糖尿病康复 > 卡钻 sticking英语短句 例句大全

卡钻 sticking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-07 12:35:22


卡钻 sticking英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on lessons and experiences learned from the previous countermeasures dealing with drilling accidents, this study put forward a new type of safety joint while drilling which could treatsticking very well, while introducing in detail what the problem ofsticking was like and the superiority and strength of this new safety joint.在对钻井事故处理不断思考和总结的基础上,根据卡钻特点,研制了一种能很好地处理卡钻事故的新型随钻安全接头;同时对其优越性及其强度进行了分析。

2.However, there have been sevensticking accidents happened during the mid stage of development, which has great effect on the exploration and development of the region.川西新场构造沙溪庙气藏的主要开发手段是应用丛式定向井组,但在开发中期发生了7次卡钻事故,严重影响了该地区的勘探开发进程。

3.Thesticking of the downhole string happened occasionally because great quantity of packers and other tools with slips are used.许多卡钻事故是由于封隔器及其他锚瓦类井下工具的使用造成的,Y211型封隔器的卡钻问题最为突出,且多发生在定向井中。


1.Analysis and Treatment of an Accident of Blocking Bore of Excavated Hole Driven Cast-in-Place Pile by Percussion Drill一起冲击钻成孔灌注桩卡钻事故的分析与处理

2.What Caused the Pipe Sticking in Completed Wells in Block Longgang龙岗地区气体钻井结束后卡钻原因分析

3.Technical measure for enhancing treating ability of drilling tools for drilling pipe sticking by section reducing提高钻具处置缩径卡钻能力的技术措施

4.Acid Soaking to Release Stuck Pipes in Well GP25-17.泡酸解除GP25-17井卡钻事故

5.Abstract: Several Sticking accidents happen in the course of drilling horizontal wells in Tahe Oilfield.文摘:塔河油田水平井钻井过程中,曾多次发生卡钻事故。

6.Research on Drilling Accident Sticking Simulation and Predictive Control Method Based on Correlate Model基于关联模型的钻井卡钻事故仿真与预测控制方法研究

7.Well Dina-11 is a newly planed exploratory well, as the former Dina-1 was abandoned because of pipe sticking in the salt-water formation with ultra-high pressure.迪那11井是继迪那-1井钻遇超高压盐水层卡钻报废后,新布的一口预探井。

8.a versatile drill, truck, etc万用钻、 多用途卡车.

9.high angle drilling lubricant大斜度井钻井解卡剂

10.Application of pneumatic clip for oil drilling rig新型气动钻杆卡瓦在钻井生产中的应用

11.Design and Application of Multifunctional Drill Stems Pneumatic Clip for Oil Drilling Rig石油钻机多功能钻杆气动卡瓦的设计及应用


13.work the pipe free活动钻具或管柱使之解卡

14.The tooth marks depths′s finite element analysis of power slip in deep well drilling深井钻井中动力卡瓦对钻杆造成的牙痕深度的有限元分析

15.The abbé took it, and in return gave Caderousse the diamond.教士一手接过钱袋,一手把钻石交给了卡德鲁斯。

16.Discussion on Using the Technology of the Digging Pipes to Deal With Line Blockage in Bored Piles用挖孔桩技术处理钻孔桩卡管事故的探讨

17.Monte-Carlo Simulation Method in Pulsed Neutron Density Logging While Drilling随钻脉冲中子密度测井的蒙特卡罗模拟研究

18.Action Mechanism Research and Improvement of Slips of Horizontal Directional Drilling Rig水平定向钻机卡瓦的作用机理研究与改进


drill pipe sticking卡钻

1.Based on groping for and summarization of the processing method drilling failure,and according to the characteristic ofdrill pipe sticking,this paper proposed a new design for drilling safety joint,which can commendably deal withdrill pipe sticking accidents.在对钻井事故处理不断探索和总结的基础上,根据卡钻特点,提出了一种能很好地处理井下卡钻事故的新型随钻安全接头的设计方案,并对中轴的2种承载模型(上下滑键不对称和对称模型)进行了应力、塑性应变和变形分布分析。

2.In consideration ofdrill pipe sticking in production of limestone section, it is considered that the sticking is caused by uncleaning wellbore, thus the concept of releasing the sticking by acidizing is proposed.针对一口生产气井在灰岩井段卡钻的事实,认为是井眼不清洁所致,为此提出酸化解卡思路。

3)pipe sticking卡钻

1.These high pressures, combined with depleted zones, frequently induced differentialpipe sticking.70以上,同时存在压力亏空层,极易发生压差卡钻事故。


1.Tech of Unstuck of Perforated Gun in Horizontal Well of Moxi Gas Field;磨溪气田水平井射孔枪卡钻解卡工艺技术

2.Soak diesel and releasingstuck agents were employed in site but no any effect.当发现卡钻位置在灰岩地层时,仅注入15%的盐酸5。

3.When constituting releasingstuck program, we must analyze thestuck reasons and confirm the depth of the free point at first, as the essential prerequisite and basis.处理卡钻问题时 ,首先要分析卡钻原因 ,确定卡点位置 ,这是制定事故处理方案的前提和依据。

5)bit freezing卡钻

6)drill chuck钻卡



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