糖尿病康复 > 表型差异 Phenotypic difference英语短句 例句大全

表型差异 Phenotypic difference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-24 00:56:02


表型差异 Phenotypic difference英语短句 例句大全

表型差异,Phenotypic difference

1)Phenotypic difference表型差异


1.Molecular Biology Studies on the Different Phenotypes of Fruiting-body Forming of Cordyceps Militaris;蛹虫草形成子实体表型差异的分子生物学研究

2.Study on the Phenotypic Difference and Genetic Diversity of Different Cultivars of Taiwan Green Jujube台湾青枣不同品种表型差异和遗传多样性研究

3.Profile of gene differential expression in lung tissues of oleic acid-induced ARDS rats油酸型ARDS大鼠肺基因差异表达的研究

4.Differences of ob Gene Expression between Lean and Obese Swine;瘦肉型与脂肪型猪ob基因表达差异的研究

5.Study of Genes Expressed Differentially in Immunocyte of Patients with Fulminant Hepatitis B;重型乙型肝炎免疫细胞差异表达基因研究

6.Quite different. And there are so many idiomatic ways of speaking.句型差异很大,而且还有那么多的习惯表达法,

7.Interaction Between Nucleus and Cytoplasm and Gene Differential Expression in Rice CMS-WA Type野败型水稻的核质互作与基因差异表达

8.Research of Proteome Differential Expression in Rat Model of Liver-Qi Stagnation Syndrome;肝郁证模型大鼠蛋白质组差异表达研究

9.Difference and Significance of STAT in Rats Model with Chroinc Bronchitis and Bronchial Asthma;STAT在慢支和哮喘动物模型表达的差异及意义

10.Analysis of Gene Expression of Brassica Napus under Low Phosphorus Condition;甘蓝型油菜低磷胁迫应答cDNA差异表达分析

11.Study on the Protein Differential Expression of Yellow-and Black-seeded Oilrape (Brassica Napus);甘蓝型黑、黄籽油菜种皮蛋白质差异表达研究

12.Dfferential Expression of Thermo-sensitive Genic-male-sterile Gene in Maize;玉米温敏型核雄性不育基因的差异表达

13.Gene Expression of the Pallium in Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis with Dysfunction of Central Nervous System;重症肌无力中枢损害模型大脑基因表达差异

14.A study of cross-cultrual differences between the the Chinese and English versions of MBTI-M;中、英文MBTI-M人格类型量表的跨文化差异研究

15.On Relationship and Difference between the Phenotype and Molecular Evolution of Living Things;生物表型进化与分子进化的联系和差异

16.The Research of Differentially Expressed Genes Profile of Hippocampus of Rat Modal of Liver Depression Syndrome肝郁证模型大鼠海马差异基因表达谱的研究

17.Differentially expressed genes in diabetes-induced embryopathy胚胎神经管缺陷大鼠模型差异基因的表达

18.Study on Sequence Variation and Tissues Expression Diversity of Two Isoforms of VLDLR in Goose;鹅VLDLR基因亚型的序列变异及其组织表达差异研究


differential gene expression pattern差异基因表达类型

3)differential gene expression patterns基因差异表达类型

1.To understand the molecular mechanism of maize heterosis,differential gene expression patterns in functional leaves between 10 maize inbreds and 38 hybrids at spikelet differentiation stage were analyzed by using cDNA AFLP.为探讨玉米杂种优势的分子机理 ,以 10个玉米自交系及其组配的 38个杂交种为材料 ,利用cDNA AFLP技术 ,分析杂种与亲本在玉米雌穗小穗分化期功能叶片的基因差异表达类型与主要农艺性状的杂种表现及杂种优势的关系。

4)Ingredient difference phenotypic cloning成分差异表型克隆

5)ingredient difference phonetypical cloning成分差异表型克隆法

1.New method of "ingredient difference phonetypical cloning" for functional gene cloning from medicinal plants药用植物功能基因克隆新方法——成分差异表型克隆法

6)differential expression差异表达

1.Differential expression of cytokines in severe aplastic anemia;重型再障细胞因子差异表达的研究

2.Study on seasickeness anddifferential expression of energy metabolism genes;晕船与能量代谢相关基因的差异表达

3.Investigation of thedifferential expression proteins in uterine arteries of women with type 2 diabetes mellitus;糖尿病妇女子宫动脉蛋白质差异表达的初步分析



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