糖尿病康复 > 增运增收 increase of capacity and revenue英语短句 例句大全

增运增收 increase of capacity and revenue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-29 03:02:28


增运增收 increase of capacity and revenue英语短句 例句大全

增运增收,increase of capacity and revenue

1)increase of capacity and revenue增运增收


1.A Discussion on Measures of Transportation Organization of Increasing Capacity and Revenue Under the Principle of "Short Dwelling and Extended Train" During the Spring Festival;“停短开长”春运原则下增运增收的运输组织

2.incremental Benefits新增收益,增量收益

3.Added operating costs because of more deduction points and long pay back period扣点多、收款期长增加营运成本

4.Added operating costs because of exorbitant taxes and levies as well as long pay back period苛捐杂税多、收款期长增加营运成本

5.The Relationship Between Operation of Rural Educational Human Capital and Increasing the Farmer Income;农村人力资本运作与农民增收的关系

6.A Perspective of Fair Principle in Tax Revenue from New Value-adding Tax System in Effect;从新增值税制的运行看税收公平原则

7.The railway transportation revenue totaled 134.6 billion yuan, a rise of 50.4 billion yuan, or 59.9 percent, on 1997.2001年,全路完成运输收入1346亿元,比1997年增加了504亿元,增长59.9%。

8.Effective Approach of Increasing Revenue from Value-insured Traffic under the System of Stations and Depots Directly Managed by Administrations;直管站段体制下增加货运保价收入的有效途径

9.Tactics Research on increasing the income of passenger train s running under the market economy;市场经济条件下增加旅客列车运营收益的研究


11.China"s Tax Revenue Grew Faster Than GDP Growth Rate Analysis我国税收收入增长超GDP增长的分析

12.an increase in freight/goods/passenger traffic货运[货运/客运]量的增加

13.Pathologically increased muscular movement.运动增强病理增强的肌肉运动

14.Oil revenue have rise with the rise in the dollar.石油收益因美元增值而增加。

15.The burden on farmers should be reduced. and efforts should be made to help them increase production and incomes.减轻农民负担,努力使农民增产增收。

16.Increase in revenue will increase owner"s equity.收入的增加会导致业主权益的增加。

17.their local financial revenue almost doubled, with an average annual growth rate of 12.9 percent;地方财政收入增加近1倍,年均增长12.9%;

18.He tripled his income.他使他的收入增加两倍[增至三倍]。


increasing yield and revenue增产增收

1.Several techniques aboutincreasing yield and revenue of Dali s rice;大理州水稻增产增收若干技术问题的探讨

3)Improve in Effect and Efficiency增收增效

4)income increase增收

1.However,there cannot be too fast increase in the peasant-supporting investment,while policy-based investment will undermine the base for theincome increase of peasants.但是,支农投资不可能增长太快,靠政策性因素的投资也会使得农民增收缺乏稳定的基础;在农产品相对过剩的情形下,通过提高农产品的价格对农民增收的作用也会趋缓;另外,由于多种因素,农村劳动力转移对农民收入提高不会太快。

2.1 Article of the Party Central Committee has shown the strategic arrangement for peasantsincome increase nowadays.中央《一号文件》对现阶段我国农民增收问题作出了战略部署。

3.The paper analyzed the characteristics ofincome increase of farmers in Shaanxi province and its limiting factors, and advanced the corresponding countermeasures as consult for decision-makers.文章结合陕西实际,从分析陕西农民收入增长的特点谈起,剖析了影响陕西农民增收的深层次原因,并在此基础上提出了一些对策,供决策者参考。

5)increase income增收

1.The models of rice field without plough were effective ways to overcome the shortage of rural laborers and to save costs andincrease income.稻田免耕栽培模式是克服农村劳动力不足、实现降本增收的有效途径。

2.That the agriculture stucture is not reasorable , the price of agriculture product is low, peasant’s burden is heavy and labors transfer ineffectively is the main factors influencing peasants toincrease income .农业产业结构不合理,主要农产品价格偏低,农民负担过重,农村剩余劳动力转移不充分是影响农民增收的主要因素。

3.So we should take effective measures to realize"four changes",that is adjusting agricultural industrial structure and transferring country surplus labour force and strengthening peasantry s main body status and tamping peasantry sincrease income foundation.在新的形势下,如何拓宽农民增收的渠道,突破制约农民增收的“瓶颈”,是当前农业和农村经济工作的中心任务,也是“三农”问题的核心环节,必须予以高度重视,采取切实有效的措施,努力实现“四个转变”:调整农业产业结构,由传统农业向现代农业转变;转移农村剩余劳力,使农村人口向非农化转变;强化农民主体地位,由自给农民向市场农民转变;夯实农民增收基础,由牺牲农业向保护农业转变。

6)income growth增收

1.Analysis of factors to restrictincome growth of farmers of Chongqing;制约重庆市农民增收的因素分析

2.Farmers have enjoyed obviousincome growth including that from growing and breeding industry,transformational income,salary,service income,etc.近年来农民收入有较大增长,结合江西与全国农民增收的有关情况,分析农民增收及制约增收的原因,增收主要有来自种养业收入、转移性收入、工资性收入、劳务性收入、其他收入五个方面;制约增收有农业结构调整不到位、不深入,整个社会对农民收入带动及拉动不够等因素,提出从社会保障、职业教育、农村金融等方面创新工作,进一步增加中西部地区农民收入的策略。

3.Urbanization has an important impact on rural households’income growth.城市化对农民增收有重要影响。


牲畜的总增和纯增一定时期内牲畜总头数和净头数的增加。总增 一定时期内繁殖成活的仔畜数减去该时期内成畜和幼畜死亡数后的余额。决定总增大小的因素是繁殖母畜的数量和繁殖能力。母畜的繁殖能力包括受其生理条件制约的分娩次数、产仔数,以及受一定经济、技术条件和管理水平制约的受配率、怀胎率、产仔率和成活率等。纯增 一定时期内繁殖和购进的牲畜减去全部消耗(包括成幼畜死亡、屠宰和出售)以后的余额。决定纯增大小的主要因素是总增的大小和为社会(包括生产者自身)消费需要提供的牲畜数量的多少。恰当地确定纯增,正确地处理积累与消费的关系,对于畜牧业的发展(特别是在畜牧业不发达的条件下)有重要意义。纯增过低,畜牧业的扩大再生产能力受到压抑;纯增过高,又会因生产条件(如饲料、劳动力、饲养设施)不相适应达不到预期效果,同时还会减少向社会提供的畜产品量。在传统农业中,增加牲畜头数是发展畜牧业的主要途径。在传统农业向现代化农业转化过程中,增加牲畜头数作为发展畜牧业主要途径的情况会发生变化,提高牲畜的生产性能(如产品率、产品质量、出栏率)将逐渐成为发展畜牧业的重要途径之一。在现代化农业中,提高牲畜生产性能将逐渐成为发展畜牧业的主要途径,增加牲畜头数将退居第二位。总增率和纯增率 总增率是反映一定时期畜群规模扩大程度的指标,用于衡量大牲畜、绵羊和山羊头数的?龀に健R允涤械幕旌贤肥扑悖患浦怼⒓仪荨F浼扑愎轿?采用这个指标考察不同地区、不同单位或不同年份的牲畜头数增长水平时,要在畜群结构基本相同的情况下才能对比。纯增率是反映一定时期畜群积累状况的指标。一般按大牲畜、绵羊和山羊的混合头数计算,也可按大牲畜、绵羊、山羊分别计算。其计算公式为:采用纯增率指标考察畜牧业积累的合理性时,需同考察生产条件状况和社会对畜产品需求状况结合起来。

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