糖尿病康复 > 表型特征 phenotypic characteristics英语短句 例句大全

表型特征 phenotypic characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-19 20:32:45


表型特征 phenotypic characteristics英语短句 例句大全

表型特征,phenotypic characteristics

1)phenotypic characteristics表型特征

1.Natural selection ofphenotypic characteristics of Arabidopsis thaliana growing in northern piedmont of Tianshan Mountains天山北麓拟南芥表型特征的自然选择


1.Natural selection of phenotypic characteristics of Arabidopsis thaliana growing in northern piedmont of Tianshan Mountains天山北麓拟南芥表型特征的自然选择

2.The Clinical Features and Mutation Analysis of the Responsible Genes for the Syndromic Hearing Impairment;综合征型耳聋临床表型特征分析及相关基因突变研究

3.Clinical Evaluations and Mutational Analysis for Late-onset Progressive Hearing Loss;迟发性耳聋临床表型特征及基因突变分析

4.Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility and the Resistance Mechanism of Staphylococcus Aureus;金黄色葡萄球菌耐药表型特征及耐药机制研究

5.Phenotypic Characterization and Fine Mapping of a Male Sterile Mutant, XS1, in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)水稻雄性不育突变体XS1的表型特征和精细定位

6.Analysis of phenotypic diversity of rhizobia isolated from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP沙冬青根瘤菌表型特征和16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析

7.The surface antigen expression of periodontal ligament cells and dental pulp cells in vitro人牙周韧带细胞和牙髓细胞表型特征的比较

8.Study of Description and Characterization Methods of Buried Hill Type Reservoir潜山型储层特征描述与表征方法研究

9.Characterization of Surface Topography and Research on Tribological Properties of Laser Texturing Surface表面形貌表征及激光微造型表面摩擦特性研究

10.Mid- Surface- Based Form Feature Modeling Technology of Stamping Parts基于中面表示的冲压件特征造型技术

11.The Preliminary Study of Hong Kong Performing Arts-Stage、Type、Characteristics;香港表演艺术历史初探—阶段、类型、特征


13.The Research of Sports Expression Factor Model and Feature on the Chinese Male Basketball Team;中国男篮竞技表现因子模型及特征的研究

14.Study on the Clinical and Laboratorial Features of Biphenotypic Acute Leukemia;急性双表型白血病的实验室特征与临床研究

15.Analysis on the Types and Characteristics of the Space-time Representation for Aerobics Athletes;健美操运动员时空感表现的类型与特征解析

16.Manifestation of brototypic features in China automobile advertisements scripts;类型化特征在中国汽车广告文本中的表达

17.EPQ Measurement and Characteristic of Nerve Type of Kazak College Students;EPQ量表与哈萨克族大学生的神经类型特征

18.The Characteristic Values and the Standard Form of a Quadratic Form Represented with a Real Symmetrical Determinant;实对称行列式表示的二次型的特征值与标准形


phenotypic features表型特征

1.Seventeen Phyllostachys pubescens natural stands were selected to study thephenotypic features, such as DBH, center DBH, culm length, clear bole height, the node number of the culm, node number of clear bole, thickness of bamboo culm, the length and width of the leave,the number of vein, diameter of bamboo cavity,the ratio between diameter of bamboo cavity and thickness of bamboo culm .调查研究了我国17个天然毛竹林的胸径、中央直径、杆高、枝下高、全杆节数、枝下节数、叶片长度和宽度、叶片侧脉数、胸高处竹壁厚度、竹腔径、壁腔比等表型特征。

2.Thephenotypic features and DNA-DNA hybridization of five isolatsd PSB strains were studied.根据各菌株形态、生理生化等表型特征以及DNAG+Cmol%和DNA-DNA同源性分析结果,确定了几株光合细菌的分类地位。

3)immunophenotype character免疫表型特征

1.Purpose:To analyze theimmunophenotype character of malignant lymphoma with bone marrow involvement by means of Flow Cytometry (CD45/SSC gate).目的:探讨淋巴瘤骨髓受累的免疫表型特征。

4)hatching phenotype幼体表型特征

5)Surface Representation特征表征

6)phenotypic and phylogenetic characteristics表型和遗传型特征


基因型与表型丹麦遗传学家W.L.约翰森于19提出的两个遗传学名词。基因型又称遗传型,指生物的全部遗传物质(基因)组成。 但一般只表示个别或少数基因位点上的等位基因的组成。表型指生物体个别或少数性状以至全部性状的表现。基因型是生物体在适当环境条件下发育表型的内因;表型则是基因型和环境条件共同作用的结果。能遗传的是基因型,不是表型。环境因素是基因型得以发育其表型的必要条件。例如玉米中的"日光红"性状,茎秆、叶鞘以及苞叶在受日光照射后能表现红色,不带该基因的玉米品种则呈绿色。如把"日光红"玉米植株一部分遮光,则遮光部分就不表现红色。日光是表现玉米"日光红"性状的必要条件;但日光不能使普通玉米基因型的茎叶表现为红色,因为它们的基因型不同。有时由于等位基因间或非等位基因间相互作用的影响,不同的基因型可以表现相同的表型。如两株同开红花的豌豆,一株的自交子代全开红花,而另一株的自交子代则出现3/4开红花和1/4开白花的分离,说明它们具有不同的基因型。相反,相同的基因型也可由于基因型对环境影响有不同的反应而发育成不同的表型。基因型的这种反应特性是生物体在长期进化过程中逐渐形成的,有利于适应不同的环境条件。育种主要是选择优良的基因型,因此要善于通过表型的考察鉴定其基因型。

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