糖尿病康复 > 贴敷疗法 Sticking Therapy英语短句 例句大全

贴敷疗法 Sticking Therapy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-09 14:09:08


贴敷疗法 Sticking Therapy英语短句 例句大全

贴敷疗法,Sticking Therapy

1)Sticking Therapy贴敷疗法

1.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Childhood Asthma withSticking Therapy;贴敷疗法治疗儿童哮喘的临床观察


1.Try to Discuss the Function of properties and Tastes of Herbs in the Acupiont Application Therapy;试论药物的性味在穴位贴敷疗法中的作用

2.Protective Effects of Acupoint Application Therapy in Rats with Sleep Deprivation;穴位贴敷疗法抗睡眠剥夺作用的实验研究

3.Effect of "Layers Adjusting" External Application Therapy on Acute Soft Tissue Injury of Ankle Joint“易层”贴敷疗法治疗踝关节急性软组织损伤临床观察

4.Observations on the Efficacy of Acupoint Application plus Medicine in Treating Constipation穴位敷贴疗法配合药物治疗便秘疗效观察

5.Effect of sleep paste on Yintangxue on insomnia印堂穴和前额贴敷法治疗失眠症的疗效观察

6.Observation of Effectiveness of Acupuncture Point and Sticking Therapy on Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands针刺穴位加贴敷法治疗乳腺增生病疗效观察

7.The Clinic Observation on the Curative Effect of Transdermal Therapeutics Combined with Transdermal Therapeutic System (TTS) in Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands;穴位敷贴法治疗乳腺增生病的临床观察

8.Clinical Study on Effect of Point Application of Herb and Western Medicine on Treating Perennial Allergic Rhinitis;敷贴疗法结合西药治疗常年性变应性鼻炎的临床观察

9."Dog-days Acupoint Application" Therapy in Children with Asthma in Remission Treatment of the Use of Research Ophthalmic Application“三伏穴位敷贴”疗法在儿童哮喘缓解期治疗中的应用研究

bined Therapy of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis with Qi-reinforcing and Freeing Lung and Acupoint Application-A Clinical Study;益气宣肺法合穴位贴敷治疗常年性变应性鼻炎的临床研究

11.The Clinical Research on Acupiont Sticking Therapy of Chinese Herbal Medicines for Prevention and Treatment of Toxic and Side-Effects Arrest of Bone Marrow Induced by Chemotherapeutic Drugs;中药穴位贴敷法防治化疗药物所致骨髓抑制副作用的临床研究

12.The Study of the Effects and Mechanisms of Combining Cupping and Acupoint-Plastering Treatment on Bronchial Asthma of Non-Acute Attack;火罐+穴位贴敷法防治支气管哮喘非急性发作期的疗效及机理研究

13.Jianpi Bufei Acupoint Application combined treatment of bronchial asthma in 41 cases of remission健脾补肺法联合穴位敷贴治疗支气管哮喘缓解期41例

14.Observation of therapeutic effect of acupoint application on constipation穴位贴敷治疗便秘疗效观察(英文)

15.Clinical Observation of Length-strong Point External Application on Chronic Prostatitis长强敷贴治疗慢性前列腺炎疗效观察

16.Clinical Study of Acupoints Plaster Application for Simple Obesity;穴位敷贴治疗单纯性肥胖的临床研究

17.Investigating the Inflammatory Pathogenesis of Treating Asthmatic Guinea-pigs by Acupoint Application;穴位贴敷治疗哮喘豚鼠炎性机制探讨

18.The Experimental Study on Acu-point Application in Treating Allergic Rhinitis穴位敷贴治疗过敏性鼻炎的实验研究


application method敷贴疗法

1.Radionucideapplication method in the treatment of chronic localized eczema;放射性核素敷贴疗法在慢性局限性湿疹治疗中的应用

3)Treatment by way of pasting on acupuncture point穴位贴敷疗法

1.Treatment by way of pasting on acupuncture point was recorded initially in 52 BingFang,concept of wholism is its theoretical basis,main and collateral channels and acupoint is accumulating place of Qi and Blood of Zang Fu.穴位贴敷疗法最早见于《五十二病方》,其理论基础为整体观念、经络学说以及腧穴作为脏腑经络气血汇聚之处,有独特的生理功能几个方面。

4)point application therapy伏九贴敷疗法

5)The therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine/Application中医药疗法/敷贴

6)acupoint application therapy穴位敷贴疗法

1.In order to enhance asthma patient to survive the quality, therefore seeks one highly effective, moderately-priced, the low poisonous side effect method of treatment -- Chinese medicineacupoint application therapy is the research project working towards.为提高哮喘患者生存质量,故寻求一个高效、价廉、低毒副作用的治疗方法——中药穴位敷贴疗法是本课题努力的方向。



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