糖尿病康复 > 控制饮食 diet英语短句 例句大全

控制饮食 diet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-09 13:53:43


控制饮食 diet英语短句 例句大全



1.After they performed 10 week s training and went on adiet,observation was made to the effectiveness of losing weight and declining lipermia.本文对高脂血症患者和身体肥胖的中年女教师 10周锻炼和控制饮食后的减肥和降血脂效果进行观察。


1.You"ll have to monitor your eating constantly.你一定要经常注意控制饮食。

2.I must stay an a strict diet. Just whisky, please.我必须严格控制饮食,拿杯威士忌就可以了。

3.Diabetes is treated effectively by diet control,liver-protecting,antivirus and /or insulin therapy.在控制饮食、保肝、抗病毒和(或)胰岛素治疗后,效果较好。

4.Effects of Aerobics and Diet on Fatties and Patients with Hyperlipermia;有氧运动与控制饮食对肥胖者和高脂血症患者的疗效观察

5.Jane believes in eating carefully to control her weight简主张以注意饮食来控制体重。

6.a diet designed to help control the symptoms of diabetes.可以帮助控制糖尿病症状的饮食。

7.Jane believes in eating carefully to control her weight.简认为要控制她的体重,就得注意饮食。

8.Control of Cholesterol in Human Body by Diet and Sport;从饮食和运动着手控制人体内胆固醇

9.The patients in the low fat diet intervention group received diet control, athletic sports, reduction of body mass and so on.低脂饮食干预组采用饮食控制,加强体育运动,减轻体质量等方法。

10.Half of the children said they had a habit of overeating or bingeing, which refers to overeating with a feeling of being out of control.一半儿童承认他们有进食过多或贪食的习惯,即过度饮食缺乏控制。

11.the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods).节制饮食(或者特殊食物)。

12.The University Student Athlete Reduces the Body Weight the Method and the Recipes Research--Ttake the Taekwondo as an Example;论大学生运动员控制体重与饮食——以跆拳道为例

13.Study on Body Weight Control of Kombucha in Diet-induced Obese Mice红茶菌对饮食诱导肥胖小鼠体重控制的研究

14.Effects of nutrition and physical training interference on diabetes patients" rehabilitation饮食控制和运动干预对糖尿病患者康复的影响

15.Offer basic nutrition guidelines( healthy food choices) for improved glycaemic control.提供基本的饮食指南(康食物选择)改善患者的血糖控制。

16.To regulate or prescribe food and drink for.为…节制或规定饮食

17.Why don"t you go on a diet ?你为什么不节制饮食呢?

18.Feed by measure and defy physician饮食有节制,医生无用处


food control饮食控制

1.Objective To explore the relationship betweenfood control behavior and related believes among type 2 diabetes patients.目的研究 2型糖尿病患者饮食控制行为与相关信念的关系。

3)diet control饮食控制

1.Effect ofdiet control combinated with aerobic exercise on the metabolic syndrome;饮食控制联合有氧运动治疗代谢综合征的临床研究

2.The Clinical Study of Auricular Acupuncture with Diet Control in the Treatment of Obesity;耳穴贴压配合饮食控制治疗单纯性肥胖症的疗效观察

3.Objective To observe the effect ofdiet control combined with exercise on hyperlipi-demia,hyperglycemia and high blood pressure in overweight subjects.进行半年的饮食控制和运动疗法,观察对体重(BW)、体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比(WHR)、胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2h血糖(2hPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)和收缩压(SBP)及舒张压(DBP)的变化。

4)diet-treated only单纯饮食控制

5)strict adherence to a diet严格控制饮食

6)He has a severely restricted diet.他严格控制饮食。


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。

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