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饮食量 Daily food intake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-24 22:05:18


饮食量 Daily food intake英语短句 例句大全

饮食量,Daily food intake

1)Daily food intake饮食量

2)quantified diet饮食量化

1.Objective To evaluate the effect ofquantified diet guidance on postoperative bowel movement of hemorrhoid patients.目的探讨饮食量化指导对痔术后患者排便的影响。

3)dietary calorie饮食能量



1.Sickness often results from eating too much.呕吐常因饮食过量所致。

2.Nearly everyone has overeaten at the picnic.野餐时,差不多每个人都饮食过量了。

3.the accumulative effects of eating too much长期饮食过量造成的后果.

4.Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.食不过饱,饮不过量。

5.Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.节制:食不可过饱,饮不得过量。

6.An excess of fat in one"s diet can lead to heart disease.饮食中脂肪过量能导致心脏病.

7.eat and drink in moderation饮食适度 [不过度]

8.The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight.这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

9.Fat in the diet may affect mental ability.饮食中的脂肪含量过多可能影响思考能力。

10.eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins).七宗罪之一,过多地饮食。

11.small quantity of food or drink taken as a sample(品尝的)少量食物或饮料

12.Traditional diets often have too much fat too many calories for the 21st-century person.对于21世纪的人而言,传统的饮食中脂肪和热量过多。

13.A food or beverage designed for quick preparation.速食食品,即溶饮料经过简短准备就可食用的食品或饮料

14.A diet history may reveal food faddism, lack of variety, or inadequate or excessive intake of energy and essential nutrients.通过膳食史可以发现是否是时尚饮食、物品种是否单一、量和必需营养素摄入不足或过多等情况。

15.a diet designed to avoid the foods that you are allergic to.为避免你所过敏的食物而设计的饮食。

16.Taken in between meals, it assists weight loss by preventing over-eating.若在进餐前后的间隔时段饮用,还可增加饱足感,预防过量进食,孕妇也可食用。

17.“Vegetarianism is the diet of the future, as flesh-food is the diet of the past.「肉食已成过去式,而素食主义将成为未来的饮食。」

18.Vegetarianism is the diet of the future, as flesh-food is the diet of the past.「肉食已成过去式,而素食主义将成为未来的饮食。


quantified diet饮食量化

1.Objective To evaluate the effect ofquantified diet guidance on postoperative bowel movement of hemorrhoid patients.目的探讨饮食量化指导对痔术后患者排便的影响。

3)dietary calorie饮食能量


5)High calorie diet高热量饮食

6)low caloric diet低热量饮食


超轻量化飞轮我们也叫竞技版,适合N/A车子跟马力比较不大的车子,减重超过原厂的1/2,转速拉升跟加速的 性能比轻量化更好,很适合各式车子进行加速赛及甩尾,但比较不适合马力大及涡轮车进行场地赛及需要高速的 拉力赛,因为重量太轻了导致无法保持惯性所以会影响4,5档的加速,所以不适用一般马力在350P以下的车子使用单片式的离合器及飞轮即可,也较便宜,还不需要用到两片或多片式的,除非马力真的很大用单片式的踩起来太硬,遇到塞车真的是虐待左脚,否则用单片式的即可。

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