糖尿病康复 > 省编码市编码区县编码_如何摆脱编码的束缚 走向事业

省编码市编码区县编码_如何摆脱编码的束缚 走向事业

时间:2023-07-25 19:59:50


省编码市编码区县编码_如何摆脱编码的束缚 走向事业


by Isabel Nyo


如何摆脱编码的束缚,走向事业 (How to get out of your coding rut and move forward with your career)

Are you a coder (programmer, developer, software engineer, and so on) who feels like you are trapped on a hamster wheel, running out of inspiration and motivation to write beautiful code? The one job that you used to enjoy so much feels boring, or worse, painful? Are you wondering if there is more to your career than this?

您是一名编码人员(程序员,开发人员,软件工程师等),觉得自己被困在仓鼠轮上了,没有灵感去写漂亮的代码了​​吗? 您曾经喜欢过的一项工作感到无聊,或更糟的是痛苦吗? 您是否想知道您的职业生涯还不止于此?

I am an Engineering Manager who was once a coder like you. And trust me, I have been stuck many times in my career as a developer, regardless of whether I was working in a fancy top-tier tech company or a small and exciting startup.

我是一名工程经理,曾经是像您这样的编码员。 相信我,无论我是在一家高端的高科技公司中工作,还是一家小型而令人兴奋的创业公司,我在开发人员的职业生涯中都曾多次陷入困境。

Each time, I managed to get out of my coding rut by following the exact steps that I will be sharing with you in this article.


This guide covers seven steps to get unstuck as a coder and move your career forward. Follow these steps and you will be on your way to finding your groove again.

本指南涵盖了七个步骤,可帮助您成为一名编码人员,并进一步发展自己的职业。 请按照以下步骤操作,您将再次找到自己的凹槽。

Step 1: Assess your current situation

Step 2: Identify your options

Step 3: Set S.M.A.R.T goals

Step 4: Get out of your comfort zone

Step 5: Be at the service of others

Step 6: Take a good break

Step 7: Review your progress

Now, let’s get started.


步骤1:评估您的目前状况 (Step 1: Assess your current situation)

Why are you feeling stuck in your career as a coder? Start by asking yourself a few questions. I have outlined some of the common scenarios that may make coders feel stuck in their careers. Some are driven internally, such as wanting to create more impact, while others are driven externally, such as as wanting to be recognized.

您为什么觉得自己身为编码员而陷入困境? 首先问自己几个问题。 我概述了一些可能使编码人员陷入职业生涯的常见情况。 有些是内部驱动的,例如想要产生更多的影响,而其他一些则是外部驱动的,例如想要被认可。

方案1:不感到挑战(Scenario 1: Not feeling challenged)

Are you not feeling challenged in your current role? Do you feel like all you do every day is fix bugs? You and I both know that fixing bugs is important to ensure quality of your software or product, but surely there must be more to your job than just fixing bugs, right?

您现在担任的职务没有感到挑战吗? 您是否觉得每天所做的只是修正错误? 您和我俩都知道,修复错误对于确保软件或产品的质量很重要,但是,您的工作肯定不仅仅是修复错误,对吧?

方案2:未被识别(Scenario 2: Not being recognized)

Do you feel like you are not recognized for what you do? Do you feel like your hard work is overlooked because not everyone understands or appreciates the technical complexity of the feature that you have just shipped? And every developer’s pet peeve, did the designer or product manager get more credit because itlooksnice?

您是否觉得自己的工作不被认可? 您是否因为并非每个人都理解或赞赏刚发布的功能的技术复杂性而忽略了自己的辛苦工作? 而且,每位开发人员都很喜欢,设计师或产品经理是否因为看起来不错而获得了更多荣誉?

方案3:不产生影响(Scenario 3: Not creating impact)

Do you feel like you are not making an impact through your role? How does your code contribute to business goals? How can you possibly increase your value for the company that you work for?

您是否觉得自己没有通过角色发挥作用? 您的代码如何对业务目标做出贡献? 您如何为自己工作的公司增加价值?

方案4:跟不上最新(Scenario 4: Not keeping up with the latest)

Technology is always changing and advancing. Do you feel like your skills and expertise are going to be obsolete soon? Do you fear that you will become unemployable in the near future? Do you want to be learning a different framework or a programming language?

技术始终在变化和发展。 您是否觉得自己的技能和专长很快就会过时? 您担心在不久的将来会失业吗? 您是否想学习其他框架或编程语言?

方案5:不感到兴奋(Scenario 5: Not feeling excited)

On the surface, not feeling excited might look similar to not feeling challenged. But not feeling excited here means you have lost your love for coding altogether. You are ready to do something different, a completely different role, one that doesn’t involve IDEs and pushing code to your company’s repo.

