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因果网络 causal network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 06:05:50


因果网络 causal network英语短句 例句大全

因果网络,causal network

1)causal network因果网络

1.Algorithm of sensor validation based on thecausal network of sensors was investigated.研究了基于传感器因果网络模型的传感器证实算法,实现对网络中节点和链接间相关信息的融合,以得到准确的证实结果,并在实例应用中验证了方法的有效性。

2.A diagnostic reasoning mode based oncausal network is proposed.提出一种基于因果网络的诊断推理模型。

3.The Parsimonious Covering Theory and the Causal Network Model is fi.本文首次将简约覆盖理论和因果网络模型应用到航电系统的多故障诊断中,探讨基于因果网络模型的航电系统多故障诊断技术。


1.Swarm Intelligence Algorithm Model of Causal Network in Fault Diagnosis of Turbine Machinery汽轮机故障诊断的因果网络群智能算法模型

2.Study of Fault Diagnosis in Distribution Substations Based on Hybrid Cause and Effect Nets;基于混合因果网络的配电变电站故障诊断的研究

3.Causation, Bayesian Networks, and Cognitive Maps因果关系,贝叶斯网络与认知图(英文)

4.Modeling and Application of a Different-Inputs-Same-Output Combinational Neural Network;异因同果关联神经网络的建模与应用

5.If possible, ping the address of your network"s connection to the Internet.如果可能的,查验你网络和因特网的关联的位址。

6.Research on Internet Financial Reporting: Determinants, Economic Consequence, and Regulation;网络财务报告研究:决定因素、经济后果与管制

7.Research on Causality Alerts Correlation Method Based on Bayesian Network;基于贝叶斯网络的因果告警相关方法研究

8.Research on Algorithm for Detecting Cause-and-Effect Chains in Bayesian Network and Its Applications;贝叶斯网络中因果链搜索算法及其应用研究

9.Factors Analysis of Online Advertising Psychological Effect under Chinese Context;中国情景下网络广告心理效果的影响因素分析

10.Study on Etiology,Consequence and Intervention in the Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder;青少年网络成瘾的成因、后果及干预对策的探讨

11.Novel method to calculate causal correlation belief values of network alerts一种计算网络告警因果关联置信度的新方法

12.Modeling Protein-Signaling Networks with Extended Granger Causality Test基于Granger因果检测的蛋白质信号网络建模

13.Internet Network Information Centre因特网网络信息中心(

14.In the event of school closings due to inclement weather, parents will be notified via the parent communication network and the teachers via the teacher communication network.如果学校因为下雪而决定停课,学校将会透过家长联络网及教师联络网通知大家。

15.The Scale Development and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Network Learning Performance in Foreign Subsidiary--Exemplified by the Host Nation"s Network海外子公司网络学习效果的量表开发及其验证性因子分析——以东道国网络为例

16.* The media experience that you are receiving is dependent on several factors including the current network conditions.* 您所收到的媒体效果取决于若干因素,包括当前的网络状况。

17.Zhang, N. and Poole, D. (1996). Exploiting causal independence in Bayesian network inference. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 5: 301?328.在贝叶斯网络推论中探寻因果独立性〉《人工智能学报》5:301?328.

18.The Employment Studying Based on the Integration Model of Causality Theories and BP Neural Network;基于因果关系理论与BP神经网络整合模型的就业研究


causal network因果性网络

3)causality diagram structure因果图网络结构

1.Because the complexity ofcausality diagram structure goes up exponentially through the number of the vertex s increasing,it is NP-hard problem to find the most possible.鉴于因果图结构的复杂度随论域中节点个数的增加呈指数上升,寻找最有可能因果图网络结构成为了NP-HARD难题。

4)hybrid C-E Nets混合因果网络

5)cause-and-effect network双层因果网络

6)causal Bayesian network因果贝叶斯网络

1.From the initial stage of probabilistic Bayesian network construction to the flourishing stage ofcausal Bayesian network structure learning, this paper firstly reviews Bayesian network structure learning.从最初的概率贝叶斯网络构建阶段到涌现大量研究成果的因果贝叶斯网络结构学习阶段 ,本文完整地回顾了贝叶斯网络结构学习的整个发展历程 ,并对该领域当前存在的问题及相关研究进行分析论述 ,给出了研究展望 。



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