糖尿病康复 > 雄性幼鼠 Young male rat英语短句 例句大全

雄性幼鼠 Young male rat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-15 01:42:33


雄性幼鼠 Young male rat英语短句 例句大全

雄性幼鼠,Young male rat

1)Young male rat雄性幼鼠


1.Effects of Female Sex Hormones in Cow"s Milk on Blood Lipid in Young Male Rats牛奶中雌性激素对雄性幼鼠血脂代谢的影响

2.Effect of the Female Sex Hormones in Milk from Pregnant Cow on the Endocrine Metabolism and Pubertal Development in Young Male Rat;妊娠奶牛奶中雌性激素对雄性幼鼠内分泌代谢及青春期发育的影响

3.Effects of Aerobic Endurance Training on Fat-Dysinsulinism in Male Infant Rats under High-Fat Diet有氧耐力训练对高脂膳食雄性幼年大鼠脂肪-胰岛轴的影响

4.A large, fully grown male kangaroo.大雄袋鼠完全成熟的雄性大袋鼠

5.The males in the herd protect the females and the young.兽中的雄性动物保护雌性动物和幼崽。

6.The males in the herd protect the females and the young .兽群中的雄性动物保护雌性动物和幼仔。

7.The adult male of any of several mammals, such as the beaver, raccoon, or guinea pig.雄性动物雄哺乳动物,如海狸、浣熊、豚鼠等

8.Conclusion The male rats aged 30 months was visibly aged and weakened,and was used as the natural aging model. The senility of the brain was closely linked to senility of bone in male rats.结论30月龄雄性大鼠已显著衰老,雄性大鼠脑衰老与骨衰老有关。

9.Effect of Kidney-jing Deficency on Apoptosis of Spermatogenic Cell of Male Offspring雄性小鼠肾虚对其雄性仔鼠睾丸生精细胞凋亡的影响

10.Effect of Kidney-jing Deficiency on oxidative stress of male offspring雄性小鼠肾虚对其雄性仔鼠睾丸组织氧化应激水平的影响

11.Effects of Emu eggshell on sexual function of male mice鸸鹋蛋壳粉对雄性小鼠性功能的影响

12.Effects of Acrylamide on the Reproductive Toxicity in Male Rats;丙烯酰胺对雄性大鼠生殖毒性的研究

13.Reproductive toxicity of sodium arsenite in male mice亚砷酸钠对雄性小鼠的生殖毒性作用

14.The change of insulin sensitivity in castrated male SD rats去势雄性SD大鼠胰岛素敏感性的改变

15.The Effects of Computer Electromagnetic Radiation on Reproductive Toxity of The Male Rats电脑辐射对雄性大鼠生殖毒性的影响

16.The effect of stress on function of hypophysial-gonadal axis in mature male mice应激对雄性小鼠垂体-性腺功能的影响

17.Social behavior of male Brandt’s vole under different group conditions不同社群条件下雄性布氏田鼠的行为

18.1. Animal: 150 KunMing mice( 6 )1.实验对象:昆明种雄性小白鼠150只。


male mice雄性小鼠

1.Studies on acute toxicity and sperm quality effect uponmale mice from samarium nitrate;硝酸钐对雄性小鼠的急性毒性及精子质量的影响

2.Effects of Emu eggshell on sexual function ofmale mice;鸸鹋蛋壳粉对雄性小鼠性功能的影响

3.Effect of di-(2-ethylhcxyl)phthalate on main organ and reproductive function ofmale mice;邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯对雄性小鼠主要脏器及生殖功能的影响

3)male rat雄性大鼠

1.Effect of Liuweidihuang Decoction on reproductive system ofmale rat;六味地黄汤对雄性大鼠生殖系统的影响

2.Objective To explore the effects of creatine supplementation on endogenous creatine synthesis in female andmale rats in the period of growth and development to provide experimental data for utilizing creatine rationally in various human groups.结果:与相同性别对照组相比,雌性或雄性大鼠补充肌酸8周后,肾脏AGAT活性和肝脏胍乙酸含量均降低,且补充肌酸剂量越大,降低越明显;腓肠肌、跖肌和比目鱼肌肌酸含量、血清肌酐含量升高;肾脏结构无明显差异。

3.Objective: To identify the role of 5α-reductase in the spermatogenesis ofmale rats by studying the effect of two 5α-reductase inhibitors,Epristeride and Finasteride,on the spermatogenesis in male Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats.05);②降低血清双氢睾酮而升高睾酮水平;③抑制大鼠精子数量,同时影响雄性大鼠生育能力。

4)male mouse雄性小鼠

5)male rats雄性大鼠

1.Effects of flavonoids from herba epimedii on the reproductive system inmale rats;淫羊藿总黄酮对雄性大鼠生殖功能影响的初步研究

2.Affect of the sea horse Hippocampus japonicus on pituitary- gonadal axis inmale rats;日本海马对雄性大鼠附性器官及垂体──性腺轴的影响

3.Experimental study of octylphenol,nonylphenol joint toxic effect on the sperm ofmale rats;辛基酚、壬基酚联合毒作用对雄性大鼠精子影响的实验研究

6)male wistar rat雄性大鼠


《幼幼近编》《幼幼近编》 《幼幼近编》 儿科著作。又名《证治大还幼幼近编》。四卷。清·陈治撰。十七世纪末刊行。本书为《证治大还》之。前三卷主论痘疮症治,后一卷论小儿杂病诊法及证治。本书收集总结了前人有关痘疹病因、主证和治疗大法。对儿科常见病也有一些独到见解。现存清贞白堂刻本。

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