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抑制物质 inhibitor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-30 17:09:41


抑制物质 inhibitor英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on substance of germinationinhibitor in seed of Codonopsis lameolata Benth.et Hook;轮叶党参种子中萌发抑制物质活性的研究

2.Study on Activity of Germination Inhibitors in Endosperm of Taxus chinensis var.mairei Seed;南方红豆杉种子胚乳中发芽抑制物质的活性

3.Study on Germination Inhibitors in Different Parts of American Ginseng Fruit;西洋参果实不同部位发芽抑制物质的研究


1.acetylcholine esterase-inhibiting substance乙酰胆碱酶抑制物质

2.Changes of Inhibitory Substances in Stratification Process of Hawthorn Seeds山楂种子层积过程中抑制物质的变化

3.Immune Suppression Substance Secreted by HepG2 Cell Line;肝癌HepG2细胞系分泌的免疫抑制物质的研究

4.The Study of the Effects of Artesunate on Immunosuppressiv Substances the Secretion from Hela Cells青蒿琥酯影响Hela细胞免疫抑制物质分泌的研究

5.Germination inhibitors in seeds of Taxus chinensis var. mairei南方红豆杉种子发芽抑制物质的初步研究

6.a substance that retards or stops an activity.减少或抑制活性的物质。

7.To inhibit(a substance or reaction).抑制(一种物质或反应)

8.One that inhibits, as a substance that retards or stops a chemical reaction.抑制物抑制物,如可减缓或停止化学反应的物质

9.A substance that inhibits the growth of fungi.抑真菌剂抑制真菌生长的物质

10.Additionally the extract contains substances, which act against cramps.这种提取物还含有抑制月经痛的物质。

11.Isolated and Identified the Antibacterial Compound of Coriaria Sinica Maxim and Research of Bacteriostatic Mechanism;马桑抑菌物质的分离鉴定及抑菌机制研究

12.Something that checks or restrains"抑制物,限制物"

13.An agent, such as a chemical or biological material, that inhibits bacterial growth.细菌抑制剂一种抑制细菌生长的制剂,如化学或生物物质

14.A substance that inhibits the activity of cholinesterase.抗胆碱脂酶抑制胆碱脂酶活动的物质

15.An antioxidant is a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.抗氧化物是一种化学复合物或物质,可抑制氧化。

16.A substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of disease-causing microorganisms.抗菌剂抑制致病微生物生长和繁殖的物质

17.The Inhibition of Hydrophytes Allelochemicals on Coliphage水生植物化感物质对噬菌体的抑制作用

18.To discipline(one"s body and physical appetites)by self - denial or self - inflicted privation.抑制通过克己或自我苦行的方式抑制(一个人的身体或物质欲望)



1.There are someinhibitors in the sarcocarp,seed coat and endosperm,and the inhibitory effect of the extracts from endosperm was stronger than others,sarcocarp was the second and the seed coat the last.果肉、种皮和胚乳中均存在抑制物质,胚乳中提取物质对白菜种子萌发的抑制效果最明显,果肉其次,种皮最弱。

2.It was therefore proposed that there were probably a lot ofinhibitors in pulp,as well as in endocarp and endosperm.通过对果实中抑制物质的初步分离 ,结果显示 ,除内果皮和胚乳外 ,其果肉中也存在大量抑制物 ,其抑制活性分别为果肉>内果皮 >胚乳 。

3.Theinhibitors were preliminarily isolated by using a series of solvents, then separated and purified by ac, and then further isolated and identified with GerMS.改进了传统的发芽抑制物质的提取、分离与鉴定方法,以系统溶剂法初步提取各组分,通过TLC分离与纯化,用GC-MS联用仪进一步分离鉴定,最后以标准品核对并测定抑制物质的活性及半抑制浓度(IC50)。

