糖尿病康复 > 超声串扰 ultrasonic crosstalk英语短句 例句大全

超声串扰 ultrasonic crosstalk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-25 01:40:36


超声串扰 ultrasonic crosstalk英语短句 例句大全

超声串扰,ultrasonic crosstalk

1)ultrasonic crosstalk超声串扰

1.Research on Eliminating Ultrasonic Crosstalk Based on Pseudo-Random Frequency-Modulated Pulse Sequence;基于伪随机调频脉冲序列的超声串扰消除方法研究

2.To eliminateultrasonic crosstalk,the Chaotic Pulse Position Modulation(CPPM)is used to construct the short triggering sequence for each ultrasonic transducer.分析了超声串扰产生原因,并给出了脉冲占空比与各次谐波能量的对应关系。


1.Study on Encoding and Modulation of Eliminating Ultrasonic Crosstalk;用于消除超声串扰的编码与调制方法研究

2.Research on Eliminating Ultrasonic Crosstalk Based on Pseudo-Random Frequency-Modulated Pulse Sequence;基于伪随机调频脉冲序列的超声串扰消除方法研究

3.Study on Rejecting Ultrasonic Crosstalk Based on Chaotic Pulse Sequence Width Modulation;基于混沌脉冲序列宽度调制的超声串扰抑制方法研究

4.Hardware Design and Excitation Method of Non-Crosstalk Ultrasonic Ranging System无串扰超声测距系统硬件设计与激励方法

5.Adaptive noise cancelling in small drilling hole detection自适应串扰噪声消除技术在小孔径钻孔超声波检测中的应用

6.Research on Interconnection Crosstalk Noise for VLSI DesignVLSI设计中的互连串扰噪声研究

7.Study on Crosstalk and Its Effect of Interconnect in VDSM超深亚微米工艺下互连线串扰及其影响研究

8.Analyses of Crosstalks and Noises in Multiplexing Arrays of Fiber Optic Hydrophones;光纤水听器多路复用技术及其串扰与噪声分析

9.Novel primary series matching scheme for piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer压电超声换能器初级串联匹配新方法

10.Research on Imaging Technique and Interference Suppression of Ultra-wideband Random Noise SAR;噪声超宽带雷达成像及干扰抗干扰性能研究

11.Far-end loop noise– using the estimated crosstalker profile, an estimate of the loop noise present at the far end can be made.远端环路噪声-用估计的串扰属性,就能估计远端环路的噪声。

12.Research of Ultrasonic Ranging System with High Anti-interfere Performance Based on DSP基于DSP的高抗干扰性超声波测距系统

13.Numerical Simulatiom of the Shock Train Structure in the Supersonic Diffuser超声速扩压器中激波串结构的数值模拟

14.In communications, the aggregate crosstalk from a number of interfering sources.在通信系统中,由许多干扰源的串音(的总和)引起的噪声。参阅crosstalk。

15.Using Guard Traces for Crosstalk Reduction between High Frequency Differential Lines使用防护布线减小差分传输线间的高频串扰噪声

16.Anti-interference analysis and circuit design of torpedo active ultrasonic fuse鱼雷主动超声引信抗干扰分析与电路设计

17.Study of Inlets/body Aerodynamic Interference of Supersonic Tactical Missile Using Numerical Simulation;超声速战术导弹进气道/弹身气动干扰数值研究

18.Weak Nonlinear Evolution of Small Amplitude Disturbances in 2D Supersonic Boundary Layer小扰动在二维超声速边界层中的弱非线性传播


crosstalk noise串扰噪声

1.This paper firstly introduces coupled capacity estimation,noise model choice andcrosstalk noise estimation method.首先介绍了耦合电容计算、噪声模型选择以及串扰噪声的估计,接着详细分析了一种用于多层无网格区域布线的过点分配算法CPACNC(Crosspoint Assignment with Crosstalk Noise Control)。

2.Finally, its application in timing verification considering power noise andcrosstalk noise is provided.最后讨论了在电源噪声和串扰噪声影响下的动态时序分析。

3.A physical design methodology is proposed which includes signal integrity management throughcrosstalk noise analysis and repair at multiple phases in design flow .其中影响最大的是串扰,串扰噪声会产生大量的时序违规、逻辑错误。

3)Cross talk声道串扰,串音

4)ultrasonic tandem method超声串列法

5)cross talk串电,串音;串扰,[串话]干扰;交叉奇变;相声

6)ultrasonic interference超声波干扰

1.Mechanism ofultrasonic interference to increase the rate of CBM;超声波干扰提高煤层气抽放率的机理


Al-Li合金构件——歼7-II飞机舱口盖及副翼扰流片Al-Li合金构件——歼7-II飞机舱口盖及副翼扰流片Al—Ll合金构件——歼7一I 1机舱口盖及副翼扰流片张自供稿

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