糖尿病康复 > 闭合性肾损伤 closed renal trauma英语短句 例句大全

闭合性肾损伤 closed renal trauma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-28 20:07:46


闭合性肾损伤 closed renal trauma英语短句 例句大全

闭合性肾损伤,closed renal trauma

1)closed renal trauma闭合性肾损伤

1.Diagnosis and treatment ofclosed renal trauma (report of 86 cases);闭合性肾损伤的诊断与治疗(附86例报告)

2.Diagnosis and treatment ofclosed renal trauma (report of 165 cases);闭合性肾损伤的诊断与治疗(附165例报告)


1.Diagnosis and treatment of 21 cases with closed renal trauma复合伤中闭合性肾损伤21例诊治体会

2.The Value of CT Scaning in the Choice of the Treatment of Severe Blunt Renal Injury;CT时代重型闭合性肾损伤治疗探讨

3.Ultrasonographic diagnosis of small bowel injury after blunt trauma超声诊断闭合性腹部损伤后小肠损伤

4.Dynamic Observation of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential and Pathological Changes of the Brain after Closed Brain Injuries in Rats.;闭合性颅脑损伤后大鼠BAEP及脑损伤的动态变化

5.An Investigation of Acute Closed Injury of Breaking Heel Tendon;急性闭合性跟腱断裂损伤的调查分析

6.Diagnosis and Management of Blunt Pancreatic Trauma: An Analysis of 12 Cases;闭合性胰腺损伤12例诊断和治疗分析

7.Expression of PDGF-B after FluidPercussion Brain Injury in Rats;PDGF-B在闭合性脑损伤组织中的表达

8.Expression of PDGFR-β in rats suffering from closed brain injury;PDGFR-β在大鼠闭合性脑损伤中的表达

9.Clinical analysis of 1270 patients with blunt chest injury1270例闭合性胸部损伤患者的临床分析

10.The experience of diagnosis and treatment of 255 cases of the abdominal closed injury腹部闭合性损伤255例的诊治体会

11.Nursing Experience of 126 Cases of Closed Abdominal Injury126例腹部闭合性损伤的护理体会

12.closed head syndrome闭合形颅脑损伤综合症

13.A Clinical Research of Vertebral Artery Injury After Closed Cervical Spine Trauma;闭合性颈椎创伤伴椎动脉损伤的临床研究

14.MBP content in serum after closed diffuse cranial injury in rats;大鼠闭合性脑损伤后血清髓鞘碱性蛋白研究

15.Observation on Efficacy of Medicinal Oil Gauze on Acute Closed Soft-Tissue Injury药物油纱治疗急性闭合性软组织损伤疗效观察

16.CT Diagnosis in Intestinal and Mesenteric Injury after Abdominal Closed Trauma腹部闭合性损伤致肠和肠系膜损伤的CT平扫诊断

17.One Case Report of Diffuse Peritonitis Caused by Contusion of Intestines after Closed Injury of Abdomen腹部闭合性损伤致肠挫伤合并弥漫性腹膜炎1例

18.The value of MRI in diagnosis of Achilles tendon rupture磁共振成像在闭合性跟腱损伤诊断中的价值


Shutting renal harm闭合性肾脏损伤

3)closed injury闭合性损伤

1.CT diagnosis of abdominalclosed injury(46 cases analysis);腹部闭合性损伤的CT诊断46例分析

4)Closed trauma闭合性损伤

1.This paper aims at investigating the application of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of closed trauma in spleen,it also reviews and summarizes the collected data for 56 cases of clinical diagnosis for closed trauma in spleen.目的:探讨超声诊断在脾脏闭合性损伤中的应用价值。

5)closed thoracic trauma闭合性胸部损伤

1.Methods Twenty-one male thoracic trauma patients received VATS,including 2 cases of penetrating thoracic trauma and 19 cases ofclosed thoracic trauma,in Lantai Hospital from August 1, to June 1, were retrospectively reviewed.方法回顾性分析8月~6月施行VATS的21例男性病例的临床资料,其中开放性胸部损伤患者2例,闭合性胸部损伤患者19例。

6)diffuse brain leison闭合性脑损伤

1.Aim: To observe the morphology variety of astrocytes and NO, ET in brain tissue after experimentdiffuse brain leison in rats.目的探讨闭合性脑损伤后脑组织星形胶质细胞(Ast)形态学变化及一氧化氮(NO)、内皮素(ET)水平的变化。


肾损伤肾损伤injury of kidney由于直接暴力、间接暴力、穿刺伤或自发破裂而引起肾的不同程度损伤。轻度损伤包括肾实质挫伤或轻微裂伤,肾包膜完整。重度损伤包括肾实质深度裂伤或全层裂伤,甚至肾蒂血管撕裂伤。容易发生休克。诊断肾损伤依据肾区损伤史、出血及血尿、休克、腰部疼痛、腰肌紧张、腰部包块。并发感染时可出现全身中毒症状。开放性损伤有尿液自伤口流出。腹平片、静脉尿路造影及核素肾扫描可协助诊断。诊断肾损伤时应注意有无并发其他脏器损伤。轻度损伤者可卧床休息,保守治疗。严重损伤者如休克无好转,腰部肿块明显增大应手术探查,作相应处理。

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