糖尿病康复 > 有声读物制作_如何开始使用有声读物和有声读物


时间:2022-05-17 09:52:53




Audiobooks—or books on tape—have been around for decades but they’re booming in popularity now that they no longer take up a dozen CDs and the cost has plummeted. Let’s look at how to get started.

有声读物(或磁带上的书)已经存在了数十年,但是由于它们不再占用十几张CD且成本直线下降,它们正在Swift普及。 让我们看看如何开始。

I’m a huge fan of audiobooks. I find they’re the best way to fill dead time when you’re driving, cleaning, cooking, taking your dog for a walk, or otherwise doing pretty mindless tasks. If you spend a couple of hours sitting in the car alone commuting, then you should really check them out.

我是有声读物的忠实粉丝。 我发现当您开车,打扫卫生,做饭,带狗去散步或执行其他无关紧要的工作时,它们是填补死时间的最佳方法。 如果您花几个小时独自坐在车上上下班,那么您应该检查一下。

在哪里可以获得有声读物? (Where Can You Get Audiobooks?)

有声 (Audible)

Audible is our go-to audiobook service here at How-To Geek. While you can buy audiobooks there, if you start listening to audiobooks regularly you’ll want to sign up for their subscription service. For $14.95 per month you get one credit which can be used to buy any book, regardless of price. For $22.95 per month, you get two credits. Your first book is also free when you sign up so you can check it out before paying any money.

Audible是我们在How-To Geek上的有声读物服务。 虽然您可以在那里购买有声读物,但如果您开始定期收听有声读物,则需要注册其订阅服务。 每月只需​​$ 14.95,您将获得一份积分,可用于购买任何书籍,无论价格如何。 每月只需​​$ 22.95,您将获得两个学分。 您的第一本书在注册时也是免费的,因此您可以在付款之前先将其签出。

The best thing about Audible is the fixed price. You only pay $14.95 for every book. While you can occasionally find other books cheaper on other services, audiobooks tend to be quite pricey and often retail for around $30. Even when other marketplaces have secured a discount from the retail price, they tend to cost $14.95—curiously, identical to the price of an Audible credit.

关于Audible最好的是固定价格。 您只需为每本书支付$ 14.95。 虽然您有时可以在其他服务上找到更便宜的其他书籍,但有声读物往往价格昂贵,零售价通常在30美元左右。 即使其他市场已经从零售价中获得折扣,它们的价格也往往为14.95美元-奇怪的是,与Audible信用证的价格相同。

其他选择 (The Other Options)

Audible isn’t the only game in town, it’s just the most popular. Both iTunes and the Google Play store have large collections available.

Audible不是镇上唯一的游戏,而是最受欢迎的游戏。 iTunes和Google Play商店都有大量可用的收藏。

If you’re looking for the easiest way to buy just a single audiobook, then iTunes is your best option if you use iOS and Google Play is your best option if you use Android. You already have an account and the apps are built into your smartphone.

如果您正在寻找最简单的购买一本有声读物的方法,那么iTunes是您的最佳选择(如果您使用iOS),而Google Play是您的最佳选择(如果您使用Android)。 您已经有一个帐户,并且应用程序已内置在智能手机中。

There’s also a good chance your local library will have audiobooks, as well as ebooks, available for you to check out. The selection won’t be as good as any of the online stores and you may have to wait for a title you’re looking for to become available, but it is free.

您当地的图书馆也很有可能会提供有声读物和电子书供您结帐 。 选择的内容不如任何在线商店都好,您可能必须等待要寻找的标题可用,但它是免费的。

如何听有声读物 (How to Listen to Audiobooks)

The simplest way to listen to audiobooks is using the app on your smartphone or tablet. Any books you buy from Audible appear in the Audible app available on iOS and Android. Books you buy through iTunes are available to listen to through the iBooks app. Books from the Google Play store are available in the Google Play Books app on Android and also iOS. Just put in a pair of headphones, press play, and enjoy.

