糖尿病康复 > 特发性突聋 sudden deafness英语短句 例句大全

特发性突聋 sudden deafness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-04 15:38:07


特发性突聋 sudden deafness英语短句 例句大全

特发性突聋,sudden deafness

1)sudden deafness特发性突聋

1.Application of association rules to risk prediction ofsudden deafness特发性突聋风险预测中关联规则的应用


1.Analysis of the Effect of Treatment of Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss;特发性突聋治疗效果及相关因素的分析

2.Application of association rules to risk prediction of sudden deafness特发性突聋风险预测中关联规则的应用

3.Conclusion Coninuous using Dexttrao 40 is an efficacyious method for idiopathic sudden deafness.结论低分子右旋糖酐冲击是治疗特发性突聋的有效方法。

4.Methods 53 cases were treated with continuous Dextrao 40 and regular medicine and Hyperbaric Oxygenation.方法对53例特发性突聋患者行低分子右旋糖酐加常规药物,高压氧冲击治疗。

5.Connexin26 mutation in idiopathic deafness of Chinese children and adolescent青少年儿童特发性耳聋与Connexin26突变的相关性

6.Clinical Evaluations and Mutational Analysis for Late-onset Progressive Hearing Loss;迟发性耳聋临床表型特征及基因突变分析

7.Analysis of clinical characteristics and treatment outcome of bilateral and unilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss双侧与单侧突发性聋的临床特点及疗效分析

8.Among them, 10 patients had sudden deafness, and the rest included endolymphatic hydrops in 5; perilymph fistula in 2; mumps deafness in 2 and otitis media with effusion in 2.结果:10名病童属突发性耳聋,约占同时期186名突发性耳聋病人的5%。

9.Retrospective Analysis of 158 with Sudden Deafness;突发性耳聋158例临床资料回顾性分析

10.Hyperbaric Oxygen(HBO) Therapy of Sudden Sensorineural Deafness(SSND)高压氧综合治疗突发性耳聋的疗效

11.Curative Effect of Ligustrazine on Sudden Deafness川芎嗪治疗突发性耳聋51例疗效观察

12.Background: Hearing impairment in children can hamper learning process in them.背景:小儿的突发性耳聋临床上罕见。

13.Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Eye Acupuncture for 42 Cases of Sudden Deafness眼针治疗突发性耳聋42例疗效观察

14.Significens of Blood Platelet CD62p in Treating Sudden Deafness;血小板CD62p在突发性聋治疗中的意义

15.Investigation on the Related Factors with Prognosis of Sudden Deafness in Juveniles青少年突发性耳聋预后相关因素分析

16.Characteristics of hearing loss in 1158 cases of sudden deafness1158例突发性聋患者听力情况分析

17.Observations on the Efficacy of Auricular Point Plaster Therapy for Sudden Deafness耳穴贴压治疗突发性耳聋的疗效观察

18.Clinical observation of effects of glucocorticoid in treatment of sudden deafness糖皮质激素治疗突发性耳聋临床观察


Sudden hearing loss突发性聋

1.The DPOAEs in recovery course of sudden hearing loss;突发性聋恢复过程中畸变产物耳声发射的变化

2.The Electron under the laryngoscope the eustachian tube drum room injection Dexamethasone treatment sudden hearing loss电子咽喉镜下咽鼓管鼓室注入地塞米松治疗突发性聋

3.Objective:To studay clinical of sudden hearing loss patients in the treatment of routine medicine and on the base of it add acupuncture holographic points and the points around ear.目的:观察在常规药物基础上加用全息穴及耳周腧穴针刺治疗突发性聋患者的临床疗效。

3)Sudden deafness突发性聋

1.Related study on psychiatric interfere to sudden deafness;心理干预对突发性聋疗效影响的相关性研究

2.Sudden deafness in juveniles: Study on the correlation factors with prognosis;青少年突发性聋预后与一些因素的相关性探讨

3.Clinical effect of buflomedil hydrochloride injection on sudden deafness;盐酸丁咯地尔治疗突发性聋的临床疗效

4)Sudden Hearing LOSS突发性耳聋

1.Evaluate the Therapy Efficacy of Two Drags and Hyperbaric Oxygen in Combination for Patient withSudden Hearing LOSS;甲磺酸二氢麦角碱+血栓通联合高压氧治疗突发性耳聋疗效观察

2.Hyperbaric oxygen therapeutics in treatment of sudden hearing loss;高压氧综合治疗突发性耳聋的疗效观察

3.Investigation on the treatment of sudden hearing loss by acupuncture therapy;突发性耳聋的针刺疗法探讨

5)sudden deafness突发性耳聋

parison of the clinical therapeutic effects between injection buflomedil hydrochloride and injection cerebrolysin vial in the treatment ofsudden deafness;盐酸丁咯地尔注射液和脑蛋白水解物注射液治疗突发性耳聋对比观察

2.Prospective clinical study on early hyperbaric oxygen and lipoPGE treatsudden deafness;早期高压氧联合凯时治疗突发性耳聋的前瞻性临床研究

3.The comparison of monofactor and multifactor analysis with prognosis forsudden deafness;突发性耳聋预后单因素与多因素分析比较

6)paroxysmal deafness突发性耳聋

1.Objective:To study the clinical effect of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) therapy combined with medicine onparoxysmal deafness.目的:观察高压氧(HBO)配合药物治疗突发性耳聋的疗效。

2.Objective To observe the curative of hyperbaric oxygen plus drug onparoxysmal deafness.目的观察高压氧结合药物治疗突发性耳聋的疗效。


耳风聋耳风聋 耳风聋 病名。系由风邪入于经脉,使经气壅塞不通所致。《诸病源候论》卷二十九:“足少阴,肾之经,其气通于耳。耳,宗脉之所聚,其经脉虚,风邪乘之,风入于耳之脉,使经气否塞不宣,故为风聋。风随气脉行于头脑,则聋而时头痛,故谓之风聋。”治宜驱风通络。可选用小续命汤、大秦艽汤等加减。

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