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农户增收 Increase the Income of Households英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-28 16:07:28


农户增收 Increase the Income of Households英语短句 例句大全

农户增收,Increase the Income of Households

1)Increase the Income of Households农户增收


1.Studies on Means to Increase the Income of Poor Rural Households--Based on the analysis of income disparity among farmers;贫困农户增收路径研究——基于农民收入差距分析

2.Research on the Influence Factor S of Farmers" Income and Countermeasures四川农户增收的制约因素及对策研究

3.Construction of Poor Farmers Increase Long-term Mechanism of Countermeasures构建贫困农户增收长效机制的对策思考

4.Research On Increasing Peasants Income--Status Quo Analysis & Consideration of Increasing Income Ways On Low-Income Peasants in Countryside;农民增收问题研究——农村低收入户现状分析及增收对策的思考

5.How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year ?去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?

6.A DEA Analysis of the Variation in Farmers Income Structure Efficiency and Its Effect on Income Increase--Taking the Farmers of Shanxi Province as an Example;农户收入结构效率变动及其增收效应的DEA分析——以山西农户为例

7.Influential Agricultural machines Are Effective Ways for Peasants to In Crease Their income;发展农机大户是促进农民增收的有效途径

8.Peasants Production in Duality:the DeepContra Diction of Increasing Peasants Income;农户生产的二重性:增加农民收入的深层矛盾

9.A Study on the Measurement, Influential-Factors and the Effect of Income-increasing of Farmers Social Capital;农户社会资本的测度、影响因素与增收效应研究

10.Restriction Factor of the Peasant Household Income Grows and Countermeasure;影响农户经济收入增长的制约因素与对策

11.A Study on the Affecting Factors of Farmer s Income Growth Since China s Market Reform;市场化改革以来农户收入增长的影响因素分析

12.On the income increase and the transference of Chinese farmer and its causes;中国农户经济收入增长、结构变迁及根源

13.Impact of Rural Household"s Training Level to Employee Selection and Income Growth培训对农户就业选择和收入增长的影响研究

14.Effects of household biogas pond construction on energy-saving,emission-reducing and increase in farmers’income户用沼气池建设的节能减排和农民增收效果

15.Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Fixed Assets Investment and Income Increase of Rural Household农户固定资产投资与收入增长关系的实证研究

16.A Case Study on Income Analysis and Countermeasures for Increasing Income of Households who Involved in Returning Farmland to Forestland in 6 Counties in Yunnan;云南省6县退耕还林农户收益分析及增收对策的案例研究

17.The 4th chapter: The power system of starting Chinese rural consumption market: The peasant household’s income increase mechanism.第四章 启动我国农村消费市场的动力机制:农户收入增长机制。

18.Improving Mode of "Agrotechnical Station Plus Professional Associations" To Make Science and Technique Step into Peasant Households and Get Better Income;农技站加协会模式 促进科技入户 促进农民增收浅谈


income of the participating farmers农户收益

3)Household income农户收入

4)rural household income农户收入

1.C-D function forrural household income is fitted,making an analysis ismade on the relationship of rural regular financial services andrural household income in the framework of rural household function.拟合农户收入的C-D函数,在农户收入函数框架下分析农村正规金融服务与农户收入的关系。

2.The rapid development of rural industrialization dominated by township and village industry has led to readjustment of rural labor allocation and also to changes in the rural labor force s sectoral structure,and it has also influencedrural household income changes.以乡镇工业为主的农村工业化的蓬勃发展 ,不但促使了农户对劳力分配的调整 ,导致了农村劳动力存量结构与产业结构的变化 ,而且也影响农户收入的变动。

5)increasing farmers Income农民增收

1.The author analyze the issue of increasing farmers income and affecting factors in Guizhou province.运用矛盾分析法分析贵州省农民增收问题的影响因素,即贵州人口多,人口素质不高,过量的人口给自然资源和环境带来很大压力;农民的组织化水平低,增收受到一系列制度约束。

