糖尿病康复 > 骨软骨缺损 osteochondral defect英语短句 例句大全

骨软骨缺损 osteochondral defect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-18 13:17:51


骨软骨缺损 osteochondral defect英语短句 例句大全

骨软骨缺损,osteochondral defect

1)osteochondral defect骨软骨缺损

1.Experimental study of treatingosteochondral defects with osteochondral composites constructed in vivo;体内构建骨软骨复合体修复骨软骨缺损的实验研究

2.Segmentalosteochondral defects of femoral condyles treated by osteochondral autograft;自体骨软骨移植治疗股骨髁大块骨软骨缺损

3.Establishment of an Animal Model of Osteochondral Defect by Arthroscope in TMJ;经关节镜建立颞下颌关节面急性骨软骨缺损动物模型


1.Experimental Study on Repairing of Osteochondral Defect of Knee Joint in Rabbits with Tissue Engineered Osteochondral Composite and Related Research;组织工程骨软骨复合物修复兔关节骨软骨缺损及其相关研究

2.The Experimental Study of the Repairing of Cartilage Deffects Using MSCS with PLGA Scaffold;体内构建骨软骨复合体修复骨软骨缺损的实验研究

3.Treatment of Articular Cartilage Defect with Osteochondral Allograft: An Experimental Study;新鲜异体骨软骨移植修复骨软骨缺损的实验研究

4.An Experimental Study of Repairing Osteochondral Defect with Tissue-engineered Osteochondral Composite Graft构建组织工程骨软骨复合体修复软骨及软骨下骨缺损的实验研究

5.Cryopreserved allogenic osteochondral pillars transplantation for cartilage defects同种异体骨软骨柱移植治疗关节软骨缺损

6.Study on Repairing of Osteochondral Defect of Knee Joint in Rabbit with Rapid Prototyping Tissue Engineered Osteochondral Composite一体化快速成形骨—软骨复合物修复兔关节骨—软骨缺损的实验研究

7.A Experimental Study on Repairing Cartilage Defects of the Femoral Head by Cylindrical Osteochondral Autologous Transplantation自体柱状骨软骨移植修复股骨头软骨缺损的实验研究

8.The Experimental Research on the Repair of Articular Cartilage Deffects by the Complex of Autologous Chondrocyte-bone Matrix Gelatin;自体软骨细胞复合自体骨基质明胶修复关节软骨缺损的实验研究

9.Experimental Study on the Repair of the Defect of Articular Cartilage with Transplantation of Fresh Allogeneic Cartilage and Growth Factor;新鲜同种异体骨软骨移植并生长因子修复软骨缺损的实验研究

10.The Strategy Analysis of Autogenous Osteochondral Grafting for Repair Cartilaginous;应用自体骨软骨移植术修复软骨缺损的策略分析

parison of repairing cartilage defects with autograft and allograft osteochondral implantation in rabbits新鲜自体与异体骨软骨移植修复兔关节软骨缺损的比较

12.Repair of Cartilage Defects of Osteoarthritis Animal Models in Rabbit Knee Joints and Releated Research;修复兔骨性关节炎关节软骨缺损相关实验研究

13.Experiment Study on the Articular Cartilage Repair Using a Post-fracture Blastema;骨折后胚芽修复关节软骨缺损的实验研究

14.Progress and prospect in the repair of bone and osteochondral defects based on osteochondral tissue engineering组织工程修复骨及软骨缺损的现状及展望

15.Experimental Study of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Seeded on Demineralized Bone Matrix for Articular Cartilage Repair of Rabbits;DBM复合BMSCs修复兔关节软骨缺损的研究


17.Postoperative nursing care of 47 patients with tibial bone and soft-tissue defects managed by shortening-lengthening technique47例短缩-延长肢体治疗胫骨骨缺损合并软组织缺损的术后护理

18.Experimental Study on the Repair of Articular Cartilage Defects with Periosteal Cover Induced Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rabbits;兔骨髓间充质干细胞诱导后覆盖骨膜修复关节软骨缺损


Articular cartilage defect软骨缺损

1.Repair of articular cartilage defect by using composite of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and fibrin glue in rabbit;骨髓间充质干细胞复合纤维蛋白凝胶修复兔关节软骨缺损

2.Objective To investigate the feasibility of the temperature dependent hydrogel loading bone marrow stromal cells for repairing articular cartilage defects.目的:探讨温固化水凝胶作为骨髓基质干细胞的载体修复软骨缺损的可行性。

3.[Objective]To investigate the rlpairing effect on articular cartilage defects by composite of cocultures of autogenic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs) and chondrocytes with allogenic fully deproteinized bone(FDB),in order to provide basis for optimizing seeding cells resources.[目的]探讨自体骨髓间充质干细胞(bone m arrow-derived m esenchym al stem cells,BMSCs)与软骨细胞共培养复合同种异体完全脱蛋白骨(fu lly deprote in ized bone,FDB)修复关节软骨缺损的可行性,评价修复效果,为优化种子细胞源提供依据。

3)cartilage defect软骨缺损

1.Experimental study on regeneration of articularcartilage defects with bone marrow stromal cells;骨髓基质干细胞修复软骨缺损的实验研究

2.Transposition of Vascularized Periosteal Flap for the Repair of Articular Cartilage Defect: An Applied Anatomical Study;带血管蒂骨膜瓣转位修复关节软骨缺损的应用解剖

3.Rabbit articularcartilage defect treated with cultured chondrocytes embedded in two-phase scaffold;双相支架负载软骨细胞修复兔关节软骨缺损

4)cartilage defects软骨缺损

1.Repairingcartilage defects of femoral condyle by osteochondral autograft;自体骨软骨移植治疗股骨髁关节软骨缺损

2.Research progress in repair of articularcartilage defects;关节软骨缺损修复研究进展

3.Histological study on the repair ofcartilage defects using hydrogel composite grafts;水凝胶材料复合物修复软骨缺损的组织学评鉴

5)Articular cartilage defect关节软骨缺损

1.Experimental research of the repair of articular cartilage defect by vascularized periosteal flap in rabbits;带血供的骨膜瓣修复兔关节软骨缺损的实验研究

2.Aim:To evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of PLGA coated by type-Ⅱ collagen with rhBMP-2 and bFGF to repair rabbit articular cartilage defect.目的:探讨经Ⅱ型胶原涂层改性后的聚丙交酯-乙交酯(PLGA)材料(PLGA-Ⅱ型胶原)用作生长因子重组人骨形态发生蛋白2(rhBMP-2)和碱性成纤维生长因子(bFGF)载体来修复兔膝关节软骨缺损的可行性和有效性。

6)Full-thickness chondral defects软骨全层缺损


跟骨结节骨软骨病跟骨结节骨软骨病osteochondrosis of calcaneal tubercle,Sever disease1907年Haglund首先描述此病。19Sever提出系跟骨第二骨化中心缺血性坏死。多见于7~10岁男孩。常有近期剧烈运动史。足后跟肿痛、压痛。严重者足跟不敢着地。X线摄片可见跟骨结节骨骺致密,碎裂,外形不规则。本病可自限。急性期少走路及站立,避免奔跑及跳跃,穿软底鞋,垫高鞋后跟。伴有滑囊炎者可理疗或局部注射醋酸可的松类药物。

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