糖尿病康复 > 钙化灶 Calcification英语短句 例句大全

钙化灶 Calcification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-25 19:43:25


钙化灶 Calcification英语短句 例句大全



1.Study of MR Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in IntracranialCalcification;颅脑钙化灶的MR磁敏感成像

2.A Comparative Study ofCalcifications in Infiltrating Ductal Carcinomas and Intraductal Carcinomas on Mammography;钼靶X线对乳腺浸润性导管癌与导管内癌钙化灶的研究

3.Diagnostic Value ofCalcification in the differentiation of Benign or Malignant Lesions in Breast;目的:探讨钙化灶的形态特征在乳腺良恶性病变鉴别诊断中的价值。


1.The dense white nodules of calcification are present on either valve surface.在瓣膜的表面可见密集的白色钙化灶。

2.Here is so-called "metastatic calcification" in the lung of a patient with a very high serum calcium level (hypercalcemia).左侧动脉壁发生钙化,在粘膜下层也有不规则蓝紫色钙化灶。钙化容易发生在受损组织。

3.Note the purplish blue calcifications in the media; note that the lumen is unaffected by this process.在动脉中膜可见紫蓝色的钙化灶,而管腔没有受累。

4.The diagnosis and treatment of bladder neoplasms with calcification as bladder calculi:a 9-case report伴有结石样钙化灶的膀胱泌尿上皮癌的诊断和治疗(附9例报告)

5.Clinical study of detection of calcifications in nodules of thyroid gland by high-frequency ultrasonogrphy应用高频超声探查甲状腺结节内钙化灶的临床研究

6.Ultrasonographic Differential Diagnosis of Intrahepatic Bile Duct Lithiasis and Intrahepatic Calcification Foci and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Pneumatosis超声对肝内胆管结石与肝内钙化灶及肝内胆管积气的鉴别诊断

7.The Clinical Value of Thyroid Calcification Detected by Ultrasonography超声探测钙化灶在甲状腺结节诊断中的临床价值

8.Application of MR Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of Intracranial Calcification and Iron Accumulation磁敏感成像在颅内钙化灶和铁沉积鉴别中的运用

9.Study sensitivity and specificity with microcalcifications in noudles of breastby high-frequency ultrasongography高频超声对乳腺肿瘤内部微钙化灶的敏感度和特异度的研究

10.Adenosis with a complex partly cystic ascularized mass with calcifications. No signs of malignancy were found.腺病,复杂的部分呈囊性的团块伴多发钙化灶,内见血流信号,无恶性征象。

11.Pathologic features of mammary lesions with sand-like microcalcification by mammography乳腺泥沙样钙化病灶53例病理分析

12.(4) Satellite lesions, thick and long spicule and calcification in Tuberculosis ball could be displayed by HRCT better.HRCT对结核球的卫星病灶,粗长毛刺,钙化特点显示较CCT清晰。

13.Impregnation with calcium or calcium salts, as with calcium carbonate.钙化掺入钙或钙盐,如用碳酸钙

14.To lose calcium or calcium compounds.脱去钙,脱去钙化合物

15.(4) Obsolete venereal disease kitchen range、fibre、hardens kitchen range obsolete quality of the ,pleurisy mould.(4)陈旧性病灶、纤维化、硬结灶、陈旧性胸膜炎型。

16.Expressions of E-cadherin and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Primary Colon Cancer and Metastatic Lymph Nodes结肠癌原发灶及其淋巴结转移灶中E钙黏素和基质金属蛋白酶9的表达

17.calcium chloride dihydrate氯化钙(二水合物)

18.Experimental Study of Effects of Acupuncture on Serum Calcium, Magnesium in Rats of Acute Cerebral Ischemia;针刺对大鼠急性局灶性脑缺血血清钙镁含量影响的实验研究



1.Several applications in medicine are then presented, including imaging calcific arteries, detectingmicrocalcifications in breast, and detecting tissue lesions caused by thermotherapy or HIFU therapy.首先从理论上分析了振动声成像的基本原理;然后分别介绍了该方法在钙化动脉血管成像、乳房中微钙化灶的检测以及受热疗和HIFU治疗的肿瘤组织焦斑检测等方面的应用;最后比较了振动声成像与传统超声成像不同点并指出了振动声成像独特的优势。

3)liver calcification肝内钙化灶

1.Ultrasonic appearance ofliver calcification and its analysis;肝内钙化灶的超声表现与鉴别诊断

4)Microcalcification of the b reast乳腺钙化灶

5)Liver calcification肝脏钙化灶

1.Liver calcification: a report of 891 cases;891例肝脏钙化灶临床分析

6)Positioning micro-calcifications in the breast biopsy乳腺微小钙化灶定位活检


腹部钙化灶腹部钙化灶〖HT5”SS〗abdominal caleification腹部透视或平片上显示的密度很高的阴影。见于腹腔内或腹膜后淋巴结钙化、胎粪性腹膜炎、泌尿系结石、泌尿系结核、静脉石等疾病。

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