糖尿病康复 > 肾萎缩 atrophyorenal英语短句 例句大全

肾萎缩 atrophyorenal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-15 21:22:55


肾萎缩 atrophyorenal英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective To evaluate the risk factor onatrophyorenal after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy(ESWL).目的研究体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL)致患肾萎缩的危险因素。


1.A case of renal failure caused by left kidney atrophy combined with bilateral calculi obstruction左肾萎缩伴双肾结石梗阻致肾功能不全1例

2.Blighted, withered, or shriveled.枯萎的,萎缩的,皱缩的

3.A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system. The lower pole of the kidney shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis with collapse of cortical areas.图中可见巨大的鹿角样结石嵌顿于肾盂肾盏系统。肾下极可见出血坏死区域,伴有肾皮质萎缩。

4.Doctors are allowing older and more sluggish kidneys to be transplanted.医生们同意对较老化、功能较萎缩的肾脏进行移植手术。

5.The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure.尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。

6.Clinical Research of the Therapeutics Method of Strengthening the Speen, Tonifying the Kidney and Calming the Liver to Stop the Wind on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients;健脾补肾熄风法治疗肌萎缩侧索硬化症的临床研究

7.atrophied limbs, muscles萎缩的肢体、 肌肉.

8.curly dwarf【植】卷叶病, 萎缩病

9.To wither or shrivel or mature imperfectly.枯萎枯萎,萎缩或发育不良

10.relating to or characterized by atrophy.关于萎缩的,或有萎缩特征的。

11.A decrease in size of an organ, as of the uterus following childbirth.萎缩一个器官的萎缩,如妇女的子宫在生产后的萎缩

12.Observation on the curative effect of Liyangqingwei decoction on chronic astrophic gastritis理养清萎汤治疗萎缩性胃炎疗效研究

13.thopaedic instruments set for atrophic rhinitis萎缩性鼻炎矫正手术包

14.olivopontocerebellar atrophy橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩

15.infectious swine atrophic rhinitis猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎

16.atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis维生素缺乏性舌萎缩

17.progressive spinal muscular atrophy脊髓性进行性肌萎缩

18.parametritis chronica atrophicans慢性萎缩性子宫旁炎


Tubular atrophy肾小管萎缩

3)Adrenal cortex atrophy肾上腺皮质萎缩

4)granular atrophic kidney颗粒性萎缩肾


1.Advances of studies on denervated skeletal muscle atrophy;失神经骨骼肌萎缩的研究进展

2.Protective effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract 761 on atrophy of skeletal muscles in rat with limbs fixed;银杏叶提取物EGB761对肢体制动大鼠骨骼肌萎缩的防护效应

3.An Experimental Study on Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells in Vivo and Vitro and Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells Delaying Denervated MuscleAtrophy;神经干细胞体内外分化与体内移植延缓失神经肌肉萎缩的实验研究


parative Study between Endoscopic morphology and Histologic Mucosal Changes in ChronicAtrophic Gastritis;慢性萎缩性胃炎内镜下形态与组织学改变的比较研究

2.Cell Apoptosis inAtrophic Skeletal Muscle Induced by Immoblization in Rabbits——An Experimental Study Using TUNEL;不同制动时相兔骨骼肌萎缩与细胞凋亡的实验研究—原位缺口末端标记法(TUNEL)的观察检测

3.Study the mechanism of Liweininglu about improving the senile and atrophic vagina.研究目的研究酸甘中药组方制剂丽维凝露改善去卵巢后雌性Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠阴道组织萎缩、衰老状况的作用效果。



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