糖尿病康复 > 冷诱导基因RNA结合蛋白 cold-inducible RNA binding protein英语短句 例句大全

冷诱导基因RNA结合蛋白 cold-inducible RNA binding protein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-24 15:01:56


冷诱导基因RNA结合蛋白 cold-inducible RNA binding protein英语短句 例句大全

冷诱导基因RNA结合蛋白,cold-inducible RNA binding protein

1)cold-inducible RNA binding protein冷诱导基因RNA结合蛋白

1.HLJE225 was highly homologous to the knowncold-inducible RNA binding protein of Danio rerio with an identity of 97%.其中HLJE225与编码斑马鱼(Denio rerio)冷诱导基因RNA结合蛋白的基因同源性水平高达97%,HLJE222与编码斑马鱼DAZ相关蛋白1基因同源性水平也高达97%,HLJE599与编码斑点叉尾(Ictalurus punctatus)核糖体蛋白L6基因的同源水平为87%。


1.Expression ofCIRP from the Testis of BALB/C Mouse in E.coli and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody;BALB/C鼠冷诱导RNA结合蛋白的原核表达及其多克隆抗体的制备

2.Preparation and Identification of Recombinant Protein ofCIRP"S Polyclonal Antibody in BALB/C Mice重组BALB/C鼠冷诱导RNA结合蛋白CIRP多克隆抗体的制备与鉴定

3.The cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) was found in various cells including recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cells under cold stress.冷诱导RNA结合蛋白(Cold inducible RNA-binding protein,CIRP)在多种冷应激细胞(包括重组中国仓鼠卵巢细胞)中被发现。


1.Expression of CIRP from the Testis of BALB/C Mouse in E.coli and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody;BALB/C鼠冷诱导RNA结合蛋白的原核表达及其多克隆抗体的制备

2.Preparation and Identification of Recombinant Protein of CIRP"S Polyclonal Antibody in BALB/C Mice重组BALB/C鼠冷诱导RNA结合蛋白CIRP多克隆抗体的制备与鉴定

3.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Cold Inducible RNA-binding Protein cDNA from Testis Tissue in BALB/C MiceBALB/C鼠睾丸组织中冷诱导RNA结合蛋白的cDNA克隆与序列分析(英文)

4.The effect of hnRNP E2 decoy RNA on proliferation of 32D-BCR/ABL cells探讨多聚胞嘧啶结合蛋白E2诱骗RNA对32D-BCR/ABL细胞增殖的影响

5.The Role of RNA-binding Protein Gene rbp3 in Cold Acclimation of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC6803;集胞藻PCC6803 RNA结合蛋白基因rbp3在寒冷适应中的作用

6.Crystallization of neural RNA binding protein Musashi1 RRM1神经系统RNA结合蛋白Musashi1 RRM1的初步结晶

7.Research Progress on RNA Binding-protein LIN28RNA结合蛋白LIN28的研究进展

8.Expression of Paclitaxel Inducing TRX-Binding Protein-2 in MCF-7 Cells在乳腺癌细胞MCF-7中紫杉醇诱导硫氧还蛋白结合蛋白-2的表达

9.Selecting and Identifying Tiny RNA from K562 Cells and Hel Cells Before or After Them Induced to Expreess Hemoglobin Genes;药物诱导K562及HEL细胞珠蛋白基因表达前后细胞微小RNA的分离鉴定

10.A Potential Tumor Suppressive Role of RNA Binding Protein QKI in Breast Tumorigenesis;RNA结合蛋白QKI-5在乳腺癌中的初步功能研究

11.Study on Transcription, Induce Transcription and Eukaryotic Expression of Porcine RBP4 Gene;猪视黄醇结合蛋白基因的转录、诱导转录及真核表达研究

12.γ-ray Induced Haptoglobin Expression and Its Preliminary Functional;γ射线对结合珠蛋白基因表达的诱导作用及功能初步研究

13.The Function of Human Phosphatidylethanolamine-Binding Protein in the Apoptosis Induced by TRAIL;人类磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白在TRAIL诱导的卵巢癌凋亡中的作用

14.Interaction between p16 Gene Promoter and DNA-binding Protein in Eca-109 Cells Induced by Differentiation Agents;分化剂诱导Eca-109细胞p16基因启动子DNA结合蛋白的研究