3)Inhibitory substance抑制物质

1.It has been found for the first time that there is quite a number inhibitory substances in the testa and kernel of dormant Fructus Schisandrae.本研究首次证明了北五味子的种子的种皮、种仁扎含有相当量的生长抑制物质,且种皮、种仁粗提物的抑制性有显著差异,前者对白菜幼根生长抑制活性较强,后者对白菜种子萌发抑制活性较强。

2.In order to gain a deeper understanding on dormancy mechanism of hawthorn seed,endocarp,seed capsule and embryo were soaked in 80% methanol solution to extract inhibitory substances,taking wild hawthorn seeds as materials,and effects of extracts on germination rate of cabbage seed were researched.结果表明,山楂种子的内果皮、种皮、种胚均含有发芽抑制物质,其抑制作用依次减弱。

4)Germination inhibitor抑制物质

1.The Nanjing Linden seeds(fruits) were taken as the materials to extract germination inhibitor respectively from fruit shell,seed coat,and endosperm with methanol solution,and conduct the germination test of Chinese cabbage seeds using those extracts.以南京椴种子(果实)为研究材料,对果皮、种皮和胚乳中所存在的抑制物质进行甲醇浸提,并进行白菜种子发芽测定,利用系统溶剂法初步分离种子和果皮中的抑制物质。

5)suppressive substances抑制性物质

1.By means of monomer test,repetition test and relative action test,the effect of thesuppressive substances in the anaerobic digestion process of penicillin wastewater and its concentration on the treatment efficiency has been investigated.采用单体试验、重复试验、相互作用试验考察青霉素废水厌氧消化过程中的抑制性物质及其浓度对处理效果的影响。

6)plant inhibited substances植物抑制物质


《步兵战术及其物质基础》《步兵战术及其物质基础》Infantry Tactics, Derived from Material CausesBubing Zhanshu iiqi Wuzhi Iiehu《步兵战术及其物质基础》口找户Tacrics,Derived了h,m Material Causes)恩格斯论述战术同物质条件关系问题亡事著作。用德文写于1877年。首载于克思恩格斯全集》1935年国际版。中i约5 000字,全文收人《马克思恩格;集》中文第1版第20卷和《马克思恩才军事文集》第1卷。该文原是《反杜林论》第2篇第31稿的片断,作者在收人全书时做了压缩,冠以现在的标题。该文通过对17世纪)19世纪70年代步兵战术发展的历史考论证了军事艺术演变的客观规律,揭,作战方法对物质条件的依赖关系。主履述了以下观点:武器的改进将改变军队内部的成:战斗队形该文用16世纪以来步兵内{分的变化和战斗队形的演变说明了上i理。16和17世纪,步兵是由长矛手和二手两部分组成的。长矛手的任务是在之时持矛冲锋,而火枪手贝lJ以火力进布护。最初,长矛手采用类似古希腊方阵(集队形作战;火枪手采用的队形的纵之较大,因当时的火枪装弹费时,非每朽10人不足以保证整个排面的射击不当断。后来,随着火器的逐步改进,火枪三行5人即可保持不间断的射击,因此,l数量的火枪手可占领几乎比过去宽一f正面。山于枪的火力对密集的人群具月大杀伤作用,长矛手的队形这时也改久或8列。这样,战斗队形便变得纵深越;ry军马文全斯手并到乳了阂和成原枪浅庵密也至中擎岸狗巨Fll欧;逐步r胜负火枪而是己末,!缝发中消使用手本在冲就变为宽这两过对形成,产线式发展因素是人式战靠的带刺。但兵作为切的队目而,平坦密的分散许多打击人员战方 该队战小,正面越来越宽,线式队形就是这柏形成的。在这样的战斗队形中,战斗郁已不再依靠长矛手的冲锋,而是取决于手的火力。长矛手的作用已不是攻击,掩护火枪手不受敌人骑兵袭击。17世】随着装有刺刀的、使用预先造好子弹配枪的出现,长矛成为赞物而从步兵武器失,长矛手也随之退出战争舞台。

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