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症候群 syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-18 09:34:25


症候群 syndrome英语短句 例句大全



1.Feasibility of respiratorysyndrome for respiratory diseases surveillance in a hospital某综合医院呼吸道症候群用于呼吸道疾病监测可行性评价


1.Klinefelter"s syndrome克莱恩费耳德氏症候群

2.immobilizecilia syndrome纤毛运动不能症候群

3.In those situations, savant syndrome may appear.在这些情况下,学者症候群就可能出现。

4.Henoch-Schonlein syndrome亨诺黑-忻莱因二氏症候群

5."Cushing"s syndrome : Disorder named for Harvey Williams Cushing, caused by adrenal cortex overactivity. If caused by a pituitary gland tumour, it is called Cushing disease."库兴氏症候群:亦称库兴氏

6.the cervical syndrome【医】颈部症候群,头颈部的扭伤

7."Respiratory distress syndrome(or hyaline membrane disease):Common complication in newborns, especially after premature birth."呼吸窘迫症候群(亦称特发性呼吸窘迫症候群):婴儿常见的并发症,尤其是早产与过期产后。

8.Cogan-Reese syndrome is one of the spectrum of iridocorneal endothelial syndrome (ICE).科根-端斯症候群是属于虹彩角膜内皮细胞症候群中的一种特殊型态,好发于女性。

9.Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): Sudden debilitating fatigue of unknown cause.慢性疲劳症候群: 不明原因的突然虚弱疲劳,

10."Syndrome" of the Plight in Ideological and Political Education--From the Perspective of Contact Philosophy思想政治教育困境的“症候群”——交往哲学的视角

11.Autistic intelligence varies widely, from severe retardation to savant syndrome.自闭症患者的智力差异甚广,从极度迟钝到学者症候群不等。

12.Temporal lobe damage symptoms and monoplegia were seen in 2 and 1 respectiv - ely.神经官能症候群样模糊症状5例,伴有颞叶损害症状2例、伴单瘫1例;

13.Descriptions of savant syndrome appear in the scientific literature as early as 1789.早在1789年,科学文献中就出现有关学者症候群的描述。

14."Polycystic ovary syndrome:Endocrine disorder in women, characterized by high androgen levels and infrequent or absent ovulation."多囊卵巢症候群: 妇女内分泌疾病,因雄激素过高而阻碍了排卵。

15.Three patients had fundus changes characterized of those of the newly described multiple evanescent white dot (MEWD) syndrome.本文报告三位典型多发闪现性白点症候群的病例。

16.These include bird flu and SARS.这种传染病包括禽流感和严重急性呼吸道症候群在内。

17.HC Lam. Metabolic syndrome. Triple Trust Healthy World Magazine ;106:6.林兴中。认识代谢性症候群。三本健康世界;第106期:第6页。

18."A "postpolio syndrome"occurs decades later in some cases, with weakness of muscles that had recovered. "有些并立在数十年后发生「后小儿麻痹症候群」,再次造成肌肉无力。


syndrome of elites精英症候群

1.Based on the analysis of social syndrome, from the following aspects, such as social constitution, social evalution, precaution and social security system, to make a diagnosis ofsyndrome of elites.从医学社会学的独特解释视角来看,这一非正常的“精英症候群”实质上是反复循环状态下生产与再生产的一种“社会病”。

3)malignant diseases恶性症候群

4)neurasthenic symptoms神衰症候群

1.The complains of short-wave operators includedneurasthenic symptoms, dyspepsia and hypotrichosis and were significantly more than those of control group(P<0.短波作业人员主诉症状多为神衰症候群,心血管系统、消化系统主诉症状以及眩晕、脱发有很高发生率,与对照组均有极显著差异。

5)boredom syndrome无聊症候群

6)depressive spectrum disease,DSD忧随症候群



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