糖尿病康复 > spotify 缓存_如何组织您的Spotify库

spotify 缓存_如何组织您的Spotify库

时间:2019-03-17 21:53:34


spotify 缓存_如何组织您的Spotify库

spotify 缓存


Organizing your library on Spotify seems daunting, especially if you have a big collection. Here’s how to keep your music organized on the streaming service.

在Spotify上组织图书馆似乎很艰巨,尤其是如果您的馆藏很大的话。 这是使音乐在流媒体服务上井井有条的方法。

Spotify库 (The Spotify Library)

Nearly everyone uses a streaming service to play music nowadays, with the most popular being Spotify. Hundreds of millions of people around the world use Spotify to listen and save music.

如今,几乎每个人都使用流媒体服务来播放音乐,其中最受欢迎的是Spotify。 全球有成千上万的人使用Spotify收听和保存音乐。

The company recently lifted its saved songs limit of 10,000 tracks, so you can now create a huge comprehensive library of all your favorite music. However, Spotify’s organization features can be quite confusing. Between artists, albums, playlists, folders, and liked tracks, it can be challenging to figure out exactly where to find that song you have on your mind.

该公司最近提高了已保存歌曲的限制 ,即10,000首曲目,因此您现在可以创建一个包含所有喜欢的音乐的庞大综合库。 但是,Spotify的组织功能可能会非常混乱。 在艺术家,专辑,播放列表,文件夹和喜欢的曲目之间,要弄清楚要在哪里找到想念的歌曲可能是具有挑战性的。

Here are ways to streamline your Spotify library to make finding your favorite music easier.


保存歌曲和专辑 (Saving Songs and Albums)

There are two ways of saving music to your library: saving songs and saving albums.


Saving songs simply means clicking the heart next to a track on Spotify Desktop and Web, or long-pressing a song and liking it on mobile.

保存歌曲仅意味着单击Spotify Desktop和Web上曲目旁的心脏,或长按歌曲并在移动设备上喜欢它。

This song will be added to your library and will appear on the “Liked Songs” playlist, a default playlist that includes every track you’ve added a heart to. Like any playlist, you can set Liked Songs to download any new songs that are added automatically.

这首歌曲将被添加到您的音乐库中,并出现在“喜欢的歌曲”播放列表中,该列表是默认播放列表,其中包括您添加了心曲的所有曲目。 与任何播放列表一样,您可以将“喜欢的歌曲”设置为下载自动添加的所有新歌曲 。

The second way to add music is by saving an album. To do this, go to an album page on Spotify, and click the heart button next to the album name. This will save the entire album, which can be accessed in the “Albums” tab on Spotify.

添加音乐的第二种方法是保存专辑。 为此,请转到Spotify上的相册页面,然后单击相册名称旁边的心脏按钮。 这将保存整个专辑,可以在Spotify的“专辑”选项卡中进行访问。

This method will not add all the songs from the album to your Liked Songs. However,you can still like your favorite individual tracks to add them to the automatic playlist.

此方法不会将专辑中的所有歌曲都添加到“喜欢的歌曲”中。 但是,您仍然可以将自己喜欢的单个曲目添加到自动播放列表中。

关注艺术家 (Following Artists)

After you’ve saved several tracks and albums, you should then follow artists behind these songs. To find artists you should follow, you can either search for them or use one of the suggestions that appear on the “Artists” tab on the mobile app. You can also right-click or long-press any song or album in your library, and select “Go to Artist.”

保存好几首曲目和专辑后,您应该关注这些歌曲背后的歌手。 要查找您应该关注的艺术家,您可以搜索他们,也可以使用移动应用程序“艺术家”选项卡上显示的建议之一。 您还可以右键单击或长按媒体库中的任何歌曲或专辑,然后选择“转到歌手”。

When you’re on the artist’s page, select the “Follow” button below their name, and this button should change to “Following.” This will add the artist to your “Artists” tab on Spotify. Clicking on their name will show every song and album you have saved from that artist. If you’re subscribed to Spotify Premium, you will also be able to download all the songs you have saved from any given artist.

在艺术家页面上时,选择其名称下方的“关注”按钮,该按钮应更改为“关注”。 这会将艺术家添加到Spotify上的“艺术家”选项卡。 单击他们的名字将显示您从该艺术家保存的每首歌曲和专辑。 如果您订阅了Spotify Premium,则还可以从任何给定的歌手下载已保存的所有歌曲。

制作播放列表和文件夹 (Making Playlists and Folders)

The last way of organizing your music is by making good use of playlists and folders. Between your playlists and other peoples’ playlists that you follow, there’s a good chance you tens or even hundreds of music lists cluttering up your account.

组织音乐的最后一种方法是充分利用播放列表和文件夹。 在您的播放列表和您关注的其他人的播放列表之间,很有可能您数十甚至数百个音乐列表使您的帐户变得混乱。

To keep them all organized, make good use of folders. To create a folder, right-click on your Playlist collection on the left-hand menu, then select “Create Folder.”

为了使它们井井有条,请充分利用文件夹。 要创建文件夹,请在左侧菜单上的播放列表集合上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“创建文件夹”。

Folders allow you to sort your playlists by genre, mood, era, or purpose. For example, a “Work Music” folder might have anything ranging from classical music to ambient noise. While you can only create folders on Spotify for Desktop, they can still be viewed on the mobile app. You can also create playlists within folders on your phone.

文件夹可让您按流派,心情,时代或目的对播放列表进行排序。 例如,“工作音乐”文件夹可能包含从古典音乐到环境噪音的任何内容。 虽然您只能在Spotify for Desktop上创建文件夹,但仍可以在移动应用程序上查看它们。 您还可以在手机上的文件夹中创建播放列表。

You can also use several sorting options for playlists. By default, it’s set to “Custom Order,” which is the order you have them sorted on Desktop. You can also sort them alphabetically or by recency.

您还可以对播放列表使用多个排序选项。 默认情况下,它设置为“自定义顺序”,这是您在桌面上对它们进行排序的顺序。 您还可以按字母顺序或新近度对它们进行排序。

If you’re using Spotify Desktop, you can also play music from the entire folder by selecting it. If you have a Rock folder with different playlists from various subgenres of rock, clicking “Play” on the folder shuffles all of the songs from all the playlist.

如果您使用的是Spotify桌面,则还可以通过选择整个文件夹来播放音乐。 如果您的Rock文件夹中的摇滚子类别各不相同,则单击该文件夹上的“播放”会随机播放所有播放列表中的所有歌曲。

良好的组织习惯 (Good Organization Habits)

Our final tip is to use special playlists. If you frequently listen to new songs and new artists but don’t have the time to keep your library organized constantly, it’s good practice to save them into a “Rotating Playlist.” Whenever you discover a new song, add it to this temporary list. Then you can decide later which of your actual playlists they’ll go into.

我们的最后提示是使用特殊的播放列表。 如果您经常听新歌和新歌手,但又没有时间使音乐库保持井井有条,则最好将它们保存到“旋转播放列表”中。 每当您发现新歌时 ,请将其添加到此临时列表中。 然后,您可以稍后决定他们将进入哪些实际播放列表。

After you’ve liked the song, artist, or album, and added it to your playlists, delete it from the rotation. This way, you don’t miss out on any underrated gems that you might forget.

在喜欢了歌曲,艺术家或专辑并将其添加到播放列表之后,请从轮播中将其删除。 这样,您就不会错过任何您可能会忘记的被低估的宝石。

翻译自: /675802/how-to-organize-your-spotify-library/

spotify 缓存

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