从表面上看,不感到兴奋可能看起来与不感到挑战相似。 但是在这里不感到兴奋就意味着您完全失去了对编码的热爱。 您已经准备好做一些不同的事情,一个完全不同的角色,该角色不涉及IDE,也不会将代码推送到公司的仓库中。

Once you have identified your needs and wants and understand your current situation, the next step is to come up with options and take action.


Action:Write down your current situation on a piece of paper or in your worksheet (which you can download at the end of this article). If you belong to one of the scenarios I identified, write down the name of the scenario instead of the number.


步骤2:确定您的选择 (Step 2: Identify your options)

Now that you know what you want, the next step is to look at the your options. You want to know what is available out there and what you need to create for yourself.

既然您知道自己想要什么,下一步就是查看您的选择。 您想知道那里有什么,以及需要为自己创建的东西。

This is how the process is going to be.


Look for a problem to solve -> Come up with various solutions and incorporate what you are looking for in your solutions -> Share it with your manager -> Take actions


Just a note here: If you have a good manager, she will appreciate the fact that you are proactive and self-starting. You don’t go to her with a problem or a complaint, but you come with a solution. She might give you feedback or just words of encouragement. And you’re all set.

这里只是一个提示:如果您有一个好的经理,她会欣赏您积极主动,自我开创的事实。 您不会带着任何问题或投诉去找她,但是您会提供解决方案。 她可能会给您反馈或只是鼓励的话。 你们都准备好了。

However, we all know that this is not always the case. Not all managers or companies are supportive but it’s your job to ask first instead of assume. If you feel like you are not going anywhere after you have asked and have given your best, it might be time to start looking elsewhere.

但是,我们都知道并非总是如此。 并非所有经理或公司都提供支持,但首先要求而不是承担责任是您的工作。 如果在提出要求并尽力而为之后,您觉得自己一无所获,那么可能是时候开始寻找其他地方了。

Back to the process: to help you get started, I am going to list a few options for each scenario.


方案1:不感到挑战(Scenario 1: Not feeling challenged)

Create an internal tool创建一个内部工具 Automate a manual process自动执行手动流程 Improve parts or all of an existing tool改善部分或全部现有工具

方案2:未被识别(Scenario 2: Not being recognized)

Educate stakeholders and non-technical staff through brown-bag sessions通过黑手党课程对利益相关者和非技术人员进行教育 Invite other people in the industry to come in to speak at your company邀请业内其他人士到贵公司发言 Take pride in your work and find opportunities to talk about the ins and outs of what you do to non-technical staff, perhaps at your company’s internal events以您的工作为荣,并找到机会与非技术人员讨论您所做工作的来龙去脉,也许是在公司的内部活动中

方案3:不产生影响(Scenario 3: Not creating impact)

Get access to data that shows business performance such as a Value Driver Tree (VDT)获取对显示业务绩效的数据的访问权,例如价值驱动树(VDT) Request training from someone in strategy or analytics to teach you how drivers such as increase in feature adoption impact revenue and other outcomes请求某人提供战略或分析方面的培训,以教会您诸如功能采用增加之类的驱动因素如何影响收入和其他结果 Improve something that adds value to the business directly, such as making time to market faster by improving release process through continuous deployment, or introducing tools and processes to increase productivity of your fellow technical staff改进直接为业务增值的功能,例如通过持续部署改进发布流程来缩短上市时间,或引入工具和流程来提高技术人员的生产率

方案4:跟不上最新(Scenario 4: Not keeping up with the latest)

Dedicate time for learning专门学习 Contribute to an open-source project为开源项目做贡献 Create a pet project创建一个宠物项目

方案5:不感到兴奋(Scenario 5: Not feeling excited)

Speak to people from different roles or different departments to understand their jobs与来自不同角色或不同部门的人交谈以了解他们的工作 Attend industry events and meetups to see what’s out there参加行业活动和聚会,看看那里发生了什么 Volunteer for unpaid work to get experience in a different role为无薪工作提供志愿服务,以获取不同角色的经验

Action: On a piece of paper or in your worksheet, write down all the options that you have. You may find that some of the options that I listed appeal to you even though you don’t exactly belong to that scenario. None of these are set in stone, so feel free to take whatever option you like.


步骤3:设定SMART目标 (Step 3: Set S.M.A.R.T goals)

Let’s say you have shared ideas with your manager and she is very supportive. You are ready to jump right into it. But before you start taking actions, I’d like you to set S.M.A.R.T goals for each option that you plan to execute.

假设您已经与经理分享了想法,而她非常支持。 您已经准备好直接进入它。 但是,在您开始采取行动之前,我希望您为计划执行的每个选项设置SMART目标。

S.M.A.R.T stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Without S.M.A.R.T goals, you won’t be able to track or measure how you are going.

