糖尿病康复 > 药用 medicinal英语短句 例句大全

药用 medicinal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-04 05:29:38


药用 medicinal英语短句 例句大全



1.Summary and suggestions of traditionalmedicinal pteridophytes used in Jinggangshan region;井冈山民间习用药用蕨类植物研究及展望

2.Preliminary research ofmedicinal bryophytes in Shanxi province;山西药用苔藓植物的初步研究

3.Introduction and Cultivation of Medicinal Rhodomyrtus tomentosa(A.T.)Hassk. in Luofushan;罗浮山药用桃金娘的引种试验研究


1.collodion ,non-medicinal.火棉胶,非药用的

2.On the Utilization of Lizu s Plant Resources and Folk Medicine;黎族药用植物资源的利用及民间医药

3.Study of the Preparation and the Pharmacological Effects of Pharmaceutic Bentonite药用膨润土的制备及药理作用的研究

4.Advance on pharmacologic actions of medicament portions of mulberry桑的不同药用部位药理作用研究进展

5.To enchant with or as if with a philter.用春药迷惑用春药或好象用春药迷惑

6.an explosive made of guncotton and used as a propellant.一种用强棉药制成的炸药,用作发射药。

7.This is for oral administration, and that"s for external use.这是口服药,那是外用药。

8.the pharmacological determination of appropriate doses of drugs and medicines.用药份量的药理决定。

9.treat medicinally, treat with medicine.用药医治,加入药物。

10.Division 28. Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse心理药理学及药物滥用?心理药理学及药物滥用?

11.Medicines are broadly classed as internal or external ones.药物分为内服药与外用药两类。

12.RESULTS The incidence of antibiotic use was 98%,31% of which was intended for active treatment,and 69% for preventive regimen;结果抗菌药物使用率98%,治疗用药31%,预防用药69%;

13.empty cachet suitable for pharmaceutical use空胶襄[用于制药]

14.Deliberation on Classification of Herbal Pharmacology Based on the Action in the Textbook of "Herbal Pharmacology"对《中药药理学》教材中用中药功效进行中药药理分类的商榷

15.Narcotic preparation. Check narcotic record for previous drug count and compare with supply available.麻醉药品。核对用药记录,检查以前用药数量及可用药品。

16.To use or detonate explosives.爆炸使用炸药或用炸药炸开

17.Asverin being a non-narcotic, can be used as a common medicine.安嗽灵属非麻醉药,可作为常用药使用。

18.A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.解毒药,解毒剂用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂



1.Survey of the Plant Resourcese of Eatable and Medical in Qinshui Shanxi;山西沁水食、药用植物资源调查

2.Based on investigation of Honghuaerji Nature Reserve wild fungus resources,the authors reported and evaluated,only parts of their edible andmedical value of fungus.作者通过对红花尔基自然保护区内的野生真菌资源的调查,报导和评价了该保护区食用及药用真菌资源,对保护区内真菌资源的保护、开发和利用提供了基础资料。


1.The Species and the Distribution of Officinal Nettles in Sichuan Province;四川药用荨麻的种类与分布

2.The edible,officinal and feeding values of the new kind of high-oil corn were summarized and the developing prospect of the corn was looked forward.综述了新型玉米品种———高油玉米的食用价值、药用价值和饲用价值 ,并对其发展前景进行了展

3.We recorded twenty-eight species ofofficinal lichen,which belonged to 11 genera and 6 families,and among which thirteen species was novel to Shandong province.本文从形态学、解剖学、化学以及地理学角度,对采自泰山的1200余份地衣标本进行了研究,报道了泰山的药用地衣有6科11属共28种,并附有泰山药用地衣名录,其中有13种为山东省新记录种。

4)medical use药用

5)medicine for medicated diets药膳用药


1.Medication for Senile Patients at Outpatient Setting;门诊老年患者用药情况分析

2.Factors and counter measures of medication non-compliance in geriatric patients;老年患者用药不依从性原因分析及对策

3.Objective To discuss the relationship between neural plasticity and individual difference of medication.目的讨论神经可塑性与用药个体差异的关系。


《东北药用植物原色图志》《东北药用植物原色图志》 《东北药用植物原色图志》 药学著作。沈阳药学院编。本书在调查采集东北中药的基础上,绘成彩色天然药物图200余种,并附简要的说明。1963年由科学普及出版社出版。

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