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包覆层 inhibitor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-18 06:21:06


包覆层 inhibitor英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on Smog test & Characterizing Technique of Inhibitor;固体推进剂包覆层烟雾测试与表征技术研究

2.Research Progress on Inhibitor of Solid Propellant固体推进剂包覆层的研究进展

3.Although unsaturated polyester resin(UPR)inhibitor has many advantages,it also has some disadvantages,such as the large brittleness,the low elongation at low temperature(-40℃),and the poor matching degree with the propellant in respect of mechanical property.针对U PR包覆层存在着固化物脆性大、低温延伸率低、与推进剂力学性能匹配差的缺点,提出将纳米T iO2均匀地分散在U PR基体中的共混改性方法,对U PR包覆层进行改性研究。


1.Coating removal of glass-coated FeCoSiB microwires by chemical method玻璃包覆FeCoSiB微丝包覆层化学去除方法

2.oil-coating process形成油膜包覆层的方法

3.Research of Coating-layer and Interfacial Characteristic of Low Temperature Sensitivity Coefficient(LTSC) Propellant;低温感发射药包覆层、包覆界面特性研究

4.Application of Coated Red Phosphorus in the Anti-ablative Modification of UPR Inhibitor包覆红磷在UPR包覆层耐烧蚀改性中的应用

5.These strands were coated on four sides with a nonburning coating consisting of a neoprene latex based paint.用氯丁橡胶乳漆所组成的包覆层将药条的四个侧面包覆起来。

6.The sensitizer is preferably encapsulated in quite small capsules of a solid最好是将敏化剂包裹在十分小的固体包覆层中。

7.Study on Low-frequency Characteristic of Sound Absorption Layer by Embedding Viscoelastic Coated Material嵌入粘弹性包覆层的吸声覆盖层低频性能研究(英文)

8.Ablative Mechanism of APP/Phyllo-Silicate/UPR InhibitorAPP/层状硅酸盐填充UPR包覆层的耐烧蚀机理

9.To cover or surround with mulch.覆盖用覆盖层覆盖或包围

10.A coat or layer enveloping an organ or a part.被膜一种覆盖器官或身体部位的覆盖层或包被

11.Impregnated, coated, cover/laminated textile fabric etc.浸渍、涂布、包覆或层压的纺织物

12.textile fabric, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride (excl tyre cord fabric)纺织物,用聚氯乙烯浸渍、涂层、包覆或压层(不包括轮胎帘子布)

13.textile fabric, impregnated, coated. covered or laminated with polyurethane (excl. tyre cord fabric)纺织物,用聚氨基甲酸乙酯浸渍、涂层、包覆或压层(不包括轮胎帘子布)

14.Core - spun yams have a central core with a second layer or sheath of fibers wrapped around it.包芯纱有一个纱芯,表面包覆有由纤维构成的表层或皮层。

15.Textile fabrics impregnated, ctd, cov, or laminated with plastics, nes用其他塑料浸渍、涂布、包覆或层压的其他纺织物

16.Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated无纺织物,不论是否浸渍、涂布、包覆或层压

17.Textile fab impregnatd, ctd, cov, or laminatd w polyvinyl chloride, nes用聚氧乙烯浸渍、涂布、包覆或层压的其他纺织物

18.The inner layer of the pericardium that is in actual contact with the surface of the heart.心外膜紧密覆盖在心脏表面的心包膜脏层



1.Formulation investigation and property test of polyurethane(PU)coating applied to the propellant;某推进剂用聚氨酯包覆层配方研究及性能测试

2.Storage time ofcoating and integrality of adhesion betweencoating and propellant is important to the reliability of engine.包覆层的贮存时间和它与推进剂粘结的完整性对于发动机工作的可靠性来说是非常重要的。

3.By utilizing toluene diisocyanate(TDI) and liquefied diphenylmethane diisocyanate(MDI) to synthesize polyisocyanate,and then to synthesize the adhesive of polyurethane as main component of certain propellantcoating,acoating with good mechanical property and low smoke & fog property is obtained.利用2,4-甲苯二异氰酸酯(TD I)和液化4,4′-二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(M D I)合成聚异氰酸酯,进而合成聚氨酯黏结剂作为某推进剂包覆层的主要组分,使得该包覆层具有良好的力学性能和低烟雾性能等。


1.Storage Test of the Liner of the Case Bonding Composite Solid Propellants Charge;复合固体推进剂装药侧面包覆层贮存试验

2.Adding molecular sieves toliner can remarkably improve the combination properties of theliner.将分子筛添加于包覆层中,可显著提高包覆层的综合性能。

3.Theliner for double-based propellant was prepared from HTPB,toluene diisocyanate,diisooctyl sebacate,1,4-butanediol and mica.以端羟基聚丁二烯(丁羟胶,HTPB)、癸二酸二异辛酯、1,4 丁二醇、绢云母、甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)等为原材料,制备了双基药柱用包覆层。


1.Signal Processing Research for Rocket Motor Cladding Thickness;火箭发动机装药包覆层厚度信号处理技术研究

2.Testing System Design for Rocket Motor Cladding;火箭发动机装药包覆层检测系统设计

3.According to forming rule of metal during rolling,the thickness rate changing rule ofcladding during hot rolling and cold rolling is studied.揭示基体金属和焊层金属在热轧时的复合机理及成形规律,根据金属轧制过程中的变形规律,研究了热轧过程中及冷轧过程中包覆层的厚比变化规律,研究了铝合金钎焊板(箔)热轧复合工艺,开发出满足使用要求的铝合金钎焊板(箔)。

5)coating layer包覆层

1.n this paper,a method to study the combustion laws of propellant s externalcoating layer was put forward.该文提出了研究包覆火药包覆层外层燃烧规律的方法,利用中止燃烧实验获得了火药包覆层外层燃烧时的p-t曲线及曲线,分析这些曲线的变化规律,讨论了温度和包覆层厚度对p-t曲线及曲线变化规律的影响,并得到了包覆层外层燃烧的燃速—压力关系式,这对建立包覆火药装药的经典内弹道模型、促进包覆火药装药技术的推广应用都具有重要意义。



包覆层分子式:CAS号:性质:是推进剂用包覆层的总称。有四种类型。(1)propellant inhibiting 包覆在推进剂表面用以控制燃面的耐燃材料,见推进剂包覆层。(2)inhibiting layer 燃速测试中用以控制药条燃面的限燃材料,如醋酸纤维,聚乙烯缩丁醛。(3)1iner 早期国内把绝热层和推进剂之间的黏结剂也称作包覆层,现称作衬层。(4)coating 包覆在氧化剂表面以改善表面性状的表面改性剂。

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