SMART代表“特定”,“可衡量”,“可实现”,“现实”和“及时”。 没有SMART目标,您将无法跟踪或衡量自己的前进方向。

Let’s say you have picked the option, “Create an internal tool.”


Imagine that your company does not have a tool to manage leave, and it makes your manager’s job very hard when it comes to resource allocation for various projects.


You can create an internal tool for that: let’s call it Leave Management App. Whether you write it in a programming language that you are familiar with or a new one you’d like to learn is up to you. If you are a pure back-end developer, this might a good chance for you to pick up front-end development too. Or you might want to pair up with someone in your company with a different skill set to work together on this project.

您可以为此创建一个内部工具:我们称其为“离开管理应用程序”。 是否以熟悉的编程语言编写还是要学习新的语言,都取决于您自己。 如果您是纯粹的后端开发人员,那么这也可能是您进行前端开发的好机会。 或者,您可能希望与公司中具有不同技能的人员配对,以共同完成该项目。

Remember that you will likely be doing this project on top of your normal work duties, so take it into consideration when putting the date of completion. You S.M.A.R.T goal will include the following information.

请记住,您可能会在日常工作之外执行此项目,因此在完成日期时要考虑到这一点。 您的SMART目标将包括以下信息。

Action:Write down your S.M.A.R.T goals for all the options. This is also a good exercise to ensure you have given them enough thought and you don’t take more than you can chew. You can use the S.M.A.R.T goal template I have provided in the worksheet.


第4步:走出舒适区 (Step 4: Get out of your comfort zone)

There is a very famous saying that goes, “magic happens outside your comfort zone.” There is also an illustration to describes the saying.


I want you to to take a few minutes to look at this illustration and let it sink into your brain.


Now, you want to get unstuck and move your career forward so you feel good again about your career. Most of us spend about 33% of our time at work, so take a little risk with your goals, step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and witness the magic happening.

现在,您想摆脱困境并继续前进,以便对自己的职业再次感到满意。 我们中的大多数人将约33%的时间都花在工作上,因此要冒险冒险达成目标,走出舒适区,挑战自我并见证魔术的发生。

To give you an example, your goal might be to contribute to an open-source project. So you find a small project to contribute to, one you already know quite a bit about and have used it before. You picked that project because you want to have a small learning curve.

举个例子,您的目标可能是为一个开源项目做出贡献。 因此,您找到了一个可以为之做贡献的小项目,您已经知道很多并且以前就使用过它。 之所以选择该项目,是因为您希望有一个小的学习曲线。

But how about if you were to pick a different project which you are not familiar with, one that is written in a different framework or a programming language? I encourage you to challenge yourself, because when you achieve your goal, you will feel incredible.

但是,如果您选择一个不熟悉的项目,该项目是用不同的框架或编程语言编写的,那又如何呢? 我鼓励您挑战自我,因为当您实现目标时,您会感到不可思议。

Another way to challenge yourself is by introducing a stretch goal to your original goal. Business Dictionary defines stretch goal as

挑战自我的另一种方法是将延伸目标引入原始目标。 商业词典将延伸目标定义为

That cannot be achieved by incremental or small improvements but require extending oneself to the limit to be actualized.


For example, instead of completing your project in ten weeks, your stretch goal is to complete it in seven weeks, with same quality and features.


Action:Review your goals from Step 3 and either revise them to make them more challenging or add a stretch goal.


步骤5:为他人服务 (Step 5: Be at the service of others)

Do you know the number one secret to happiness? It is not money or status or material possessions. So if you think you can get out of the rut and feel happier by getting paid more, getting a promotion, or buying yourself a shiny new gadget, then you are in for a disappointment.

你知道幸福的第一秘诀吗? 这不是金钱,地位或物质财产。 因此,如果您认为自己可以摆脱困境,通过获得更高的报酬,晋升或购买闪亮的小工具来感到更幸福,那么您会感到失望。

The secret to happiness is giving back and being at the services of others. I once spoke to a developer who has big dreams to live a purpose life through her work and she confided to me, “I am just a developer and all I can do is write code, what possibly can I do to help others?”

幸福的秘诀在于回馈他人并为他人服务。 我曾经与一个梦想成真的开发人员交流,她对自己说:“我只是一个开发人员,我所能做的就是编写代码,我可以做些什么来帮助别人?”

