糖尿病康复 > 克氏综合征 Klinefelter syndrome英语短句 例句大全

克氏综合征 Klinefelter syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 18:14:14


克氏综合征 Klinefelter syndrome英语短句 例句大全

克氏综合征,Klinefelter syndrome

1)Klinefelter syndrome克氏综合征

1.Study of the karyotype and clinics of 46 patients withKlinefelter syndrome;46例克氏综合征核型与临床

2.Objective To investigate the correlation between testicular volume and sex hormone and the pathogenesis of male sterility inKlinefelter syndrome.目的探讨克氏综合征睾丸体积大小与性激素的相关性及造成克氏综合征男性不育的发病机理。

3.The objective of the work is to study the technique of dualcolor fluorescence in situ hybridization(DFISH) and its application value in the diagnosis of sex chromosomal count abnormalityKlinefelter syndrome and establish an experimental approach to metaphase chromosome and interphase nucleus FISH technique.探讨用双色荧光原位杂交技术(dual colorfluorescenceinsituhybridization,D FISH)检测性染色体数目异常克氏综合征的应用价值,建立常规分裂期染色体和间期细胞FISH技术的实验方法。


1.Clinical Observation of Testosterone Undecanoate CapsulesTreatment for Klinefelter Syndrome十一酸睾酮胶丸治疗克氏综合征临床疗效观察

2.Determination of Serum Sex Homones and Free Testosterone in 71 Cases of Klinefelter Syndrome71例克氏综合征患者血清性激素和游离睾酮检测分析

3.Abercrombie"s syndrome艾伯克友比氏综合征

4.Adams - Stokes syndrome亚当斯-斯托克斯二氏综合征

5.Aldrich"s syndrome奥尔德里奇氏综合征

6.Madelung syndromeMadelung综合征(马德隆氏综合征)

7.Alport"s syndrome遗传性肾炎神经性耳聋综合征;阿尔波特氏综合

8.Stokes-Adams syndrome斯托克斯-亚当斯综合征

9.China is a vulnerable region with a large population of Babies affected with Down Syndrome我国是唐氏综合征患儿的高发国家

10.Results indicated that 11 fetuses had Down syndrome.结果表明有11个胎儿患有唐氏综合征。


12.A Research on Narrative Competence of Children with Down Syndrome;唐氏综合征儿童叙事能力的初步研究

13.Appolication of STR-PCR in Diagnosis of Down Syndrome;STR-PCR在唐氏综合征诊断中的应用

14.Diagnosis and review of 2893 examples of prenatal sieve2893例产前唐氏综合征筛查及诊断分析

15.Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mental Retardation in Down Syndrome唐氏综合征智力低下的细胞分子机制

16.Discussion about the Pathogenesis of Bechcets Syndrome through "Coagulations of Stagnantion & Toxicant Encroachs into Collaterals"从“淤毒入络”论白塞氏综合征病机要义

17.Detection of Down syndrome by the double chromatography fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction双色荧光定量PCR快速诊断唐氏综合征

18.A Study on the rapid prenatal diagnosis for Down"s syndrome唐氏综合征快速产前诊断方法的研究


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease克-亚二氏综合征

1.MRI features ofCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease;克-亚二氏综合征的MR表现

3)Creutzfeldt Jakob syndrome克雅二氏综合征

4)Creutyfeldt-Jakob syndrome克亚二氏综合征

5)Kleine levin syndrome克-莱二氏综合征

6)Devic syndrome德维克氏综合征


克氏综合征分子式:CAS号:性质: 简称克氏综合征。由于在男性染色体组型中多了一条X染色体,成XXY型,因而人体出现的一组症状。

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