糖尿病康复 > 食育 diet education英语短句 例句大全

食育 diet education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-14 16:26:55


食育 diet education英语短句 例句大全

食育,diet education

1)diet education食育

1.It may provide our country sdiet education for reference.日本在20世纪初期提出食育,并在学校大力开展饮食教育,可为我国的饮食教育提供借鉴。

2)Edible fungus breeding食用菌育种

3)FE Food for Education教育食品援助

4)Sichuan edible fungi research四川食用菌育种研究


1.One of Mo-tse s seven national worries is to develop agriculture to prosper country,which is based on the idea that the whole nation is affluent infood and all people are content with life."畜种菽粟不足以食之"是墨子"国有七患"之一患,其思想是重农兴邦,建立在"万民之食之所以足也"的基础之上,充分反映出墨家治国的真知灼见和对人民对社会的高度责任感和历史感。

2.Confucianism which aims at the harmony of society is essentially a political system with Confucian ethic code as the public order security, benevolence as social ideology insurance and sufficientfood as economic basis.追求和谐社会理想之实现,达到“天下为公”的目标是其主旨所在;“齐之以礼”,是和谐社会的秩序保障;“依于仁”,是和谐社会的意识形态保障;“足食”,是和谐社会的经济基础。

3.In this new novel,the author takes the standpoint of the people and has reproduced the original form of rural area life during half a century in China,from the angle of "food" and "sex".在杨争光的这部长篇新作中 ,作家站在民间立场上 ,从“食”与“性”的角度上 ,再现了中国长达半个世纪的乡村生活的原始形态 ,从政治、文化、人性等不同的层面上进行了全方位的审视与批判 ,并在小说文体形式上进行了大胆的实验与探


1.the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods).节制饮食(或者特殊食物)。

2.Feeding on animal matter.肉食的以动物肉为食的

3.Food fit for human consumption.食物可供人们吃的食物

4.breakfast food早餐食用的谷类食物

5.Feeding on insects.食虫的以昆虫为食的

6.Food/ Water Contamination Monitoring System食物/食水污染监测系统

7.That food is a great delicacy.那种食品堪称上等美食。

8.This food is not fit for human consumption.这种食物不宜人类食用.

9.Not for drinking,not edible, Not for food use非饮品,非食品,严禁食用

10.replenish the larder.给食橱重新装满食物

11.A snack or light meal.食物快餐或简单的食品

12.The waiter lays the table for dinner.待者安排食桌以进食。

13.green food, the Best of diet饮食之冠——绿色食品。

14.Are organically grown foods the best food choices?绿色食品是最佳食物吗?

15."One should eat to live, not live to eat"人为生而食,非为食而生

16.national food strategy国家粮食战略(粮食战略)

17.special low-calorie menu低卡食谱(低热量食谱)

18.a vegetarian meal, diet, restaurant素食饭菜、食谱、 餐馆.


Edible fungus breeding食用菌育种

3)FE Food for Education教育食品援助

4)Sichuan edible fungi research四川食用菌育种研究


1.One of Mo-tse s seven national worries is to develop agriculture to prosper country,which is based on the idea that the whole nation is affluent infood and all people are content with life."畜种菽粟不足以食之"是墨子"国有七患"之一患,其思想是重农兴邦,建立在"万民之食之所以足也"的基础之上,充分反映出墨家治国的真知灼见和对人民对社会的高度责任感和历史感。

2.Confucianism which aims at the harmony of society is essentially a political system with Confucian ethic code as the public order security, benevolence as social ideology insurance and sufficientfood as economic basis.追求和谐社会理想之实现,达到“天下为公”的目标是其主旨所在;“齐之以礼”,是和谐社会的秩序保障;“依于仁”,是和谐社会的意识形态保障;“足食”,是和谐社会的经济基础。

3.In this new novel,the author takes the standpoint of the people and has reproduced the original form of rural area life during half a century in China,from the angle of "food" and "sex".在杨争光的这部长篇新作中 ,作家站在民间立场上 ,从“食”与“性”的角度上 ,再现了中国长达半个世纪的乡村生活的原始形态 ,从政治、文化、人性等不同的层面上进行了全方位的审视与批判 ,并在小说文体形式上进行了大胆的实验与探



育育1.活泼自如貌。 2.生长茂盛貌。

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