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工作准则 working norms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-17 04:16:13


工作准则 working norms英语短句 例句大全

工作准则,working norms

1)working norms工作准则

1.Onworking norms of journals of universities and colleges;从高校学报编辑部的业务工作层面出发 ,结合学习、贯彻教育部颁发的《高等学校学报管理办法》 ,研讨高校学报编辑部有关工作准则与机制的一些问


1.It says that workers were simply following safety rules and other work terms more closely than in the past.他们表示,工人们只是比过去更严格地遵守安全守则及其他工作准则。

2.Guidelines for Cooperation between States in Weather Modifications各国在人工影响气候方面的合作准则

3.Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on the Implementation of the Amended London Guidelines实施订正伦敦准则特设专家工作组

4.Exercising the State Power for the People--The Guide Line of the Whole Works of the Party;执政为民——党的一切工作的最高准则

5.On the Issue of Standardization for Engineering Construction Dealing with Rules of WTO/TBT;论工程建设标准化工作应对WTO/TBT规则的问题

6.The period concerning approval and report delivery prescribed in these Rules refers to working days.本细则有关批准、告期间的规定是指工作日。

7.Working Group on the Implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities残疾人机会均等标准规则执行情况工作组

8.Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities残疾人机会均等标准规则执行情况监测工作组

9.Working chemical-General rules for the weight titrationGB10738-1989工作基准试剂(容量)称量滴定法通则

10.Working chemical-General rules for the potentiometric weight titratioGB10737-1989工作基准试剂(容量)称量电位滴定法通则

11.The criterion of detection is two questions: why?侦探工作有两条行事准则:凡事问个“为什么?

12.The Record and Original Record Based on the Accreditation Criteria of Laboratories;实验室认可准则规范下的记录与原始记录工作

13.Process and Standardization--Research of Defining Knowledge Works;程序性和规范性——知识工作界定准则的探讨

14.Accurately Grasp the Working Principle of Treatment about Foreigner Case;准确把握公安涉外案(事)件处置工作原则

15.Principles and Practice of Deng XiaoPing Theory on Ideological and Political Work;论邓小平思想政治工作理论的若干准则与实践

16.Principle 4: Average work load (Equalization).We should work like the tortoise in the race.原则4:使工作负荷平均(平准化),工作应该像龟兔赛跑中的乌龟一样。

17.Agreement setting out Guidelines for Cooperation between FAO and UNIDO in the Field of Industrial Development粮农组织和工发组织关于在工业发展领域中的合作准则的协定

18.Principle 6: The standardization of duties is the base of continuing to improve and authorize staff.原则6:职务工作的标准化是持续改善与授权员工的基础。


cooperative principle合作准则

3)technological criterion工艺准则

1.This paper introduced the development environment and method to the stamping technology and dies CAD of revolving parts, and put forward some key technology, such astechnological criterion, data management, object linking and embedding, and parametric drawing.介绍了旋转体冲压件成形工艺及模具CAD软件开发环境及开发方法 ,探讨了其中的关键技术 ,提出了工艺准则建立、数据管理、软件接口、图形参数化驱动是其中的关键。

4)working principle工作原则

1.Accurately Grasp the Working Principle of Treatment about Foreigner Case;准确把握公安涉外案(事)件处置工作原则

2.Thirdly, he should obey theworking principles, which is the essential factor.其中,认清使命和角色是前提,提高自身素质是关键,遵循工作原则是根本,掌握科学的方法是必要条件,建立良好的师生关系是必要补充。

3.To guarantee the quality of employing teachers in the process of enlarging and refreshing teachers group, we must first insist on the basic requirements for new teachers;secondly; uphold theworking principles for employing them; and thirdly, implement the working process of employing them strictly.在教师队伍不断补充与更新的过程中,把好录用教师的入口关,必须坚持对新教师的基本要求,必须坚 持录用新教师的工作原则,必须严格执行新教师录用的工作程序。

5)Working chart工作图则

1.Working chart is not statute, but as a supplement and specification of statutory chart, it provides specific technical support for planning management.工作图则不是法规,但为规划管理提供更为具体的技术支撑,是法定图则的细化、补充,是管理部门日常管理工作的依据,可指导编写规划设计要点。

6)works rules工作规则



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