Vertebra Tuberculosis脊椎结核患儿手术后发生喉水肿的因素分析

7.Gadopentetate dimeglumine causes one case of serious laryngeal oedema and shock钆喷酸葡胺引起严重过敏性休克喉水肿1例

8.Pharyngitis, Toothache, Tinnitus, Headache and Dizziness, Ulcers in the Oral Cavity and in the nose, acute ophthalmia, and constipation.咽喉肿痛,牙痛耳鸣,头痛眩晕,口鼻生疮,爆发火眼,大便不通。

9.throat microphone喉头送话器喉式话筒

10.In the estrogen group, the laryngeal epithelium was thicken, the cup cell increased, the hydrops was under the mucous membrane, and the lymphocyte was soaked.雌激素组喉上皮厚度增加,杯状细胞增多,黏膜下水肿,淋巴细胞浸润;

11.Exploration of the causes and preventive measure of congestion and edema in pars laryngea pharynges of patients with thyroid neoplasm after thyroidectomy甲状腺叶切除术后咽喉部充血水肿的原因探讨及预防

12.I have a headache and a sore throat.我头也痛、喉也痛。

13.gargle with salt water以盐水漱口 [喉]

14.Produced in or with the larynx;glottal.喉部发出的由喉头发出或用喉发出的;声门的

15.The treatment of benign tumor of larynx with nasal endoscopic combined with supporting laryngoscope鼻内窥镜联合支撑喉镜治疗喉良性肿瘤

16.Carrie"s heart bounded to her throat.嘉莉的心跳上了喉头。

17.The words lumped in her throat.话在她喉头哽住了。

18.The words lumped in my throat.话语在我喉头哽住了。


edematous laryngitis水肿性喉炎

3)caput succedaneum胎头水肿

4)otolaryngology head and neck neoplasms耳鼻咽喉头颈部肿瘤


1.Antiphospholipid syndrome manifesting aspapilledema;抗磷脂综合征表现为视乳头水肿1例(英文)

2.Edema of the optic disc,papilledema, is not an entity of disease, but a typical sign closely associated with increased intracra-nial pressure.视盘水肿(或称视乳头水肿)不是一种独立的疾病,而是一个典型体征,与颅内压力升高密切相关。


1.A Case of Papilloedema Caused by Primary Empty Sella Turcica Syndrome;原发性空泡蝶鞍综合征致双眼视乳头水肿一例


喉头喉头 喉头 咽喉之俗称。参见咽喉条。

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