15.Expression and critical role of activin-binding protein in Concanavalin A-induced hepatic injury in mice激活素结合蛋白在ConA诱导小鼠肝损伤时的表达及作用

16.Effect of Escherichia coli maltose-binding protein on mouse Th1 cell activation大肠杆菌麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)诱导小鼠Th1细胞的活化作用

17.Expression of CRALBP in lens-induced myopia of guinea pigs胞内视黄醛结合蛋白在豚鼠离焦诱导型近视眼中的表达

18.A Methodology to Separate and Identify RNA-binding Protein-Associated Ribonucleoprotein Complex in Vivo;细胞体内分离鉴定RNA结合蛋白结合的靶mRNA技术的建立和验证



1.Expression ofCIRP from the Testis of BALB/C Mouse in E.coli and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody;BALB/C鼠冷诱导RNA结合蛋白的原核表达及其多克隆抗体的制备

2.Preparation and Identification of Recombinant Protein ofCIRP"S Polyclonal Antibody in BALB/C Mice重组BALB/C鼠冷诱导RNA结合蛋白CIRP多克隆抗体的制备与鉴定

3.The cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRP) was found in various cells including recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cells under cold stress.冷诱导RNA结合蛋白(Cold inducible RNA-binding protein,CIRP)在多种冷应激细胞(包括重组中国仓鼠卵巢细胞)中被发现。

3)RNA binding protein gene familyRNA结合蛋白基因家族

1.The primer was designed based on consensus sequen ce from RRMRNA binding protein gene family.根据 RRM RNA结合蛋白基因家族共有保守序列设计特异引物 ,对水稻野败型细胞质雄性不育系、保持系、恢复系及 F1杂种单核期花药进行差异展示分析。

4)RNA binding motif proteinRNA结合基序蛋白

5)RNA-binding proteinRNA结合蛋白

1.T-STAR is anRNA-binding protein that has an RNA-binding domains and function region of tyrosine phosphorylation.2,其表达产物为分子量约55kDa的Sam68样蛋白,是STAR(signaltransductionandactivatorofRNA)家族新成员,具有RNA结合蛋白特征性的结合位点和酪氨酸磷酸化功能域。

2.These studies on HCVRNA-binding proteins were mainly focused on the 5’-UTR, 3’-UTR and negative strand of HCV RNA genome.现有研究发现的HCV RNA结合蛋白,其结合区域主要位于HCV RNA的5’-UTR、3’-UTR和RNA的副链。

6)RNA binding proteinRNA结合蛋白

1.Crystallization of neuralRNA binding protein Musashi1 RRM1神经系统RNA结合蛋白Musashi1 RRM1的初步结晶

2.Sam68, a nuclearRNA binding protein, is the Src mitotic target and specifically tyrosine phosphorylated during mitosis.RNA结合蛋白Sam68是细胞有丝分裂期Src酪氨酸磷酸化的靶蛋白。

3.RNA binding protein QKI encoded by the quaking gene locus was designated from the quaking viable mice.QKI是一类RNA结合蛋白,由于其上游调控区的部分缺失引起组织特异性的QKI表达降低导致神经髓鞘发育障碍,小鼠出生后10天出现严重的震颤表型,故命名为QKI(quaking)。


冷不溶球蛋白 ,抗血友病球蛋白药物名称:冻干人体血友病球蛋白英文名:Globulinum Antihaemophiliae Humanum别名: 冻干人体血友病球蛋白;抗血友病球蛋白;冷不溶球蛋白 ,抗血友病球蛋白 外文名:Globulinum Antihaemophiliae Humanum 适应症: 本品适用于防治血友病甲(先天性凝血因数Ⅷ缺乏症)、获得性凝血因数Ⅷ缺乏症和血管性假血友病的补充疗法。对血友病乙(缺乏凝血因数Ⅳ)无效。 用量用法: 静注:通常每次每公斤体重5~10u,用25~30℃注射用水100ml溶解,于20分钟内输完。每隔12~24小时1次,连用3~5日即可。在出血量较大或大手术时,剂量可加大2~3倍,间隔时间可缩短,滴速60滴/min。输液器应有沪网装置。 注意事项: 1.大剂量输注时可出现肺水肿。 2.本制品应与受血者血型相同。 规格: 针剂:200u(相当于200ml血浆中所含的AHG)、另含纤维蛋白原0.1~0.2g。 类别:促凝血药

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