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均方根串扰 RMS crosstalk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-30 15:22:51


均方根串扰 RMS crosstalk英语短句 例句大全

均方根串扰,RMS crosstalk

1)RMS crosstalk均方根串扰

1.Brings forward a kind of SI-model based on Altium Designer Winter 09, taking the Xilinx’s computer Parallel Port/LPT-JTAG download-adapter (VIII) PCB as example, discussing the feasibility and reliability of extracting theRMS crosstalk of PCB level by its design flow and instance.提出一种基于Altium Designer Winter09信号完整性模型,以Xilinx计算机并口-JTAG下载器转换板(VIII)PCB为例,通过其设计流程并结合设计实例,讨论提取PCB级均方根串扰的可行性与可靠性。


1.Extract PCB-Level’s RMS Crosstalk Based on SI-Model of Altium Designer基于Altium Designer信号完整性模型提取PCB级均方根串扰

2.Improved Iterative Interference Canceller for Serially Concatenated Continuous Phase Modulation串行级联CPM系统中一种干扰抵消均衡方法

3.Spectral Method for Analysis of Crosstalk of Non-uniform RLC Interconnects in the Presence of Process Variations工艺随机扰动下非均匀RLC互连线串扰的谱域方法分析

4.Analysis of Crosstalk in PCB Using Time-Domain Integral Scheme基于时域积分方法分析PCB串扰问题

5.ex post facto rms forecast error事后均方根预测误差

6.root - mean - square error均方根[有效值]误差

7.The Research of Thermometric Model and Anti-Acrosstalk Method Based on Bragg Fiber Grating;基于Bragg光纤光栅的测温模型及抗串扰方法研究

8.Study on Encoding and Modulation of Eliminating Ultrasonic Crosstalk;用于消除超声串扰的编码与调制方法研究

9.A Realization of Effective Anti-jamming Serial Communication through the Application of MT8888;用MT8888实现一种强抗干扰“串行通讯”的方法

10.Hardware Design and Excitation Method of Non-Crosstalk Ultrasonic Ranging System无串扰超声测距系统硬件设计与激励方法

11.Crosstalk Analysis of Arbitrary Layout Transmission Line Using BLT EquationBLT方程在任意布局传输线串扰分析中的应用

12.Automatic Charging Equalization of Battery in Series大容量电池组串联充电均衡控制方法研究

13.The various facts in their report just don"t add up.他们报告中的各方面材料根本串不起来。

14.Research on Eliminating Ultrasonic Crosstalk Based on Pseudo-Random Frequency-Modulated Pulse Sequence;基于伪随机调频脉冲序列的超声串扰消除方法研究

15.Study on Rejecting Ultrasonic Crosstalk Based on Chaotic Pulse Sequence Width Modulation;基于混沌脉冲序列宽度调制的超声串扰抑制方法研究

16.Interference effects on local fluctuating pressure on two square tall buildings in tandem arrangement:part 1 windward side effects两串列方柱局部脉动风压干扰研究:第1部分 迎风面效应

17.When serial communication mode is adopted for time correction,interruptions are applied for receiving /sending serial data of date / time information.采用串行通信方式授时,串行数据的收/发均采用中断方式,能提供日期和时间信息;

18.R.M.S.on-state current通态均方根电流-双向晶闸管的


root mean square均方根

1.The amplitude characteristics of sEMG signal were calculated by the means ofroot mean square(RMS)and wave.方法9名健康被试者参加了试验,包括最大自主收缩力(maximum volunteer contraction,MVC),80%MVC及40%MVC,记录指浅屈肌和腕长伸肌的表面肌电信号,并采用均方根和小波分析方法提取其特征参数;运用SPSS软件统计以被试者自身的MVC为基准的不同握力水平的相对特征值,使不同的被试者具有可比性。

2.Electrical quantities measuring based onroot mean square and sequence sampling value has the weakness of low accuracy.利用顺序采样采样值 ,用均方根值法计算电量时会产生较大误差 ,本文采用校正采样值的方法计算电量 ,提高了电量测量精度。

3.Besides,the method ofroot mean square is used to select and verify the optimal motor.以某钢管厂步进式冷床升降系统为例,介绍了冷床升降系统的工作原理,根据运动分析建立了力学模型,并进行了详细的静力分析、计算,绘出了一个步进周期内电机负荷的曲线图,采用均方根法进行驱动电机的优化选型和校验,最后采用平衡锤抵消部分负载力矩的方式改善了电机的负载状况。


1.Like traditional method,the new one also displays pattern on LCD panel by differentRMS of voltage between COMMON level and SEGMENT level.提出了用数字信号取代多电平信号驱动TN-LCD的方法,利用数字信号相位差和占空比的不同,实现行(COMMON)和列(SEGMENT)信号电压差均方根值差异而达到显示图形的效果。


1.Using time-domain voltage-RMS,wavelet transform and FFT,various types of power quality disturbance signals are layered-recognized.利用时域均方根值电压变动特性、小波变换及FFT变换对多种电能质量扰动信号进行分层次辨识。

5)Root mean square value均方根值

1.A dynamic response method, root mean square value of acceleration method, for determining the state of structures based on the state characteristic variables is discussed.以矩形截面简支梁为例,考察出现局部损伤的情况,通过对大量计算结果的分析处理,选取对应移动质量荷载的敏感状态特征量——加速度均方根值,提出了简支梁损伤判别的动力响应法——加速度均方根值法。

2.This paper gives out a new calculating formula,based on analysing the root mean square value formula of vibration acceptation of crane cab which is proposed by Russian M.Гохберг教授提出的驾驶室振动加速度均方根值计算公式的基础上,给出了新的计算公式。

6)root-mean-square error均方根差

1.Firstly,aroot-mean-square error is calculated when a DC series motor controlled by the fuzzy controller is in steady state.首先计算出采用该模糊控制器控制直流串联电机的运行,当电机处于稳定状态时的均方根差;然后与一些文献中给出的具有较好控制品质的模糊控制器加以比较。


均方根Image:11509551240358113.jpg 均方根

均方根 有时也称方均根。英语写为:root mean square(rms).将n个项的平方和处以n后开平方的结果,即方均根的结果。

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