糖尿病康复 > 毛细血管网 capillary network英语短句 例句大全

毛细血管网 capillary network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-02 04:06:18


毛细血管网 capillary network英语短句 例句大全

毛细血管网,capillary network

1)capillary network毛细血管网

1.In order to find the answers to these questions,based on the model of endothelial cell factor diffusion to surrounding tissue, we attempt to introduce a series of assumptions aboutcapillary network construction.为了探索这些问题的答案,本研究试图通过提出毛细血管网络构建的一系列假设,并依据内皮细胞因子向周围组织扩散的模型,对内皮细胞对于不同浓度的内皮生长因子的反应进行研究,以期探讨血管新生的模式。


1.Each villus is richly supplied with blood which passes through a network of tiny tubes called capillaries.血液流过称为微血管的毛细血管网,丰富地供应给每一根绒毛。

2.(anatomy) a capillary network.(解剖学)毛细管网。

3.pulmonary capillary partial pressure of oxygen肺毛细血管血氧分压

4.On postnatal 14th day,the outer vascular network was well developted.出生后 14d,视网膜外层毛细血管发育基本完成。

5.Losartan Alleviate the Apoptosis in Retinal Capillary in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats氯沙坦减轻自发性高血压大鼠视网膜毛细血管细胞凋亡

6.Scanning laser Doppler flowmetry shows reduced retinal capillary blood flow in CADASIL激光扫描多普勒血流仪显示CADASIL视网膜毛细血管血流量减少

7.Influence of angiogenin-1 on ultrastructure of retinal capillary in diabetic rats血管生成素-1对糖尿病大鼠视网膜毛细血管超微结构的影响

8.clinical capillary blood viscometer临床毛细管血液粘度计

9.juxtapulmonary capillary receptor肺毛细血管旁感受器

10.a dilation of superficial capillaries with a central red dot from which blood vessels radiate.毛细血管的红肿块状。

11.Objective To establish a method for the primary culture of bovine retinal capillary pericytes.目的:建立牛视网膜毛细血管周细胞原代培养的方法。

12.Effect of Quercetin on the Growth of Bovine Retinal Microvascular Pericytes Cultured with the High Glucose Medium in Vitro槲皮素对体外高糖培养牛视网膜毛细血管周细胞生长的影响

13.Conclusions Most of the juxtapapillary capillary hemangioma are orange or red oval tumors.结论近视盘视网膜毛细血管瘤多呈类椭圆形、橙黄色或红色包块。

14.Between these cords are wide thinwalled blood vessels called sinusoids.在索之间是扩大了的毛细血管叫血窦。

15.hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症

16.Pycnogenol? boosts the immune system and it strengthens blood vessel walls and capillaries.碧萝芷?强化免疫系统、管壁和毛细血管。

17.reticuloma of cerebellar vessel小脑血管网织细胞瘤

18.The sinusoidal capillaries are found mainly in the liver and in hematopoietic organs.血窦毛细血管主要见于肝脏内造血器官。


retinal capillary视网膜毛细血管

3)Junction of capillary network毛细血管网交点

4)retinal capillary pericytes视网膜毛细血管周细胞

1.Effect of Milkvetch to bovineretinal capillary pericytes cultured with high glucose in vitro;黄芪提取物对体外高糖培养牛视网膜毛细血管周细胞的影响


1.To explore a method of identifying myocardial capillaries and to use it to observe the effects of ischemic preconditioning on the myocardial capillaries.探索显示心肌毛细血管的方法及用该法观察缺血预适应 (ischemicpreconditioning ,IP)对毛细血管的影响。


1.Selective Separation and Culture of Endothelia Cells in Bovine Retinal Capillary;牛视网膜毛细血管内皮细胞的选择性分离培养方法

2.Effect of +Gz exposures on rat s hippocampuscapillary;+Gz暴露对大鼠海马毛细血管超微结构的影响

3.Clinical features of 18 cases of juxtapapillarycapillary hemangioma;近视盘视网膜毛细血管瘤的临床特征分析


毛细血管网毛细血管网capillary network毛细血管是管腔最细并分布最广的血管,连接在动脉与静脉之间。毛细血管在组织内分支很多,互相通连吻合成网,称为毛细血管网。

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