糖尿病康复 > 肌痛 myalgia英语短句 例句大全

肌痛 myalgia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-16 04:56:53


肌痛 myalgia英语短句 例句大全



1.Relief of paclitaxel-induced arthralgia andmyalgia with oral prednisone in patients with ovarian cancer;口服强的松缓解紫杉醇所致关节痛和肌痛疗效观察

2.The Effect of Preinjecting Suxamethonium on the Concentration of Serum Potassium,Muscle Fasciculation and Myalgia预注小剂量琥珀胆碱对血钾浓度及肌颤肌痛的影响

3.Headache,myalgia and arthralgia caused by an intravenous infusion of iron dextran静脉滴注右旋糖酐铁引起头痛、肌痛和关节痛


1.Paroxysmal pain and soreness of the muscles between the ribs.肋肌痛肋间肌肉的爆发性的剧烈疼痛和酸痛

2.benign myalgic encephalomyelitis良性肌痛性脑脊髓炎

3.epidemic pleurodynia流行性胸痛, 流行性胸肌痛

4.Headache,myalgia and arthralgia caused by an intravenous infusion of iron dextran静脉滴注右旋糖酐铁引起头痛、肌痛和关节痛

5.Muscular pain or tenderness, especially when diffuse and nonspecific.肌痛肌肉的痛疼,特别是当痛疼扩散且并不集于某处时

6.of or relating to myalgia.属于或与肌肉疼痛有关。

7.an application to relieve muscle pain减轻肌肉疼痛的敷剂.

8.Kneading a painful calf muscle.揉弄酸痛的小腿肌肉

9.knead the lame muscles按摩僵硬酸痛的肌肉

10.The sores will go away, as well as her fatigue and the muscle pain.她的疼痛会消失, 还有疲劳,肌肉疼痛

11.A painful muscle spasm, as in the neck or back;a crick.痛痉颈部或背部的痛苦的肌肉痉挛;痛性痉挛

12.Role of muscle spindle in weightlessness-induced amyotrophia and muscle pain肌梭在失重性肌萎缩与肌肉痛中的作用(英文)

13.Other signs of concussion are stomach and head pain, muscle weakness and a loss in sharpness of vision.脑震荡的其他症状有胃痛、痛,肌肉无力,视力下降。

14.Exteroceptive Suppression of the Masticatory Muscles in Patients with Tension-type Headache and Migraine;紧张型头痛和偏头痛的咀嚼肌外感受抑制实验

15.Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture at pain points for treatment of myofascial pain syndrome“以痛为腧”治疗肌筋膜疼痛综合征疗效观察

16.Anatomy and Clinic of Myofascialpain in Mastoidportion of Stemocleidomatoid Muscle;胸锁乳突肌乳突部肌筋膜痛的解剖与临床

17.An analysis on the indexes of surface electronic signals of lumbar muscles between non-specific low back pain patients and healthy adults.非特异性下腰痛患者腰肌表面肌电特征的研究

18.Lactate shuttle and its impact on muscle pain and fatigue乳酸穿梭及其对肌肉疼痛和肌肉疲劳性的影响



1.Objective To investigate the effects of propofor and thiopentone induction on hemodynamics and amyostasia andmyodynia caused by succinylcholine.目的比较异丙酚与硫喷妥钠静脉诱导对血液动力学及琥珀胆碱所致的肌颤、肌痛及插管条件的影响。


1.Effects of venlafaxine extended release on pain and lift quality in patients withfibromyalgia syndrome;加用文拉法辛缓释剂对纤维肌痛病人疼痛和生活质量的影响

2.A randomized and controlled study of clinical efficacy for total flavone of Rhizoma Drynariae onfibromyalgia syndrome;骨碎补总黄酮治疗纤维肌痛综合征的随机对照研究

3.Clinical study on treatment offibromyalgia syndrome with acupuncture combined with Yueju soup;针灸配合越鞠汤治疗纤维肌痛综合征


1.Effects of Ketamine on Biochemical Changes and PostoperativeMyalgia Induced by Suxamethonium;氯胺酮对琥珀胆碱所致生化改变和术后肌痛的影响

5)muscle soreness肌肉酸痛

1.Using method of questionnaire,investigating condition and analyzing the cause on themuscle soreness in physical education teaching of schoolgirls in college,and putting forward the methods of preventive and terms of settlement.采用问卷调查法,调查了高校女生在体育教学中出现的运动性肌肉酸痛的情况。

2.By questionnaire,the author investigated the condition and analyzed the cause for themuscle soreness of schoolgirls at the vocational schools in physical education ,and put forward the methods of prevention and solation,which has an active meaning in improving the interest and effect on physical education among schoolgirls at the vocational schools.采用问卷调查法 ,调查了职校女生在体育教学中出现的运动性肌肉酸痛的情况。

6)muscle ache肌肉酸痛

1.acupuncture Acupuncture and magnetic treatment to allveiatemuscle ache were adopted respectively,in contrast with the controll group,the manifestation degree ofmuscle ache,electromusclegram amplitude and disappearing time ofmuscle ache in every period were observed.为研究针刺治疗肌肉酸痛的选穴规律,选男性健康青年60名,采用台阶超负荷运动方法诱发股四头肌酸痛。

2.Long time exercises will extend the feeling ofmuscle ache because of injury and spasm of the muscle fiber.对这些部位进行静力拉伸,可以使骨骼肌结构功能得以恢复,使肌原纤维的排列得以恢复,从而使延时肌肉酸痛以及肌肉的僵硬现象得以减轻和消除,同时,在肌肉拉伸过程中,还可以相应提高柔韧素质。


流行性肌痛流行性肌痛epidemic myalgia大多为柯萨奇病毒B组1~6型感染所引起,呈小流行,主要表现为发热和阵发性肌痛,可伴有乏力、咽痛、纳差。肌痛可累及全身肌肉以胸腹部最多见,尤以膈肌最易受累。流行性肌痛可随呼吸、咳嗽或转动体位加剧,并可放射至颈肩及上腹部,肌痛轻重不一,严重者甚至引起休克,肌肉活动时肌痛加剧,肌痛多半在3~4日后消失,本病多能自愈。

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