糖尿病康复 > 海派小说 Shanghai style novel英语短句 例句大全

海派小说 Shanghai style novel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-04 21:12:02


海派小说 Shanghai style novel英语短句 例句大全

海派小说,Shanghai style novel

1)Shanghai style novel海派小说

1.Female devil prototype ofShanghai style novel;海派小说的“魔性”原型

2.Lechery and abstinence——Study onShanghai style novel;纵欲与禁欲——海派小说研究

3.Without exception,in theShanghai style novels,the problem of being sexually enslaved by men is still a basic topic of sexual relationship.海派小说也不例外,男权性奴役仍然是两性关系的一个基本主题。


1.The Comparison of 30、 40s Shanghai City Novel and 90s City Novel;30、40年代海派小说与90年代都市小说之比较

2."Encircled a City" and 1940 s Shanghai Style Novels;《围城》与20世纪40年代的海派小说

3.A New Approach to the Sex War of Shanghai Style Novels;海派小说两性战争的现代性内涵新解

4.Zhang Ailing s Indulging in and Surmounting of the Shanghai Style Novel Tradition;张爱玲对海派小说传统的耽溺和超越

5.The Background and Reason of Novels of Shanghai School with Blending Highbrow Novel and Popular Novel as One Unit;海派小说雅俗互动态势的背景与成因

6.Love s Impractical Feeling Like the Moon in Water--A Study of Shanghai Style Novel;爱情的水月镜花原型——海派小说研究

7.Rubbing the Mirror and Ripping the Sleeves-Homosexual Phenomena in Shanghai-style Novels;磨镜与断袖——海派小说中的同性恋现象

8.A Study on the Relationship between the Woman and the City in the Hai Pai Novel from 1930 s to 1940 s;论三、四十年代海派小说中的女性与都市

9.The Influence of Illustration of Aubrey Beardsley upon Shanghai Style Novel and Illustration of Shanghai Style;比亚兹莱插图对海派小说及插图的影响

10.From the Spirit of the Dream to the National Feelings: The Art Tendencies of the Late Seaside Fictions;从精神之梦到民族之情——简析后期海派小说的艺术倾向

11.Romance in Modern Shanghai School Literature and Its Significance in Literary History;现代海派小说的性爱观念及其写作的文学史意义

12.Shanghai Style,Tianjin Style and Hong Kong Style Novels of Chinese Popular Fiction in the 20~(th) Century;20世纪中国通俗小说的海派、津派和港派

13.Different Interpretations of Shanghai between Left-wing Novels and New-sensation Novels;左翼小说与新感觉派小说对上海的不同阐释

14.Pub and Alley Fiction Style of Neo-Shanghai Literature School;“酒吧”与“弄堂”建构的“新海派”小说风情

15.Shanghai Style Writers and Their Novel Writing under Culture Market;文化市场下的海派作家及其小说写作

16.Three Images of Old Shanghai: The Analysis of the Images of Old Shanghai in the Novels of Shanghai Trends Typical Writers and Western Writers ;三个老上海:海派代表作家与西方作家小说中的老上海形象解读

17.Shiying Mu s Novel Bridge the Past and Future of "Shanghai" Culture;试论穆时英小说创作对海派文化的传承与拓展

18.The Feeling of Intellectual in Concession:New Felling Novels and Shanghai Concession;洋场文人的租界感觉:新感觉派小说与上海租界


Shanghai style novels海派小说

1.Qian Zhongshu s"Encircled a City"and 1940 sShanghai style novels appeared in the same speaking context.钱锺书《围城》与20世纪40年代海派小说产生于同一个语境,精神气质上有很多相同和相似的地方,但又明显不同:《围城》的自我定位介于新文学与海派文学之间,对海派文学传统有继承、改造,更有超越和提升。

3)fiction of neo-Shanghai literature school"新海派"小说

4)Shanghai Mdernistic Novels上海现代派小说

1.The Consciousness of Urban Culture inShanghai Mdernistic Novels;上海现代派小说的都市文化意识

5)citizen"s novel of Shanghai"s style海派市民小说

6)fiction of Shanghai school海派都市小说



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