Well, she, and you, can do so many things to give back. You can be at the service of others in more ways than you thought possible. Here are some of the ways:

好吧,她和你可以做很多事情回馈社会。 您可以以超出您想象的方式为他人服务。 以下是一些方法:

Mentor juniors, whether they are on your team or in the community初级指导者,无论是在您的团队中还是在社区中 Collaborate with others on a non-profit project与他人合作开展非营利项目 Pick up important but sometimes mundane tasks承担重要但有时平凡的任务 Invest in your team members’ career development投资于团队成员的职业发展 Improve something that is inefficient, for example, a process, a template, a script改进效率低下的东西,例如流程,模板,脚本 Be generous with your time and knowledge慷慨地投入您的时间和知识 Volunteer at community events社区活动志愿者 Be a listening ear to a colleague who is having a hard time聆听辛苦的同事的心声 Teach non-technical folks how to do basic technical stuff like checking emails, using Google, and so on.教非技术人员如何做基本的技术工作,例如检查电子邮件,使用Google等。 Help out with important issues at your workplace, such as diversity and inclusion帮助解决您工作场所中的重要问题,例如多样性和包容性

You might not change the world by doing any or all of the above, but you will certainly have an impact in a few people’s lives.


Action:Make a list of things that you already do to be at the service of others on a piece of paper or in your worksheet. Add a few more things to the list and start doing them as soon as possible.


步骤6:休息一会 (Step 6: Take a good break)

Have you ever been in a situation where you had been trying to solve a defeat for the past three days and you were not getting anywhere close to the bottom of the issue? You had been working really hard at it, even having lunches at your desk and putting your headphones on all day so you were free from distraction.

您是否曾经遇到过过去三天一直在努力解决失败的情况,而您却无法解决问题的根源? 您一直在努力工作,甚至在办公桌旁吃午饭并整天戴着耳机,这样您就不会分心。

And then a colleague came over to your desk and asked you to walk to a cafe with her for a coffee break. You’d feel bad saying no, so you stepped out of the office and walked to a cafe with your colleague. When you came back to your desk and looked at your code again, a light bulb went off your head and you pinpointed the root cause, and fixed that defeat in less than an hour.

然后一位同事走到您的办公桌前,请您和她一起去咖啡馆喝咖啡休息时间。 您说不,您会感到很难过,于是您走出办公室,与同事一起去咖啡馆。 当您回到办公桌并再次查看代码时,一个灯泡掉了下来,您找出了根本原因,并在不到一个小时的时间内修复了失败的原因。

Do you know why you suddenly uncovered the issue? It was because you took a break. Your brain got a chance to recharge and became active again.

您知道为什么突然发现了这个问题吗? 那是因为你休息了。 您的大脑有机会恢复活力并再次活跃起来。

Likewise, if you feel stuck in your career and you are not enjoying what you used to enjoy anymore, it is time for you to take a good break. And it doesn’t have to be a long break. Perhaps a few days to a few weeks would suffice.

同样,如果您觉得自己陷入了职​​业困境,并且不再享受过去的享受,那么现在该是您休息的时候了。 而且不必花很长时间。 也许几天到几周就足够了。

Once you have had a bit of time off, you will suddenly have clarity and understand what it is that you want for your next step. It could be the same role, with a few differences, or it could be a completely different role. Once you have clarity, you will be able to move forward with confidence.

休息一会后,您会突然变得清晰起来,并了解下一步需要什么。 它可以是相同的角色,也可以有一些区别,或者可以是完全不同的角色。 弄清楚了之后,您将可以放心地前进。

Action:Look at your calendar and see when — I don’t say if but when, because trust me, you can definitely do it — you can take a few days or a few weeks off work within the next three months. And then write it down on a piece of paper or your worksheet to make a commitment to take that time off.


步骤7:查看进度 (Step 7: Review your progress)

Review your progress every two weeks or at least every month and ask yourself whether you think you are heading in the right direction. For example, are you still feeling unchallenged? Are you still not being recognized? Has anything improved?

每两周或至少每月检查一次您的进度,并问自己是否朝着正确的方向前进。 例如,您是否仍然感到不受挑战? 您仍然不被认可吗? 有什么改善吗?

Depending on your situation and the options that you’re exploring, the feedback loop can take longer for certain things, for example, getting recognition, making impact, and so on.


The important thing is that you have to be honest with yourself and answer the question of whether you think you are heading in the right direction.


If your answer is yes, then we are all good. Keep up your good work.

如果您的回答是肯定的,那么我们都很好。 继续你出色的工作。

If your answer is no, then ask yourself why. There is an old but useful technique of asking five whys, and I encourage you to do that. It might also be a good idea to reach out to someone that you trust so they can be your sounding board and help you look at your situation from a different perspective.

如果您的答案为否,请问问自己为什么。 有一个古老但有用的技巧,问五个原因,我鼓励您这样做。 与您信任的人联系也可以是一个好主意,这样他们可以成为您的声音,并帮助您从不同的角度看待您的处境。

Action:Set up a reminder in your calendar to review your progress at a regular interval. Also write down the questions that you would like to ask yourself and names of a few people that you might want to reach out to.


You can download the printable worksheet from my website.

您可以从我的网站下载可打印的工作表 。

Thank you for reading!


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