糖尿病康复 > 劈刀 capillary英语短句 例句大全

劈刀 capillary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-08 09:44:32


劈刀 capillary英语短句 例句大全



1.Among the factors affecting fine-pitch ball bonding, free air ball diameter, line swing magnitude andcapillary tip shape are most critical.系统分析了影响高密度球键合质量的各种主要因素得出在诸多因素中金属熔球(FAB free air ball)直径,引线摆动幅度和劈刀顶端形状等三个因素对键合质量的影响最大。

2.We obtain the first three natural frequencies of structure of the ultrasonic bonding transducer through the experiments,and acquire the trends of these natural frequencies when fixingcapillary.实验通过激光多普勒测速仪测得换能系统俯仰方向振动的前三阶固有频率,以及安装劈刀前后的前三阶固有频率。

3.Capillary is the key component of the automatic wire bonder,the collection and analysis of thecapillary movement signal have important significance on the improving and studying of the micro-electronics equipment manufacture and techniques.劈刀是自动引线键合机的关键部件之一,采集和分析劈刀的运动信号对于研究和改进微电子封装设备的制造工艺技术具有重要意义。


1.Main movements include twining head, straight-arm raise, thrust, cloud, upper cut, drag and chop.常见动作有:缠头裹脑、刺刀、劈刀、撩刀、云刀、带刀。

2.He knew better than to attempt to hew rocks with razor.他知道刀片不能劈石头。

3.chop at sth aim blows at sth with an axe,a knife,etc(用斧、刀等)向某物砍或劈.

4.Slashbindicates damaging or injuring somebody or something with long swinging cuts of a knife or sword指挥动刀剑猛砍或猛劈某人或某物

5.The prow of the motor - boat cuts through the water like a knife汽艇的船头像一把刀子劈开水面向前行驶

6.The prow of the motor-boat cut through the water like a knife.汽艇的船头像一把刀子劈开水面向前行驶。

7.Application of chop nucleus with clasp and knife in the capsular bag in small-incision non-phacoemulsification钩刀劈裂法在非超声乳化小切口白内障囊袋内劈核术中的临床应用

8.At time that he daze, the high guy gets down to use to make a clean break to cut to split toward river"s bridge in the sky.就在他发呆的时刻,高佬在空中向下使出了一刀两断斩劈向江桥。

9.Passepartout hewed, cut and sawed away with all his might.路路通用刀劈,使斧砍,拿锯拉,一个人干了十个人的活儿。

10.Mechanically I obeyed, turned eastwards, and with my cutlass raised, ran round the corner of the house. Next moment I was face to face with Anderson.我机械地服从命令,举着弯刀向东绕过屋角,结果劈面碰上了安德森。

11.With a knife, you can split a feather down the middle and then grind the base down to the thickness you want.你可以用刀子沿着羽毛的中间将其劈开,然后把羽根打磨到你需要的厚度。

12.Gray, following close behind me, had cut down the big boatswain ere he had time to recover from his lost blow.紧跟在我身后出来的格雷,不等那大块头水手长刀子劈空后回过神来,就将他砍倒在了地上。

13.The Jade Emperor wanted to execute him But failed to inflict a single wound on him by sabers, axes, fire and thunder.玉皇想处死孙猴,但任凭刀砍斧劈,火烧雷击,都伤不到孙猴的一根毫毛。

14.The cunning counsellors praise thee, because thou has cut the knots in which they have tied their own souls.老奸巨滑的大臣们赞颂你,因为你把束缚他们灵魂的症结快刀斩乱麻似地劈开了。

15.The act of splitting or cleaving.劈开劈开或撕裂的动作

16.In splitting wood, don"t try to go against the grain.劈木柴时,要顺着木纹劈。

17.The wood snapped as it burned.木柴燃烧时发出劈啪劈啪声。

18.To split with or as if with a sharp instrument.劈开用或类似于用锋利的工具劈开


bonding tool劈刀

1.This paper describes an experimental research on the steady state vibration, in different degree of coupling tightness of U3000 ultrasonic heavy aluminum wire bonder sbonding tool based on laser Doppler measurement technology.本文在非接触激光多普勒光学测量方法基础上,对U3000型粗铝丝引线键合机中劈刀的稳态振动进行了实验研究:对激光多普勒测振仪的测量原理作了简要的说明;对超声键合装置中,劈刀在不同连接松紧度下的稳态振动特性作了实验测试和初步分析;对在不同连接松紧度下,劈刀的稳态振动进行了实验模拟。

3)CapilLary to Copper Wire铜丝劈刀

4)structure of wedge tool劈刀结构

5)enamel cleaver牙釉质(劈)刀

6)singing split单刀劈木机


劈刀1.用来劈竹﹑木等的厚背刀。 2.用军刀劈杀敌人的技术。分单手劈与双手劈两种,骑兵多用之。此外,还有斩劈﹑返劈等名目,步兵等兵种亦用之。

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