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国际准则 International Norms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 14:07:13


国际准则 International Norms英语短句 例句大全

国际准则,International Norms

1)International Norms国际准则

1.implications of Milanda Rulesand "silent right", as well as a series of international norms of criminal procedure stipulated inIntentional Convention of Citizen rights and Political Moreover, the author raisesquestions on No.简要阐述了米兰达规则和沉默权的涵义,以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》所确立的一系列刑事诉讼国际准则。

2.First of all, this article study the international norms of CPI methodology and its application The newest international norms of CPI methodology are‘CPI Manual: Theory and Practice ()’and its supplement manual‘Practical Guide to Compiling Consumer Price Indices: A supplementary handbook to the International Manual on CPIs ()’.CPI是国家统计机构定期生产的最重要的单项统计数据之一,其编制方法上的微小差别都可能产生严重的经济影响,遵循国际准则编制精确而具有可比性的CPI尤为重要。


1.Office of International Norms and Legal Affairs国际准则和法律事务厅

2.international guidelines for consumer protection保护消费者国际准则

3.Discussion on the Difference between New Accounting Principles of Chinese Enterprise and the International Accounting Principles;浅论我国新企业会计准则与国际准则的差异

4.Analyzing and comparing the construction contract rule in China and international rule;我国建造合同准则与国际准则的比较分析

5.Thinking about Discussing International Accounting Standards according to New Accounting Standards;从新会计准则看我国会计准则国际化

6.(b) be based on international standards, where such exist;(b) 如存在国际标准,则应依据国际标准;

7.International Animal Health Code国际动物健康准则(动物健康准则)

8.Research on New Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards Comparison;新会计准则与国际会计准则比较研究

9.International Standard Bibliographic Description (General) [ISBD(G)]国际标准书目着录(总则)

10.generally-accepted principles of international relations公认的国际关系准则

11.Fighting against International Terrorism Should Comply with International Norms;打击国际恐怖主义应坚持国际法准则

12.The Comparative Study of Chinese Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的比较研究

13.Some Articles Contrast between Chinese and International Accounting Standards;中国会计准则与国际会计准则的若干差异研究

14.A Comparative Analysis of CAS and IFRS;中国会计准则与国际财务报告准则差异分析

15.To Analyse on the Differences Between China s Accounting Standards and International Accounting Standards;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的差异分析

16.The On the Difference of Cash Flow Table between Study of the International Accountant Criterion and the Chinese Accountant Criterion;国际会计准则与中国会计准则《现金流量表》比较

17.Analysis about Our Accounting Principles Going to Consistent with International Accounting Principles;我国会计准则与国际会计准则的趋同分析

18.Discussions about the Harmonization of U.S.GAAP and IAS;浅议美国会计准则与国际会计准则的协调


international standard国际准则

1.The system of business accounting standard has been constructed for the first time,which ad- justs China s socialism market economy and is convergent withinternational standard covering every independent business.新会计准则体系的建立,顺应中国经济快速市场化和国际化的需要,以提高会计信息质量为核心,强化为投资者和社会公众提供决策有用会计信息的理念,首次构建了与我国社会主义市场经济相适应,与国际准则趋同、涵盖企业各项经济业务、可独立实施的企业会计准则体系,并为改进国际财务报告准则提供了有益借鉴,实现了我国企业会计准则建设性的跨越和历史性的突破。

3)International Accounting Standard国际会计准则

1.International Accounting Standard is the result of the contention of various special interest groups.国际会计准则是各利益集团利益之争的结果,本文试图通过分析国际会计准则的产生和变革以及其背后的利益之争,得到对我国参与会计国际协调的启示。

2.As a result, EU made the decision in July of 2002 that the report form will be work out according toInternational Accounting Standard from .为此 ,欧盟在 2 0 0 2年 7月做出决议 ,从 2 0 0 5年起根据国际会计准则编制合并报表 ,同时 ,采取一系列新的协调措施 ,统一成员国的会计准则 ,提高公司会计报表的可比性和透明度 ,降低筹资者的成本 ,确保国际会计准则的执行。

4)International Accounting Standards国际会计准则

1.Investor Protection and the Acceptance and Enforcement ofInternational Accounting Standards──Perspective of Property Rights and Judicial Systems;投资者保护与国际会计准则的采纳和执行──基于产权和法律视角

2.Establishment Procedure of theInternational Accounting Standards and its Reference to China;国际会计准则的制定程序与借鉴

3.The Development and Revelations of theInternational Accounting Standards;国际会计准则的发展及其启迪

5)Common criterion国际通用准则

6)Internationalization of Accounting Standards会计准则国际化



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