糖尿病康复 > 幼鼠 Young rat英语短句 例句大全

幼鼠 Young rat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-08 07:16:34


幼鼠 Young rat英语短句 例句大全

幼鼠,Young rat

1)Young rat幼鼠

1.Effects of Zengyetang Injection on Apoptosis of Thymocytes Induced by Dexamethasone in Young Rats;增液汤对地塞米松诱导幼鼠胸腺细胞凋亡的影响

2.Influences of Astragalus membranaceus(黄芪) on nitric oxide and malondialdehyde in young rats with hypoxicischemic brain damage;黄芪对缺氧缺血性脑损伤幼鼠一氧化氮、丙二醛含量的影响

3.Objective To explore the effect of short-term total sleep deprivation on the temperature regulation and growth of young rats.目的通过建立完全性睡眠剥夺的幼鼠模型,探讨短期完全性睡眠剥夺对幼鼠体温调节及生长的影响。


1.Experimental Study on the Effect of Immobilization on Expression of Vitamin D Receptor in Bone and Exercising on Disuse Osteoporosis in Immature Rats;制动对幼鼠骨vitD受体表达影响及运动抗幼鼠DOP的实验研究

2.Differences of FeCl_3-induced Epilepsy between Juvenile and Adult Rats;幼鼠和成年大鼠外伤性癫痫模型的对比研究

3.The Mechanisms of no and ET in Acute Lung Injury PUP RAT Model;NO和ET在幼鼠急性肺损伤中的机制研究

4.The Effects of Sympathetomy on the Blood Pressure of Developing Wistar Rats Fed a High-sucrose Diet;高糖对幼鼠血压的影响及其机制探讨

5.The effects of orthodontic force on DSP expression in dentine of young rats正畸力对幼鼠牙本质中DSP表达的影响


7.Effects of Zinc Deficiency in Fodder on Brian Development, Learning and Memory in Rats饲料缺锌对幼鼠脑发育和学习记忆的影响

8.Study on Hepatotoxicity of Antiepileptic Drug Topiramate in Growing Rats;抗癫痫药托吡酯对幼鼠肝毒性的实验研究

9.The Effect of Qiweibaizhusan on the Mouse Originated Splenasthenic Diarrhea of Immune Function;七味白术散对脾虚泄泻幼鼠免疫机能的影响

10.Study on the Effect of Topiramate on Bone Development in Growing Rats;托吡酯对幼鼠骨骼发育影响的实验研究

11.The Effect of Captopril on the Mice Cardiac Fibroblast Cell Senescence;卡托普利对幼鼠心脏成纤维细胞衰老的影响

12.The Influences of Ketamine on the Expression of GAP-43 and Synaptophysin in SD Infant Rat Hippocampl Neuronal;氯胺酮对SD幼鼠海马神经元突触素、GAP-43的影响

13.Evaluation of the Immune Effect of Sendai Virus HN Gene DNA Vaccine in Infant Mice;仙台病毒HN基因核酸疫苗免疫幼鼠的效果评价

14.Effect of Glutamine on Small Intestinal Repair After Chronic Diarrhea;谷氨酰胺对慢性腹泻幼鼠肠黏膜修复的影响

15.A young animal, especially a baby kangaroo.幼袋鼠,幼兽幼小的动物,尤指幼袋鼠

16.Observations on the distribution of Trichinella spiralis in muscles of rats and mice and its number in capsule旋毛虫幼虫在大鼠与小鼠肌肉分布及囊包内幼虫数量的观察

17.A Histological Observation on Young and Grown-up Guinea Pig Cochlea幼年及成年豚鼠的耳蜗组织学观察

18.Distribution of Toxocara canis Larva in Mice幼虫移行症:犬弓首线虫幼虫在小鼠体内分布和组织反应


juvenile rat幼鼠

1.Pathophysiological changes of chronic heart failure resulting from pressure overload injuvenile rats and the interference of carvedilol;高压负荷性心衰幼鼠病理生理及卡维地洛的干预

2.Effects of carvedilol on ventricular remodeling ofjuvenile rats in processes of chronic heart failure and exploration of its mechanisms;卡维地洛对慢性心力衰竭幼鼠心室重构的干预及作用机制

3.Effects of carvedilol on preventing left ventricular remodeling in chronic heart failure ofjuvenile rats;不同剂量卡维地洛对幼鼠慢性心力衰竭左室重构的影响

3)Young rats幼鼠

1.Objective To explore the establishment of infectious brain injury model of young rats induced by lipopolysaccharide(LPS),and the protection and the possible mechanism of ethyl pyruvate(EP) in such models.目的探讨内毒素(LPS)致幼鼠感染性脑损伤模型的建立及丙酮酸乙酯(EP)对LPS所致幼鼠感染性脑损伤的保护作用及其可能机制。

4)neonatal rat幼鼠

1.Objective To explore the protective effect and mechanism of ligustrazine against ischemia-reperfusion injury of retina fromneonatal rats.目的探讨川芎嗪对幼鼠视网膜缺血-再灌注损伤后的保护作用及机制,评估其在幼龄视网膜缺血性疾病中的应用价值。

5)Immature rats幼鼠

1.The relationship between induced-epilepsy adult rats and hippocampal damages has been studied widely and deeply, while the condition of immature rats in this aspect is studied rarely.致痫成鼠与海马损伤的关系已研究的较为广泛和深入,而幼鼠方面的研究相对较少。

6)juvenile rats幼鼠

1.Objective:To study the change of ADH neurons in supraoptic nuclens of hypothalamus at intermittent hypoxia injuvenile rats, and to explore the possible relationship between enuresis induced by intermittent hypoxia and ADH neurons.目的:研究间歇性缺氧条件下幼鼠下丘脑视上核ADH神经元的变化,探讨间歇性缺氧致遗尿与ADH神经元变化之间的可能关系,为儿童原发性夜间遗尿症(Primary nocturnal enuresis PNE)的临床治疗和药物选择提供理论依据。


《幼幼近编》《幼幼近编》 《幼幼近编》 儿科著作。又名《证治大还幼幼近编》。四卷。清·陈治撰。十七世纪末刊行。本书为《证治大还》之。前三卷主论痘疮症治,后一卷论小儿杂病诊法及证治。本书收集总结了前人有关痘疹病因、主证和治疗大法。对儿科常见病也有一些独到见解。现存清贞白堂刻本。

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