2.In light of the above mentioned fact, considering the development of agriculture and increase of farmers income under the background of globalization of economy, this paper holds that the problems in developing agriculture and increasing farmers income could only be solved through innov.把当前农业发展和农民增收放在经济全球化的背景下,提出了重点通过农业管理模式、农业组织形式、农业市场运作模式和农户经营模式与经营理念的创新来解决当前农业发展和农民增收问题。

6)peasants income increase农民增收

1.At present, inorder to realizepeasants income increase, we should bring the functions of local government in to full play.改革开放以来,我国农民收入增长大体经历了五个阶段;新时期影响农民收入增长的因素主要是农业生产结构调整滞后、税费负担沉重等六大方面;当前实现农民增收应充分发挥地方政府的重要作用。

2.By using the data from 1990 to ,this article takes an empirical analysis of the relationship between financial supporting agriculture and thepeasants income increase,the scale and structure of agriculture supporting funs,and the effects of agriculture support.本文利用1990-的数据,运用统计描述方法、Granger因果关系检验和多元回归模型对我国财政支农与农民增收关系、财政支农资金规模及结构、支农绩效进行实证分析。

3.Peasants poor education is one of the obstacles that has long affectedpeasants income increase.农民收入增长受到诸多因素的制约,其中,农民文化素质低是制约农民增收的长效性障碍。


农户农户peasant household农户(peasant household)即农民家庭.是农村中以血缘和婚姻关系为基础组成的农村最基层的社会单位。既是一个独立的生产单位,又是一个独立的生活单位,有的只作为独立的生活单位而存在。农户是在原始社会末期,同农民一起出现的,并随着社会的变革,改变着它的经济性质和社会地位。作为一个生产单位的农户,一般是以自有或租入(或兼而有之)的土地和其他生产资料,依靠家庭成员的劳动或雇佣劳动(或兼而有之)进行农业生产与经营活动的。农户的经济性质与社会地位,在不同的社会条件下有所不同。在奴隶社会、封建社会和资本主义社会初期,农户一般是个体农户,是个体农民经济单位。这种个体农民经济的特点,是在小块土地上进行经营;家长(即户主)居主宰地位,家庭成员按照年龄、性别形成自然劳动分工;经营规模狭小,生产技术落后;生产的目的主要是为了满足家庭自身消费的需要,基本上是自给自足经济。个体农民经济在奴隶社会就已存在,在整个封建社会和资本主义社会初期是农业中的重要经济形式。随着资本主义商品经济的发展,它不可避免地产生两极分化。大批无力抗御自然灾害和承担债务的中小农户,或者破产,或者只能勉强维持,少数生产条件较好的发展成为资本主义性质的农场。在高度发展的资本主义商品经济的条件下,即使是中小农户也不是自给自足的了,他们一般都分别从事某一项专业化的商品农产品生产,甚至连他们自己的消费品也大部分从市场上购买。这种经济实际上是整个社会化的商品生产的组成部分,是垄断资本的一种附属休。在发达的资本主义国家中,以家庭为单位进行生产经营的农户,按其经营的范围和非农业收入的比重,可划分为专业农户和兼业农户。前者以务农为主,后者既务农又兼营其他行业,并且往往以非农业收入为主。在中华人民共和国成立以前,中国农村中主要为贫下中农和中农。毛泽东指出:“在农民群众方面,几千年来都是个体经济,一家一户,就是一个生产单位。这种分散的个体生产,就是封建统治的经济基础,而使农民陷于永远的穷苦。”农村中也有少数富农。近代富农具有某种程度的资本主义性质。中华人民共和国成立以后,经过农业合作化,消灭了富农,个体农户加入农业生产合作社而成为合作社的社员户。这时,作为个体经济的农户已为数极少,但以血缘和婚姻关系为基础组成的农户依然存在,农户虽然还有自留地和家庭副业,但已不再是一个独立生产经营单位。1978年中国共产党十一届三中全会以后,在农村合作经济中实行家庭联产承包责任制,实行统一经营和分散经营相结合的制度,农户成为集体经济中的一个独立的经营层次。这样,农户又成为从事生产经营活动的基本单位。农户中有一般的农业承包户,有专业承包户。(张平)

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