糖尿病康复 > 专名的翻译 translation of proper names英语短句 例句大全

专名的翻译 translation of proper names英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-26 01:21:52


专名的翻译 translation of proper names英语短句 例句大全

专名的翻译,translation of proper names

1)translation of proper names专名的翻译

1.Also,his theory brings some illumination on thetranslation of proper names.本文首先对塞尔的专名意向性理论进行了介绍和评析,认为塞尔的意向性决定专名指称的观点开拓了专名理论研究的范围,促进了对专名涵义的更深理解,并对专名的翻译有一定的启示作用。

2)translating proper names专名翻译

1.This paper is a descriptive study of norms intranslating proper names of fictional people, places, etc, which is mainly inspired by Toury and Chesterman s theory and methodology with adaptation and combination.在图瑞与切斯特曼行为常式理论与描述翻译研究的方法指导下,本文试图研究关于虚构专名翻译的行为常式,特别是具体到现代魔幻小说中人名、地名、动物和魔法配件的翻译。


1.A Review of the Intentionality Theory of Proper Names and Its Enlightenment on Translation专名意向性理论及其对专名翻译的启示

2.Functionalist Approaches to Proper Name Translation;功能翻译理论指导下的专有名词翻译

3.On Translation of Special Nouns in Two English Editions of Dream of Red Mansions;论《红楼梦》两英译本专有名词的翻译

4.The Meaning of Proper Names and Their Translation;专名的意义及其翻译——兼论翻译的意义创生作用

5.Standardized Administration of the Translation of Proper Names and Words for Special Use;专有专用名词翻译应实行标准化管理

6.On the Use of Pinyin in the Transference of Chinese Proper Names into English;论拼音在汉语专有名词翻译中的应用

7.The Formation Mechanism of Proper Nouns Pragmatic Meaning and Translation;专有名词语用意义的生成机制与翻译

8.On the Translation of Proper Nouns in Classical Chinese Poems-from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;从关联理论角度看中诗英译中专有名词的翻译

9.Characteristics of special nominal terms of marine engineering English and their translation轮机英语名词性专业术语的特点及翻译

10.Translation of Proper Names in the Business Literature by the Internet谈借助网络翻译商务文献中的专有名词

11.On the Translation of Proper Nouns from the Angle of Informativeness in Cultural Exchange从文化交流的信息度看专有名词的翻译

12.On Translation Competence Specialized Component and Translation Teaching for Undergraduates Majoring in Foreign Languages论翻译专业能力与外语专业翻译教学

13.A Few Words on Acceptability of Translation小议翻译的可接受性:从校名翻译谈起

14.Film Title Translation from the Perspective of Communicative Translation Theory;交际翻译理论视角下的电影片名翻译

15.Vocative Text:the Translation of Brand Names;从呼唤文本翻译角度看品牌名的翻译

16.The Translation of Trade Nameson View of Principle of Equivalence;等效翻译理论视角下的商标名称翻译

17.Movie Title Translation from the Perspective of Functionalist Approaches功能翻译理论视角下的电影片名翻译

18.Book translation: Translation of books in the whole range of professional fields.图书翻译:各专业领域外版书籍的翻译。


translating proper names专名翻译

1.This paper is a descriptive study of norms intranslating proper names of fictional people, places, etc, which is mainly inspired by Toury and Chesterman s theory and methodology with adaptation and combination.在图瑞与切斯特曼行为常式理论与描述翻译研究的方法指导下,本文试图研究关于虚构专名翻译的行为常式,特别是具体到现代魔幻小说中人名、地名、动物和魔法配件的翻译。

3)The Name and Nature of Translatology翻译学的名与实

4)A Study on the Translation of Movies Titles电影片名的翻译

5)The Dimensions in the Translation of Titles书名翻译中的度

6)On the Translation of Book Titles漫谈书名的翻译


专名1.使独享名位。 2.专有名词﹐指人名﹑地名﹑机构﹑朝代﹑年号等。

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