糖尿病康复 > 老年吸入性肺炎 Elderly patient with aspiration pneumonia英语短句 例句大全

老年吸入性肺炎 Elderly patient with aspiration pneumonia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-26 12:36:24


老年吸入性肺炎 Elderly patient with aspiration pneumonia英语短句 例句大全

老年吸入性肺炎,Elderly patient with aspiration pneumonia

1)Elderly patient with aspiration pneumonia老年吸入性肺炎


1.Analysis on risk factors of elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia老年吸入性肺炎的相关危险因素分析

2.Sputum clearance with the early use of bronchoscopy improves aspiration pneumonia induced acute respiratory failure in elderly早期支气管镜吸痰对改善老年吸入性肺炎所致急性呼吸功能衰竭的临床探讨

3.Early bronchoscopic sputum suction in elderly patients with aspiration pneumonia-induced acute heart and lung failure早期纤支镜吸痰治疗老年人吸入性肺炎所致急性心肺功能衰竭

4.Prevention care of aspiration pneumonia in elderly patients with stroke老年脑卒中患者预防吸入性肺炎的护理

5.Discussion about the Clinical Symptoms Improvement by Use of Early Fiberbronchoscope Suction in Treating Aspiration Pneumonia of the Aged People早期纤支镜吸痰对改善老年人吸入性肺炎临床症状的意义

6.The observation and the nursing of fluidic atomization inbreathing for senile pneumonia射流雾化吸入治疗老年肺炎的观察与护理

7.Pathogenic Bacteria in Senile Patients with Ventilator-associated Pneumonia老年患者呼吸机相关性肺炎的临床与病原菌研究

8.Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is related to inhaled antigens.过敏性肺炎与吸入抗原物质有关;

9.Reflux leads to recurrent or refractory aspiration pneumonia.反流可引起复发的难治的吸入性肺炎。

10.Inhaled Nitric Oxide Intervention on Experimental Meconium Aspiration Pneumonia and Acute Lung Injury;吸入一氧化氮对实验性胎粪吸入性肺炎及肺损伤的干预研究

11.Abscesses are complications of aspiration, where they appear more frequently in the right posterior lung.脓肿是吸入性肺炎的并发症,常见于右肺背侧。

12.Etiological analysis of clinical feature and characterization of aged pneumonia老年性肺炎的临床特点及病原学分析

13.Old community-acquired pneumonia clinical analysis老年社区获得性肺炎237例临床分析

14.Characteristics of old patients with community-acquired pneumonia in Wuhan武汉市老年人社区获得性肺炎的特点

15.Probe into standardized nursing care of senile patients with apoplexy associated pneumonia老年卒中相关性肺炎规范化护理探讨

16.Adds the Taste to Make up the Lung Soup Auxiliary Treatment Elderly Pneumonia"s Clinical Research加味补肺汤辅助治疗老年性肺炎的临床研究

17.Clinic experience of eight six cases of acute stroke with aspiration pneumonia86例急性脑卒中并吸入性肺炎患者的诊疗体会

18.Prospective Concurrent Controlled Trial of 23-valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in Prevention of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections the Elderly in the Community;23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗预防老年人群下呼吸道感染的前瞻性同期临床对照试验


senile pneumonia老年性肺炎

1.Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of three therapeutic regimens forsenile pneumonia3种方案治疗老年性肺炎的成本-效果分析

2.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and pharmacoeconomic results of three kinds of quinolones in treatment ofsenile pneumonia.目的 :评价3种喹诺酮类药物治疗老年性肺炎的疗效及经济效果。

3)Aspiration pneumonia吸入性肺炎

1.Effect of pantoprazole on the incidence of aspiration pneumonia in 130 stroke patients潘托拉唑应用脑卒中吸入性肺炎130例临床分析

2.Objective To probe into the clinic features and treatment of aspiration pneumonia in elderly patients.目的探讨老年吸入性肺炎临床特点及治疗方法。

3.Objective To discuss the effect of feeding training to the aspiration pneumonia patients with swallowing disorder.目的探讨进食训练对吞咽障碍所致吸入性肺炎患者的康复效果。

4)Aspiration pneumonitis吸入性肺炎

parative study on moxifloxacin versus levofloxacin in the treatment of aspiration pneumonitis of eighty old patients;莫西沙星与左氧氟沙星静脉滴注治疗老年吸入性肺炎80例对比研究

5)Aspiratory pneumonia吸入性肺炎

1.Correlation between oral disease and aspiratory pneumonia;口腔疾病与吸入性肺炎的关系

2.Objective To investigate the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on incidence of aspiratory pneumonia in elderly hypertensive stroke patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.目的观察合并高血压的脑卒中并发稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者应用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)类降压药对其预防吸入性肺炎的影响。

6)Geriatric nosocomial pneumonia老年获得性肺炎



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