糖尿病康复 > 柱状骨软骨 cylindrical osteochondral英语短句 例句大全

柱状骨软骨 cylindrical osteochondral英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-03 09:01:25


柱状骨软骨 cylindrical osteochondral英语短句 例句大全

柱状骨软骨,cylindrical osteochondral

1)cylindrical osteochondral柱状骨软骨


1.A Experimental Study on Repairing Cartilage Defects of the Femoral Head by Cylindrical Osteochondral Autologous Transplantation自体柱状骨软骨移植修复股骨头软骨缺损的实验研究

2.epiphyseal osteo-chondritis of navicular bone足舟状骨骨骺骨软骨炎

3.Cryopreserved allogenic osteochondral pillars transplantation for cartilage defects同种异体骨软骨柱移植治疗关节软骨缺损

4.A ring - shaped cartilage of the lower larynx that articulates with the thyroid cartilage and artenoid cartilages.环状软骨一块下喉部与甲状软骨和杓状软骨相连结的环状软骨

5.Osgood-Schlatter disease胫骨粗隆骨软骨病;胫骨粗隆骨软骨病;骨软骨炎

6.osteochondrosis of capitular epiphysis of femur股骨头骨骺骨软骨病

7.osteochondral fracture of capitellum肱骨小头骨软骨骨折

8.osteochondritis of capitular epiphysis of femur股骨头骨骺骨软骨炎

9.Of, relating to, or being a wedge-shaped bone or cartilage.楔状骨的属于、关于或形成楔状骨或软骨的

10.Surgical treatment of scoliosis associated with the skeletal dysplasias5例骨软骨发育异常导致脊柱侧凸的手术治疗

11.congenital discoid cartilage of knee joint膝关节先天性盘状软骨

12."Bone marrow ( or myeloid tissue ):Soft, gelatinous tissue that fills Bone cavities."骨髓:填充于骨腔中的柔软凝胶状组织。

13.Tibial tuberosity osteochondritis treated by radial shock wave放射状冲击波治疗胫骨结节骨软骨炎疗效观察

14.animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium.有骨胳及软骨组织的动物,它们有分段的脊柱和内含大脑的头盖骨。

15.any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales: sharks; rays; skates.众多的软骨鱼类;以软骨骨架和板状鱼鳞为特征,包括鲨、鳐、灰鳐。

16.Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column.脊椎骨是腰背骨或脊柱骨之ㄧ种骨头。

posed of or containing gristle.软骨构成的或有软骨的

18.Any of numerous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes, characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton and placoid scales and including the sharks, rays, and skates.属软骨鱼纲的鱼软骨鱼纲鱼的一种,以软骨骨架和板状鱼鳞为特征,包括鲨、鳐、灰鳐


Cylindrical osteochondral graft骨软骨柱

3)Chondrococcus columnaris柱状软骨球菌

4)Cartilage rod软骨柱

5)tubular bone圆柱状骨

6)thyroid cartilage甲状软骨

1.Sexual discrimination by radiographic feature ofthyroid cartilage in adult Chinese han population;根据中国汉族人甲状软骨X线片特征判定性别

2.Viability of rabbitthyroid cartilage preserved in vitro体外保存兔甲状软骨活性的实验研究

3.Methods The inferior horn ofthyroid cartilage, inferior thyroid artery, plexas thyreoidea inferior, sulcus oesophagus and suspensory ligament of thyroid gland of fifty adult corpses (40 male and 10 female) fixed with formalin were observed and measured with deltoid and vernier caliper according to their anatomic position to the re.方法采用经福尔马林防腐固定的50具成人标本(男40例,女10例)共100侧,用解剖学方法观测甲状软骨下角尖、甲状腺下动脉、甲状腺下极、气管食管沟和甲状腺悬韧带等5种解剖标志与喉返神经的毗邻关系。


跟骨结节骨软骨病跟骨结节骨软骨病osteochondrosis of calcaneal tubercle,Sever disease1907年Haglund首先描述此病。19Sever提出系跟骨第二骨化中心缺血性坏死。多见于7~10岁男孩。常有近期剧烈运动史。足后跟肿痛、压痛。严重者足跟不敢着地。X线摄片可见跟骨结节骨骺致密,碎裂,外形不规则。本病可自限。急性期少走路及站立,避免奔跑及跳跃,穿软底鞋,垫高鞋后跟。伴有滑囊炎者可理疗或局部注射醋酸可的松类药物。

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