糖尿病康复 > 补益脾胃 supplement the spleen and stomach英语短句 例句大全

补益脾胃 supplement the spleen and stomach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-30 21:34:40


补益脾胃 supplement the spleen and stomach英语短句 例句大全

补益脾胃,supplement the spleen and stomach

1)supplement the spleen and stomach补益脾胃


1.Effect of Replenishing-spleen Principle of Changes of the Structure of Erythrocyte Membrane,ATPase Activities and the Ultrastructure of Hippocampi in old Spleen-deficiency Rat;补益脾胃法对脾虚老龄大鼠红细胞膜结构和ATP酶活性及海马超微结构变化的影响

2.The Function of Gastric Acid Secretion in Spleen-Deficiency Rats and the Regulating Effects of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction;脾虚大鼠的胃酸分泌功能及补中益气汤的作用

3.The influence of the Decoction for expelling stagnation and invigoratling the spleen on apoptosis of gastric ulcer rats开郁健脾益胃汤对胃溃疡大鼠细胞凋亡的影响

4.The Clinical Study of Treatingim Accompanying CAG(Weakness of the Spleen and Stomach) by Combining Jianpiyiei Decoction with Restraining HP;健脾益胃汤联合抗HP疗法治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎伴肠化(脾胃虚弱型)临床研究

5.The Clinical Study about Jian Pi Yi Wei Decoction and Anti-H.Pylori Treament s Effect on the Atrophy of Gastric Mucous in the Chronic Atrophic Gastritis of Spleen-Stomach Deficiency Syndrome;健脾益胃汤联合抗H.pylori疗法对脾胃虚弱型CAG胃黏膜萎缩影响的临床研究

6.Effect of Yipi Gippo on Plasma β-EP and MTL in Experimental Model of Spleen Deficiency;益脾煎对脾虚模型大鼠血浆β-内啡肽和胃动素的影响

7.The Effect of Yipizhixie Decoction on the Content of D-xylose in Serum and Motilin in Plasma of Rats with Spleen Asthenic Diarrhea益脾止泻汤对脾虚泄泻大鼠血清D-木糖含量及血浆胃动素的影响

8.The influnce of the mothod of “reinforcing the spleen to replenish QI” on the level of cyclic nucleoside of the rat asthmatic models with spleen-deficiency补脾益气中药对脾虚哮喘大鼠环核苷酸水平的影响

9.Influence of Herbs of Reinforcing Spleen to Replenishing Qi on I κB/NF- κB Signaling in Rats with Bronchial Asthma of Spleen Deficency补脾益气方药对脾虚哮喘大鼠肺组织IκB/NF-κB信号途径的影响

10.Regulating and Controlling Actions of the Spleen-Invigorating Recipe and Herbal Drugs on Gastrin Receptors and Intracellular Signal Transduction in Gastric Parietal Cells of Spleen-Deficiency Rats in Vitro;补脾方药对脾虚大鼠离体胃壁细胞胃泌素受体及受体后信号转导调控作用研究

11.Clinical Study of the Therapy of Invigorating Heart and Spleen to Treat Ostpartum Depression;补益心脾法治疗产后抑郁症的临床研究

12.The Therapeutic Evaluation about the Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney Theory Used in the Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis;补脾益肾法治疗重症肌无力的疗效评价

13.Influence of Buzhong Yiqi pill on gonadal hormone levels of rats with spleen deficiency syndrome补中益气丸对脾虚证大鼠性激素水平的影响

14.The Clinical Study about Jian Pi Yi Wei Decoction and H.Pylori Eradication Treament s Effect on Syndrome of Chinese Medicine in the Chronic Atrophic Gastritis of Spleen-Stomach Deficiency Syndrome;健脾益胃汤联合抗H.pylori疗法对脾胃虚弱型CAG中医证候影响的临床研究

15.Foreign researches find that date contains some other materials that are particularly effective on inhibiting the cancer cell division and improving human immunity.绿色食品,老少皆宜,长期食用,可补五脏、虚损、心肺、脾胃,滋阴养血。

16.The Clinical Research of Jian ZhongBuPi HuoXueLiQi Treatment for Chronic Atrophic Gastritis建中补脾、活血理气法治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎临床探讨

17.The Effect of Bupiwei Shengyang Sanhuo Decoction in Treating the Atrophic Glossitis Ocurrring in Malignant Tumor Patients补脾胃泻阴火升阳汤加减治疗肿瘤并发萎缩性舌炎疗效观察

18.Clinical and Experimental Study on Qing You Yi Wei Decoction in Treating Helicobacter Pylori Associated Chronic Superficial Gastritis of Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome清幽益胃汤治疗幽门螺杆菌相关性慢性浅表性胃炎脾胃湿热证的临床与实验研究


Invigorating the spleen and reinforcing stomach健脾益胃

3)Tonifying spleen and stomach滋补脾胃

1.She considered that irregular menses were caused by combination of exterior and interior pathogenic factors;the basic method for regulating menstruation was " to Treat Excess Syndrome with Reducing Method,Deficiency Syndrome with Tonifying Method ",Tonifying spleen and stomach were also a principle for protecting the source of vital function.通过对《陈素庵妇科补解》一书调经门内容的研究,总结陈沂对妇科调经的成就,认为月经不调乃内外因合至而致病,调经根本大法乃“实者通之,虚者补之”,滋补脾胃亦为颐护生化之源的基本法则。

4)strengthening the spleen and stomach健补脾胃

1.Centred on the spleen and stomach,three methods were used to treat amenorrhea:strengthening the spleen and stomach,nourishing yin and body fluid,removing blood stasis and regulating chong channel.张锡纯治妇人血枯经闭,以脾胃为中心,施以健补脾胃、滋养阴液、化瘀调冲三法,并创制了一系列血枯经闭新方,因证制宜,疗效卓著。

5)harmonizing the spleen and stomach调补脾胃

6)warmly invigorating spleen and stomach温补脾胃



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