糖尿病康复 > node.js启动应用命令_如何使用Node.js构建命令行应用程序


时间:2021-03-13 02:50:01




As a developer, chances are you spend most of your time in your terminal, typing in commands to help you get around some tasks.


Some of these commands come built into your Operating System, while some of them you install through some third party helper such as npm, or brew, or even downloading a binary and adding it to your$PATH.


A good example of commonly used applications include npm, eslint, typescript, and project generators, such as Angular CLI, Vue CLI or Create React App.

常用应用程序的一个很好的例子包括npm,eslint,打字稿和项目生成器,例如Angular CLI , Vue CLI或Create React App 。

In this tutorial you’ll build two small CLI applications in Node.js:


Quote Of The Day tool that retrieves quotes of the day from https://quotes.rest/qod.


A To-Do List app that uses JSON to save data.使用JSON保存数据的待办事项列表应用程序。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

To complete this tutorial, you will need:


A local development environment for Node.js. Follow How to Install Node.js and Create a Local Development Environment

Node.js的本地开发环境。 遵循如何安装Node.js和创建本地开发环境

步骤1 –了解Shebang (Step 1 – Understanding the Shebang)

Whenever you look at any scripting file, you’ll see characters like these in the beginning of the file:


file.sh#!/usr/bin/env sh

Or this:


file.py#!/usr/bin/env python -c

They serve as a way for your operating system program loader to locate and use toe parse the correct interpreter for your executable file. This only works in Unix Systems though.

它们是您的操作系统程序加载程序找到并使用它为可执行文件解析正确的解释器的一种方式。 不过,这仅适用于Unix系统。

From Wikipedia:

从维基百科 :

In computing, a shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!) at the beginning of a script.


NodeJS has its own supported shebang characters.


Create a new file in your editor calledlogger.js:


nano logger.js 纳米logger.js

Add the following code:


#!/usr/bin/env nodeconsole.log("I am a logger")

The first line tells the program loader to parse this file with NodeJS. The second line prints text to the screen.

第一行告诉程序加载器使用NodeJS解析此文件。 第二行将文本打印到屏幕上。

You can try and run the file by typing this in your terminal. You’ll get a permission denied for execution.

您可以通过在终端中键入此文件来尝试运行该文件。 您将获得拒绝执行的权限。

./logger ./logger

Outputzsh: permission denied: ./logger

You need to give the file execution permissions. You can do that with.

您需要授予文件执行权限。 您可以这样做。

chmod +x logger chmod + x记录器 ./logger ./logger

This time you’ll see the output.


OutputI am a logger

You could have run this program withnode logger, but adding the shebang and making the program executable own command lets you avoid typingnodeto run it.

您可以使用node logger运行该程序,但是添加shebang并使该程序可执行自己的命令可以避免键入node来运行它。

创建每日报价应用程序 (Creating the Quote of the Day App)

Let’s create a directory and call itqod. And inside, instantiate a NodeJs app.

让我们创建一个目录并将其命名为qod。 在内部,实例化NodeJs应用程序。

mkdir qod mkdir qod cd qod cd qod npm init -y npm初始化-y

Next, we know we need to make requests to the quotes server, so we could use existing libraries to do just this. We’ll use axios

接下来,我们知道我们需要向报价服务器发出请求,因此我们可以使用现有的库来做到这一点。 我们将使用axios

npm install --save axios

We’ll also add a chalk, a library to help us print color in the terminal.

我们还将添加一个粉笔 ,一个库来帮助我们

