糖尿病康复 > 2.2 复习过去式和过去完成时 现在完成时

2.2 复习过去式和过去完成时 现在完成时

时间:2022-12-27 13:18:47


2.2 复习过去式和过去完成时 现在完成时


send me a letter=send a letter to me

send for a doctor/a taxi 派人请一个医生/出租车

2.an ID(identity[aɪˈdenti]) card

3.spoil[spɔɪl] v.使索然无味,损坏(不是指真正的损坏,是精神上的)

Don't spoil your children.宠坏

Put the food in the fridge [frɪdʒ], or it will spoil soon.

damage[ˈdæmɪdʒ] ruin[ˈru:ɪn] destroy[dɪˈstrɔɪ] 指物体正在的损坏


destroy 指大规模的损坏,无法修复

ruin 指无法修复的,慢慢的,一点点的损坏


a historical[hɪˈstɒrɪkl] museum

a science museum

the Palace museum 宫殿博物馆,故宫

5.public adj.公共的 n.公众,大众

We are not used to talking in English in public.

The museum is open to the public on Sundays.

6.friendly adj.友好的,n+ly=adj.

brotherly兄弟般的 lovely lonely timely及时的

7.lend v.借给

Then he lent me a book.=Then he lent a book to me.

lent me(间接宾语) a book(直接宾语),物是直接宾语,因为动作直接作用到物上,人是通过物作用到的,是间接宾语。

8.Every day I thought about postcards.

every day:词组,表达每一天,通常跟一个句子连用,修饰一个句子,表示时间。


I got up early every day.

stay up late.熬夜

9.I did not write a single card! a single意思重叠,表示强调。

10.firm[fɜ:m] n.商行,公司

a law firm 法律事务所

a trading firm 贸易公司


firm soil[sɔɪl] 坚硬的土壤

a firm handshake 强劲有力的握手

10.difficult[ˈdɪfɪkəlt] adj.困难的,难以相处的

11.different[ˈdɪfrənt] adj.不同的

The twin brothers are so different from each other.

12.I have just received a letter frommy brother,Tim(同位语).

这里的Tim是同位语,用来解释my brother.对一个名词起到解释和说明作用的,这样的名词或词组叫做同位语。

13.have gone to 已经去了某地

have been to 已经去过某地

have been in/at 已经在某地呆了多久 at大地点 in小地点

Where is Sherry? She has gone to NewYork.

Tom has been to Australia twice.

Mr.Green has been in Beijing for two years.


Mike found this novel so boring. this novel is so boring.


dove[dʌv] n.鸽子 纯洁的人

16.distance[ˈdɪstəns] n.距离---adj.distantadj.遥远的

differencen.差异 --- differentadj.不同的

importance n.重要 --- important adj.重要的

confidence n.信心 --- confident adj.有信心的

convenience[kənˈvi:niəns] n.方便 --- convenient[kənˈvi:niənt] adj.方便的

17.serve v.服务 service n.服务

18.spare part 备件

spare time 空闲时间


He has left.现在全部完成,可以转化为一般过去式

We have learned English for ten years.现在部分完成,无法转化为一般过去式


We have learned English for ten years.

19.garage[ˈrɑ:ʒ] n.车库


In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.

21.my room 我的房间,并不一定我个人独有

my own room 我自己,独自的房间

22.lie--liar[ˈlaɪə(r)] n.说谎者

23.frozen[ˈfrəʊzn] adj.冷冻 frozen food

junk[dʒʌŋk] food 垃圾

Money burns a hole in his pocket。形容一个人花钱如流水

24.call v.拜访,光顾

Icalled atMr.Green's house yesterday. 某个地方拜访

Ted will call on his professor tomorrow. 拜访某人

I will call you back later.

Someone called you up just now.打电话 up可以省略

25.in return (for) 回报;作为报答

I hope I can do something for you in return.

In return for his help, I treated him to an ice cream.请他吃了冰激凌

26.sing --sang[sæŋ]--sung[sʌŋ]

27.In return for this, The beggar stood on his head and sang songs.

stand on one's own feet 独立,不依赖别人

He had to stand on his own feet after graduation[ˌgrædʒuˈeɪʃn].



28.Everyone(不定代词) is(be动词形式) here.

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