糖尿病康复 > 同化 assimilation英语短句 例句大全

同化 assimilation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-24 11:28:19




1.Advance in Sulphur Uptake,Assimilation,Distribution and Its Effects on Yield and Quality of Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.);硫吸收同化分配及其对小麦产量和品质影响的研究进展

2.A Study of Single-Doppler Data Assimilation in Adjoint-model Assimilation System;单多普勒雷达资料在伴随模式同化系统中的应用研究

3.Four-dimensional variational dataassimilation of TRMM data in numerical prediction of TC Danas(2001);TRMM海表降水率同化在热带气旋Danas(2001)数值模拟中的应用研究


1.Marked by or causing assimilation.同化的表明或使同化的

2.The state of being assimilated.同化处于被同化的状态

3.assimilative capacity of the ocean海洋的"同化能力"

4.To cause(a society, for example) to change by the process of acculturation.使受同化通过同化的过程而使(社会)变化

5.The atoms of the different chemical elements are different aggregations of atoms of the same kind.不同化学元素的原子是同类原子的不同聚合物。

6.The community assimilated persons of many nationalities.这个社会同化了许多不同国籍的人。

7.ethnic group同种族同文化的民族

8.(chemistry) the existence of different kinds of crystal of the same chemical compound.(化学)不同种的晶体拥有同一化学组成。

9.People who share the same culture form a culture group.文化同根同源就组成一个文化群体。

10.Effect of DO on Simultaneous Nitrification-denitrification with Phosphorus RemovalDO对同步硝化反硝化协同除磷的影响

11.To different species source of Taxodium ascendens Brongn enzyme scores of peroxidase and isozyme are different.池杉不同种源过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱是不同的。

12.Different people and different cultures will attach different meanings to the interpretation of intelligent behavior.不同的人和不同的文化对智力有不同的理解.

13.Etiquette is different in different cultures and situations.在不同的文化和不同的情况下,礼仪是不同的.

14.Physicals changes have nothing in common with chemical changes物理变化和化学变化没有共同之处。

15.Cultural identity,cultural awareness and construction of harmonious cultures;文化认同、文化自觉与和谐文化的构建

16.The Cultural Convergence and Translation in Globalization;全球化语境下的文化趋同和文化翻译

17.Different cultures have very different views of obeying the law.不同的文化对守法有不同的看法.

18.paralogous gene共生同源基因,平行进化同源基因



1.With close analyses of the working class,young students,intellectuals and a couple of subclasses in Western developed industrial society,Marcuse come to the conclusion that the working class have already beenassimilated into capitalist society,and thus no longer constitute the major revolutionary force against contemporary capitalist society.马尔库塞通过对西方发达工业社会的工人阶级、青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级的分析,认为工人阶级由于被资本主义社会同化不再是当代资本主义社会革命的主力,而把革命的希望寄托在青年学生、知识分子和一些亚阶级身上。

2.Setting up a questional situation and movtiveting students imagination can help studentsassimilate present new knowledge and keep such knowledge in better system,Giving some examples of success from students and failure can help students get certain exploration spirit.创设问题情境,激发学生的联想思维,使学生能利用自己原有的知识和经验去同化和索引当前学习到的新知识,要展现学生成功的范例,还要展示失败和挫折,让学生具备一定的探索精神。

3.However,some of the foreign words are often misunderstood and misused,and some are even distorted andassimilated,which will surely affect the learning and using of world\"s advanced culture.可是译入后常常被误读、误用,甚至被变异、同化。


1.The Application of Foreignization and Domestication in E-C Film Translation;同化和异化在英译汉影视翻译中的应用

2.On the Factors of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from the Perspective of Historical Environment;从历史环境的视角解析翻译中的同化与异化现象

3.Cultural difference should be paid attention to during the translation of trademark, so this paper mainly discusses the application of "foreignizing" translation and "domesticating" translation in translating trademarks, namely foreignization is oriented towards the SL culture anddomestication is oriented towards the TL culture.商标翻译必须注意不同文化的差异 ,异化翻译技巧的使用主要以源语言地文化为导向 ,而同化翻译的技巧则立足于目标地的语言文化背景。

4)Assimilation simultaneity同时同化


6)cultural assimilation文化同化

1.Differing itself from most of cultural horizontal comparison and research by the researchers at present time, this essay attempts to take recalling Sino-western history of cultural exchange as its evidence and take the scopes ofcultural assimilation, cultural acculturation and cultural dissimilation as its key to understanding to look back on Sino-western history of cultural exchange and a.不同于目前大多数研究者所进行的文化横向的比较与研究 ,本文试图以中西文化交流史的追溯为佐证 ,以文化同化、文化涵化和文化异化等范畴为解读方法 ,回顾了中西文化交流的历史 ,旨在寻找和验证在文化交流中所应遵循的基本原则 ,并提出了在文化交流中建设性误读的特殊意义 ,强调了文化交流中的包容性与自身经济发展水平成正比的原则。


同化社会学与其他学科的重要概念之一。同化原为生理学概念,指食物在体内的消化过程。社会学借用此概念,指不同文化单位融合成一个同质文化单位的渐进或缓慢的过程。同化的过程 不同的文化群体间的同化经历了一个由表及里、由局部到全部融合的过程。被同化的群体起初并未意识到同化群体文化的优越,只是后来迫于外力而不自觉地模仿。同化速度开始比较缓慢,被同化群体一旦意识到所接受的文化优于原来的主体文化,就主动放弃自己的文化模式与传统,积极学习同化者的文化,整个同化进程即可加快。同化的途径 主要有:①文化传播。文化传播不受国界的限制,通过各种渠道向外传播。国情相近、能满足接受民族需要的文化,同化进程短,传播效果好。②异族或不同文化群体之间的通婚。这是同化的另一种途径。无论是男方或女方,加入新的文化群体之后,因原来的文化群体的人数较少,很快被同化。③移民。一个定型的文化群体或民族,整个迁入某一社区,与其他文化群体或民族平等聚居,迁入者将在很长时期内保留自己的文化,同化速度很慢。如果迁入者打破原来的文化群体,零散分布在各个地区,与其他民族聚居,他们将很快被同化。④入侵。入侵者把自己的文化强加于被入侵者,借助外力强制同化对方。这会产生两种结果:如果入侵者文化高于被入侵者,同化将加速进行;如果低于被入侵者,经过两种文化的反复较量,入侵者最终会被同化。

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