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融摄 Assimilation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-16 01:40:18


融摄 Assimilation英语短句 例句大全



1.A Commentary on the BuddhistAssimilation of Science;佛教与科学关系中的融摄现象

2.Assimilation and Conversation: A Study of the Relationship of Buddhism and Science in Modern and Contemporary Times;融摄与对话:现当代佛教与科学关系研究


1.The 24 Styles of Poetry - Model of Excellent Integration of Aesthetics and Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty《二十四诗品》:唐代美学融摄佛学的垂范

2.Assimilation and Conversation: A Study of the Relationship of Buddhism and Science in Modern and Contemporary Times;融摄与对话:现当代佛教与科学关系研究

3.Buddhist Assimilation of Zoroastrianism Seen from the Murals in Cave 207 of Kizil;从克孜尔207窟壁画谈佛教对拜火教的融摄

4.The model that the Chinese philosophy s world turns--Feng You-lan`s philosophy thoughts meltting into the western philosophy in early days;中国哲学世界化的典范——冯友兰早期哲学思想对西方哲学的融摄

5.A Study of Liu Zongyuan s Writing in Liuzhou;寂处观群动,独立自吟诗——柳宗元在柳创作与佛学融摄

6.The T`ien-t`ai Philosophy of Perfect Harmony天台宗之圆融互摄哲学

7.The melting point of ice is 0.℃or32F.冰的融点是摄氏0度或华氏32度。

8.Research on the Multisource Information Fusion Methods for Photogrammetric 3D Reconstruction;摄影测量三维重建中多源信息融合方法探讨

9.Image Fusion of the Camera and the Imaging Ladar三维成像激光雷达图像与摄像机图像的融合

10.An Iterative Fusing Algorithm for Pose Estimation Based on Binocular Vision基于双摄像机的位姿估计迭代融合算法研究

11.Analysis of Tomo-synthesis Radiography Technique of Shimadzu Safire Ⅱ for Gastrointestinal Examination浅析岛津平板胃肠Safire Ⅱ的断层融合摄影技术

12.Femine Artist Sherman combines post-modernistic art and photography together.女性主义艺术家舍曼将后现代艺术和摄影融于一体。

13.Study on Multi-Source Image Processing and Fusion for CCD-Based Weft-Straightening Machine;面向摄像整纬装置的多源图像处理与融合的研究

14.The application of the digital tomosynthesis in bone with fractures after cast immobilizationX线数字断层融合技术在骨折石膏固定摄影中的应用

15.The application of the X-ray Digital tomosynthesis in lateral position"s imaging of sacrococcyxlateraX线数字断层融合技术在骶尾骨侧位摄影中的应用

16.The report warns that a temperature rise if up to 5.8 c, with the warming of the oceans and melting of polar icecaps, will force sea levels to rise by as much as 3ft.报道警告说,若地球气温升高5.8摄氏度,随着海洋变暖和极地冰帽融化,海平面将升高3英尺。

17.Because of geometry and color differences,the traditional image fusion method usually obtains faint result or false boundary.由于图像拍摄时的几何差异和色彩差异,传统融合技术往往出现模糊或假边界。

18.Their prediction is that a 3℃ rise in temperature . In Greenland will trigger the irreversible melting of its ice sheet.他们的预测是:格陵兰岛上温度上升摄氏3度将不可逆转地引起其冰层的融化。


absor ption融摄性

3)Communion and Amalgamation互摄共融

4)multi-camera fusion多摄像头融合

1.Aiming at the wide-area distributed video surveillance systems,a tracking optimization method based onmulti-camera fusion is proposed.针对分布式广域视频监控系统,提出了一种基于多摄像头融合的跟踪优化方法。

5)multiple camera fusion多摄像机融合



摄摄1.枫的别名。 2.闪烁貌。

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