糖尿病康复 > 因果性 causality英语短句 例句大全

因果性 causality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-11 21:41:40


因果性 causality英语短句 例句大全



1.Non-causality of Singular Systems and Its Epistemological Meaning;奇异系统的非因果性及其认识论意义

2.Statistical Law and Causality, Determinism,Neodeterminism;统计规律与因果性、决定论及非决定论──兼与统计因果论者商榷


1.Causation in the Law.By H.L.Hart and A.M.Honoré.哈特与奥诺里:《法律中的因果性》

2.Inflation Expectation and Granger Causality;通货膨胀预期与Granger因果性研究

3.Causality: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Tragedy in The Story of a Stone;因果性:《红楼梦》悲剧哲学解读视点

4.Statistical Law and Causality, Determinism,Neodeterminism统计规律与因果性、决定论及非决定论──兼与统计因果论者商榷

5.Hypothetical Causation, Possibility of Avoiding Result and Objective Attribution Theory假定因果关系、结果避免可能性与客观归责

6.Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate higway system.因果:服务性的东西促进高速路发展。

7."As a result, many important and revolutionary discoveries were made."因而产生了许多重要的、革命性的成果。

8.Study on the Effects of the Rheological Properties of Nectar;影响带肉果蔬汁流变特性的因素研究

9.Study on Relativity between Apple Quality and Ecological Factors in Shaanxi Province;陕西生态因子与苹果品质相关性研究

10.Preliminary Study on Characteristics of K~+ Channel in Different Salt Tolerant Genotypes in Malus;不同耐盐苹果基因型K~+通道特性研究

11.Analysis between Cause and Effect in Young and Mid-age People Suffering from AMI;急性心肌梗死发病年轻化的因果分析

12.Influencing Factors of the Stability of Red Pigment in Rhaphiolepis Indica Peels;石斑木果皮红色素稳定性的影响因子

13.Causes and Effects of Medical Workers Emotional Labor;医务人员情感性劳动行为的前因后果

14.The Systemic Elements Affecting the Ideological and Political Education;影响思想政治教育效果的体制性因素

15.The Cause and Effect of Xi’an Incident Viewed from Mr Zhang and Yang’s Personalities;从张学良、杨虎城个性看西安事变因果

16.AZF Microdeletion Analysis of Test Results in 215 Male Patients with Infertility男性不育215例AZF基因检测结果分析

17.The analysis of the conclusion of medical evaluation about 1434 patients with male infertility男性不育1434例病因医学鉴定结果分析

18.Studies on the Relations between Leaf Traits of Ficus tikoua and Soil Nutrimental Factors土壤营养因子对地果叶部性状的影响


factor caused effect果性因


4)On Causality论因果性

5)causal attribution因果性归因

6)state causality状态因果性

1.Thestate causality of singular PTV system was described with the equivalent relation.利用矩阵理论建立了周期时变 (PTV)广义系统与线性时不变 (LTI)系统的等价关系 ,并利用该等价关系刻划了广义PTV系统的状态因果性 ,给出了两个等价系统具有状态因果性的充分必要条件 ,从而为研究广义PTV系统打下了基



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