糖尿病康复 > 多发钙化 Multiple Calcification英语短句 例句大全

多发钙化 Multiple Calcification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-15 09:04:17


多发钙化 Multiple Calcification英语短句 例句大全

多发钙化,Multiple Calcification

1)Multiple Calcification多发钙化

1.CT Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Single orMultiple Calcification in Brain;颅内单发或多发钙化的CT诊断与鉴别诊断


1.Analysis on characteristics of multi-calcification by mammography and benign or malignant breast diseases多发钙化的钼靶X线特征与乳腺良恶性疾病的分析

2.Adenosis with a complex partly cystic ascularized mass with calcifications. No signs of malignancy were found.腺病,复杂的部分呈囊性的团块伴多发钙化灶,内见血流信号,无恶性征象。

3.Study on Calcium Ionization and Collagen Polypeptide Extraction Optimization from Bovine Bone by PEFPEF下牛骨钙离子化及胶原多肽提取优化综合开发研究

4.Relevance of dynamic changes of PCT and CRP with MODS after severe multiple trauma降钙素原及C反应蛋白动态变化与严重多发伤后MODS的相关性研究

5.Research indicates that milk products provide the highest dose of calcium per serving.研究发现,奶制品提的钙最多。

6.the porous calcified substance from which bones are made.多孔的钙化物质,构成骨骼。

7.Biomineralization of CaCO_3 Induced by Ordered Polypeptide Molecular Films多肽有序分子膜诱导碳酸钙仿生矿化

8.Here is so-called "metastatic calcification" in the lung of a patient with a very high serum calcium level (hypercalcemia).左侧动脉壁发生钙化,在粘膜下层也有不规则蓝紫色钙化灶。钙化容易发生在受损组织。

9.Impregnation with calcium or calcium salts, as with calcium carbonate.钙化掺入钙或钙盐,如用碳酸钙

10.A rare plagioclase feldspar with high calcium oxide content occurring in igneous rocks.钙长石一种氧化钙含量很高稀有斜长石,多出现于火成岩中

11.The clinical laboratory tests revealed functional impairment of visceral organs due to metastatic calcification.多发性器官转移性钙化为愈后不良指标之一,本病例于住院后两周即死亡。

12.The Protective Effect of Nimodipine on Axonal Injury in an Experimental Model of Multiple Sclerosis;钙通道阻断剂尼莫地平对大鼠多发性硬化轴索损伤的保护作用研究

13.An excessive amount of calcium in the blood.多钙血血液中钙质过量

14.The rock calcified over the centuries.经过几个世纪,石头发生了钙化。

15.This may be associated with intraabdominal calcification.与此同时,腹腔内可能发现钙化。

16.Regulation of Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis in Early Developing Cardiac Myocytes;分化发育早期心肌细胞钙稳态的调控

17.Absorption of HF may cause hypocalcemia due to HF"s fixation of blood calcium. Hyperkalemia may occur if severe hypocalcemia appears.HF的吸收会由于HF对血钙固定导致低血钙症。如果出现严重的低血钙症,就会发生血钾过多。

18.Basal ganglia calcification is calcium deposits occurring in the bilateral basal ganglia in the brain.基底节钙化为发生于脑内双侧基底神经节的钙质沉着。


calcium polysulfides多硫化钙

1.Anew method to analysecalcium polysulfides in lime sulfide by using sodium sulfite was reported in this pa-per.石硫合剂中的多硫化钙分析,本文提出亚硫酸钠法,该法标准偏差为0。

3)porous CaO多孔氧化钙

1.The pore shape insideporous CaO formed from calcining CaCO3 in furnace is cylindrical, whose structure characteristics can be described by using pore size, distribution density(DD) of pore size, pore length,specific surface area(SSA) and pore volume.它在炉内煅烧后形成的多孔氧化钙(CaO)内部孔的形状为圆柱形,其孔结构特征可用孔径大小、孔径分布、孔长度、比表面积及孔容积等参数来描述。

4)multiple sclerosis多发硬化

1.Application Study of MRI Subtraction in Multiple Sclerosis;MRI减影图像对多发硬化的应用研究

2.Purpose:To define and classify MRI subtraction artifact on MR subtraction image inpatients withmultiple sclerosis.目的:对多发硬化MRI减影伪影进行定义和分类。

3.I t is closely related tomultiple sclerosis (MS).视神经炎与多发硬化关系密切。

5)calcium in the hair发钙

1.Investigation and analysis have been made on thecalcium in the hair of more than 10 000 children in Hainan Island and the exchangeable-Ca in the soil of long-cultivated land of the areas where the children live.通过对海南岛上万名学龄前儿童头发钙含量以及所处地域农耕旱地土壤交换性钙的调查与分析发现:土壤钙与儿童头发钙含量呈极显著正相关;海南岛儿童头发钙均值低于国内其它地方的报道值;土壤环境钙含量的高低,能间接反映人体钙的营养状况。


1.Study of vascular smooth muscle cellcalcification induced by hyperphosphate and intervented by phosphonoformic acid;高磷诱导及膦甲酸钠干预血管平滑肌细胞钙化的研究

2.Mammographic Evaluation of Breast Calcifications;乳腺钙化的X线影像评价

3.The Correlation Between Calcifications of Breast Cancer and the Expression of ER,PR and c-erbB-2;乳腺癌钙化灶与ER、PR及c-erbB-2表达的关系


多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯 多苯基多亚甲基多异氰酸酯,简称PAPI,或称粗MDI,浅黄色至褐色粘稠液体.有刺激性气味。相对密度(20℃/20 ℃)1.2,燃点218℃。PAPI实际上是由50%MDI与50%官能度大于2以上的多异氰酸酯组成的混合物。升温时能发生自聚作用。溶于氯苯、邻二氯苯、甲苯等。PAPI的活性低,蒸气压低,只是TDI的百分之一,故毒性很低。 用于制造聚氨脂胶粘剂。也可直接加入橡胶胶粘剂中,改善橡胶与尼龙或聚酯线的粘接性能。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,远离火种、热源。严格防水、防潮,避免光照。

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