收听有声读物的最简单方法是使用智能手机或平板电脑上的应用程序。 您从Audible购买的所有图书都会显示在iOS和Android 上可用的Audible应用中。 通过iTunes购买的图书可通过iBooks应用程序收听。 Google Play商店中的图书可在Android和iOS 上的Google Play图书应用中找到。 只需戴上耳机,按一下即可欣赏。

Playing over smart speakers is also possible. You can listen to Audible books using your Amazon Echo or Sonos speakers, and you can listen to Google Play audiobooks on a Google Home device. Your place will automatically get synced between your smartphone and your smart speaker.

也可以播放智能扬声器。 您可以使用Amazon Echo或Sonos扬声器收听有声读物,也可以在Google Home设备上收听Google Play有声读物。 您的位置将自动在智能手机和智能扬声器之间进行同步。

All the services also let you download mp3 files so you can play your audiobooks anywhere, or even burn them to CDs if that’s your thing. If you’ve got an old iPod lying around somewhere, you can turn it into a dedicated audiobook player.

所有服务还允许您下载mp3文件,以便您在任何地方播放有声读物,甚至将它们刻录到CD。 如果某处周围有旧的iPod,则可以将其变成专用的有声读物播放器。

充分利用可听和有声读物的提示 (Tips for Getting the Most Out of Audible and Audiobooks)

Audiobooks take a little bit of getting used to. It can be strange having someone read to you rather than listening to music or talkshows on the radio. Here are some tips to get the most out of it:

有声读物需要一点时间来适应。 有人不听广播中的音乐或脱口秀而向您朗读,可能会很奇怪。 以下是一些充分利用它的技巧:

The narrator makes or breaks an audiobook. Even your favorite book will seem awful if it’s read by someone who’s voice you can’t stand. Listen to the samples and check out the reviews on each store before buying, just in case the narrator sounds like Gilbert Gottfried on helium.

叙述者制作或破坏有声读物。 如果您的声音使您无法忍受,即使您最喜欢的书也会显得糟糕透顶。 在购买前,请先听样品并检查每个商店的评论,以防旁听者听起来像氦气上的吉尔伯特·戈特弗里德。

If you’re just starting out with audiobooks, try listening to some read by the original author. That way, you know you’re getting the authentic experience rather than the take of some producer in an office building.

如果您只是从有声读物开始,请尝试听听原作者的读物。 这样一来,您就知道自己得到的是真实的体验,而不是像某个办公楼中的生产商那样。

There are two kinds of audiobooks: abridged and unabridged. Abridged audiobooks were more common when tapes and CDs were used, but they still exist. If you want the full written text, make sure you go with the unabridged version.

有声读物有两种:删节的和未删节的。 当使用磁带和CD时,删节的有声读物更为普遍,但它们仍然存在。 如果要全文阅读,请确保使用未删节的版本。

Audible has a great return policy. If you don’t like a book, you can return it at any stage within a year of buying it. Don’t be afraid to use it if you don’t enjoy a book or if the narrator annoys you too much.

Audible 有很好的退货政策 。 如果您不喜欢这本书,可以在购买后一年内的任何阶段退还。 如果您不喜欢看书或旁白者使您感到烦恼,请不要害怕使用它。

Because of Apple’s rules, Amazon can’t easily sell audiobooks through the Audible app on iOS devices. To buy audiobooks from your iPhone, you need to use Safari. The same is also true for Google Play books.

由于苹果公司的规定,亚马逊无法通过iOS设备上的Audible应用轻松销售有声读物。 要从iPhone购买有声读物, 您需要使用Safari 。 Google Play图书也是如此。

If you find the narrator a bit slow, don’t be afraid to use the “Speed Up” options. I often listen to audiobooks at 1.25x or 1.5x speed. I’ve even gone as far as 2x for some particularly slow narrators.

如果您发现叙述者的速度有点慢,请不要害怕使用“加速”选项。 我经常以1.25倍或1.5倍的速度收听有声读物。 对于某些特别慢的叙述者,我什至可以达到2倍。

I have literally listened to thousands of hours of audiobooks. I’ve listened to an average of around three hours a day for more than the last decade. I’m not sure how I’d stay sane while cleaning without them. Check out Audible you won’t be disappointed.

我确实听了数千小时的有声读物。 与过去十年相比,我每天平均要听三个小时左右。 我不确定在没有它们的情况下如何保持理智。 查看Audible,您不会失望的。

翻译自: /359248/how-to-get-started-with-audible-and-audiobooks/


