糖尿病康复 > 特发性癫痫 idiopathic epilepsy英语短句 例句大全

特发性癫痫 idiopathic epilepsy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-29 03:16:28


特发性癫痫 idiopathic epilepsy英语短句 例句大全

特发性癫痫,idiopathic epilepsy

1)idiopathic epilepsy特发性癫痫

1.Single nucleotide polymorphisms detection and analysis of exon 17 of CLCN2 gene inidiopathic epilepsy in China.中国特发性癫痫病患者CLCN2基因第17号外显子单核苷酸多态性检测与分析

2.Relationship betweenidiopathic epilepsy and sleep macrostructure in children;儿童特发性癫痫与睡眠结构的关系


1.Effect of EEG features for diagnosis and treatment in idiopathic generalized epilepsyEEG特征在特发性癫痫诊治中的作用

2.Analysis of Relationship between the GABRG2 Gene Mutation and the Idiopathic EpilepsiesGABRG2基因突变与特发性癫痫的相关性筛查分析

3.Clinical and Molecular Genetic Analysis of Two Pedigree with Idiopathic Epileptic Syndromes;两个特发性癫痫综合征家系的临床与分子遗传学研究

4.Study on the Humoral Immunity of Idopathic Epilepsy Children;特发性癫痫患儿体液免疫指标测定及临床意义研究

5.Analysis of Cognitive Function and Its Related Factors in Patients with Idiopathic Epilepsy特发性癫痫患者认知功能障碍及其相关因素分析

6.Single nucleotide polymorphism detection of exon 18 of CLCN2 gene in idiopathic epilepsy in China中国特发性癫痫患者CLCN2基因第18号外显子SNP检测

7.The Studty for Risk Factors of Post-Stroke Epilepsy and Seizuer Characterristics卒中后癫痫危险因素及痫性发作特点研究

8.A Initial Study for the Time Distribution of Epileptic Seizure and Constitutional of Epileptics and Them Relationship;癫痫病人体质、癫痫发作时辰分布特点及两者相关性的初探

9.The frequency of intractable seizures after stopping AEDs in seizure-free children with epilepsy无癫痫发作的癫痫患儿停药后难治性癫痫的发作频率

10.psychomotor epilepsy精神运动性癫痫发作

11.epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal attacks of brief clouding of consciousness (a possible other abnormalities).突发性癫痫神志不清楚。

12.Relationship between the Features of GAD Expression in Hippocampus and Epilepsy Pathogenesy in Penicillin-induced Acute Seizure Rats;青霉素诱导急性痫性大鼠海马GAD的表达特征与癫痫发病机制研究

13.Clinical and Molecular Genetic Study of Idiopathic Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy;特发性夜间额叶癫痫的临床及分子遗传学研究

14.Clinical Analysis of Subclinical Epileptiform Discharges in Children with Cerebral Palsy脑性瘫痪伴发临床下癫痫样放电临床特征分析

15.Measurement of hippocampal T_2 relaxation time on MRI in idiopathic temporal lobe epilepsy特发性颞叶癫痫的MRI海马T_2弛豫时间测量

16.The Role of Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Experimental Epilepsy: It"s Correlation with Epileptogenesis;实验性癫痫海马神经发生与癫痫发生相关性的研究

17.Effects of Kava on Absence-like Seizures in the Tremor Rats and on Tonic Seizures in the Spontaneously Epileptic Rats;咔哇对震颤大鼠癫痫小发作及对自发性癫痫大鼠大发作的作用

18.~1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Diffusion-weighted Image in Primarily Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizure Epilepsy: Initial Experience;特发性全面强直阵挛发作型癫痫~1H-MRS与DWI的初步研究


idiopathic generalized epilepsy特发性癫痫

1.γ-amino butyric acid receptor subtype B (GABBR) genes andidiopathic generalized epilepsy;γ-氨基丁酸受体基因多态性与特发性癫痫的相关性研究

2.Effect of EEG features for diagnosis and treatment inidiopathic generalized epilepsyEEG特征在特发性癫痫诊治中的作用

3)idiopathic occipital epilepsy特发性枕叶癫痫

4)Epileptic events癫痫特性

5)idiopathic generalized epilepsy特发性全身性癫痫

1.Changes of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in thalamus of 10 patients withidiopathic generalized epilepsy;10例特发性全身性癫痫患者丘脑磁共振波谱变化

6)Recurrent epilepsy复发性癫痫


特发性癫痫特发性癫痫idiopathic epilepsy即“原发性癫痫”。原因不明或有遗传因素的癫痫。癫痫属惊厥性疾病,特征是突然发生的短暂运动、感觉、精神或自主神经症状,常伴有意识的改变。既往认为这是癫痫的主要类型,随着医学技术的发展,它所占的比率日趋减少,所谓特发性癫痫的病因也将逐步阐明。到目前为止,它被认为是脑部功能的异常,但并不排除某些特殊结构病变的可能。特发性癫痫常与遗传因素有关。发病年龄多在儿童或青春期,往往因体内外环境在生理范围内的各种改变而诱发。

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