糖尿病康复 > 药品广告审查办法 Pharmaceutical Advertisement Examination Method英语短句 例句大全

药品广告审查办法 Pharmaceutical Advertisement Examination Method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-21 06:48:13


药品广告审查办法 Pharmaceutical Advertisement Examination Method英语短句 例句大全

药品广告审查办法,Pharmaceutical Advertisement Examination Method

1)Pharmaceutical Advertisement Examination Method药品广告审查办法

1.Objective:Provide the reference For the revision of thePharmaceutical Advertisement Examination Method.目的:为《药品广告审查办法》的修订提供参考。

2)Ad Examination广告审查

1.Design and Implementation ofAd Examination System Based on B/S;eB/S架构的广告审查系统的设计与实现


1.The Realizetion of Automatic Review of Absolute Terms in the Ad Review System广告审查系统中绝对化词语自动审查的实现

2.Contents and principles of censoring advertisements in medical journals论医药卫生期刊广告审查的内容及原则

3.Article 36 No unit or individual shall forge, falsify or transfer documents of approval for the examination of advertisements.第三十六条任何单位和个人不得伪造、变造或者转让广告审查决定文件。

4.manuscript report稿件审查报告,初审报告

5.Article12. Advertising operators shall checked papers o` r certificates and examine the contents of advertisements while undertaking advertising business o` r acting as advertising agents.第十二条广告经营者承办或者代理广告业务,应当查验证明,审查广告内容。

6.The administrative Examination system before the issue of the special commodity network advertisement;特殊商品网络广告发布前的行政审查制度

7.Maintenance Review Board Report维修审查委员会报告书

8.assignment report [Independent Commission Against Corruption]审查工作报告〔廉政公署〕

9.On the Aesthetic Pursuing of Advertising Language: Seeking Novelty, Dreaming, Inspiring Sensation猎奇、造梦、诉情:广告语言的审美追求

10.The Relation between Passion and Image in TV Advertisements;影视广告审美情感的“兴”、“象”论

11.Aesthetic Bubble":Concept of Cultural Consumption and Advertisement;“审美泡沫”:文化消费意识与广告

12.The Reseach on TV Commercial of Audio-Visual Language in Aesthetic Use影视广告中视听语言的审美运用研究

13.Use of Mobile Computers- Army; Audit rept机动式计算机的作用-陆军/审查报告

14.On Investigating the Confession in the Case of Defendants" Withdrawing Confession翦论被告人翻供情形下对口供的审查

15.a jury to inquire in accusations of crime and to evaluate the grounds for indictments.查究控告的罪行并估计控告的范围的陪审员。

16.The Situation of Advertising in Guangdong Medical Periodicals;对广东医学期刊广告现状的调查与思考

17.advertising rates广告费, 广告价格

18.You can look over the classified ads in the newspaper.你可以查看报纸上的分类广告。


Ad Examination广告审查

1.Design and Implementation ofAd Examination System Based on B/S;eB/S架构的广告审查系统的设计与实现

3)illegal pharmaceutical advertisement违法药品广告

1.This paper introduced the background,objectives and principles of the classify aboutillegal pharmaceutical advertisement,and also put forward some suggestions about the classify which will be adopted.对违法药品广告分类的背景、目的及原则进行介绍,对今后采取的分类方式提出建议。

4)illegal drug advertisements药品违法广告

1.Based on the special function of safeguarding the safety and effectiveness of drug, SFDA has actively taken various measures to participate in supervision ofillegal drug advertisements in order to bring them under control.药品违法广告直接影响药品的正确、合理使用,甚至危害公众的健康和患者的生命安全。

5)drug advertisement药品广告

1.This paper uses Cooperative Principle to analyze drug advertising language by examining its four maxims respectively to see how they are violated indrug advertisement.本文从广告语言的语用语境出发,以格赖斯的合作原则理论为依据,对药品广告进行语用分析。

2.Recently, lots of irregularitydrug advertisement appeared with new forms.近几年,违法药品广告呈上升趋势,新的违法药品广告形式不断出现,违法药品广告对社会的危害不容忽视,政府、企业、广告商和消费者都应承担起对违法药品广告的监管。

6)medicine advertising药品广告

1.In today s China, since the relevant regulations onmedicine advertising are far from being perfect and themedicine advertising market is in bad order, opportunism becomes rampant and a flood of illegal medicine advertisements appear, seriously affecting the health and life of the public.当前,我国药品广告行业的相关制度还未完善,药品广告市场秩序较为混乱,机会主义乘机兴风作浪,大量违法药品广告肆无忌惮的粉墨登场,严重影响了人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。

2.In the market economy,medicine advertising is a most favorable competitive means for medicine producers.药品广告是市场经济中颇受药品生产经营者青睐的竞争手段,同时,也是处于信息劣势地位的消费者了解特定药品之疗效和安全性的重要途径。



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