糖尿病康复 > angularjs内置服务_关于内置AngularJS过滤器的所有信息


时间:2023-01-10 00:26:43




介绍 (Introduction)

You may not know this - but AngularJS comes with many handy filters built-in. I see programmers reinventing the wheel and reimplementing functionality that already exists all the time. Sometimes this happens because you need to address a specific use case but more often than not, it's simply because the programmer wasn't aware that the functionality was already there.

您可能不知道-但是AngularJS内置了许多方便的过滤器。 我看到程序员重新发明了轮子,重新实现了一直存在的功能。 有时候,发生这种情况是因为您需要解决一个特定的用例,但更多时候不是这样,这仅仅是因为程序员并不知道该功能已经存在。

In this article, I will go over themany filters that AngularJS provides out of the box. Most of these are documented in the Angular Docs but lack real world examples, so I will approach this topic with a plethora of code samples and real world uses.

在本文中,我将直接使用AngularJS提供许多过滤器。 其中大多数已在Angular Docs中进行了记录,但缺少实际示例,因此我将通过大量代码示例和实际使用来探讨该主题。

Let's jump right into it!


应用和使用过滤器 (Applying and Using Filters)

Filters, as the name implies,allow you to manipulate and filter the presentation of your views. You can apply Angular filters directly by extending the bindings in your HTML views such as:

顾名思义,过滤器使您可以操纵和过滤视图的表示。 您可以通过在HTML视图中扩展绑定来直接应用Angular过滤器,例如:

基本过滤器语法 (Basic Filter Syntax)

{{ totalCost | currency }}

链式过滤器 (Chaining Filters)

Filters can also be chained, by adding the pipe ( | ) character between each filter so if we wanted to apply multiple filters to a single expression it would look something like:


{{ totalCost | currency | filter2 | filter3 }}

扩展过滤器 (Extended Filters)

Finally, filters can be extended even further by supporting arguments, for example:


{{ totalCost | currency:"USD$" }}

It is common practice to apply filters directly to the binding expressions in the HTML views, but you can also apply filters in your controllers and directives as well.


JavaScript文件内部的过滤器 (Filters Inside of JavaScript Files)

The syntax for applying filters in your JavaScript files will look like this:


$filter('number')(15, 5)

This filter is equivalent to{{ 15 | number:5 }}and both will render the number 15 as string to five decimal places (i.e. 15.00000) in your view.

此过滤器等效于{{ 15 | number:5 }}{{ 15 | number:5 }},两者都将数字15作为字符串呈现在视图中的小数点后五个位(即15.00000)。

It's ok if you don't fully grasp what we're doing so far, we are just going over the syntax here - next we'll walk through the built in filters and how they can improve the presentation of your apps.


字符串操作-大写和小写 (String Manipulation - Uppercase and Lowercase)

AngularJS comes with prebuilt filters for making a string upper or lower-case. The uppercase and lowercase filters will do what their name implies, either convert a string to all uppercase characters, or convert the string to all lowercase characters.

AngularJS附带有用于将字符串大写或小写的预置过滤器。 大写和小写过滤器将按照其名称的含义进行操作,将字符串转换为所有大写字符,或将字符串转换为所有小写字符。

The simplest way to apply this filter to an expression is to add it directly in the view. Please check out the Codepen below to see the Uppercase and Lowercase filters illustrated.

将此过滤器应用于表达式的最简单方法是将其直接添加到视图中。 请查看下面的Codepen以查看图示的大写和小写过滤器。

// JavaScriptapp.controller('limits', function($scope){$scope.copy = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."$scope.yelling = "LOREM ISPUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT, SED DO EIUSMOD TEMPOR INCIDIUNT UT LABORE ET DOLORE MAGNA ALIQUA."})// HTMLUppercase:{{ copy | uppercase }}Lowercase:{{ yelling | lowercase }}

See the Pen icDkb by Ado Kukic (@kukicadnan) on CodePen.

请参阅CodePen上 Ado Kukic( @kukicadnan )的Pen icDkb 。

数字处理-数字和货币 (Number Manipulation - Numbers and Currencies)

AngularJS also comes with a couple of very useful filters for dealing with numbers and currencies. For numbers, Angular comes with the ability to filter how to number is displayed in regards to the decimal representation and rounding of numbers.

AngularJS还带有几个非常有用的过滤器,用于处理数字和货币。 对于数字,Angular可以过滤关于小数表示和数字舍入的数字显示方式。

In the Codepen below, we apply a couple of different number filters to display a whole number to four decimal places, we also use the numbers filter to round up a number to the nearest hundredth.


// JavaScriptapp.controller('numbers', function($scope){$scope.defaultNumber = 50;$scope.defaultNumberDecimals = 50.458;})// HTMLDefault Number Filter:{{ defaultNumber | number }}Number to Four Decimal Places:{{ defaultNumber | number:4 }}Round Number to Two Decimal Places:{{ defaultNumberDecimals | number:2 }}

See the Pen KAzlr by Ado Kukic (@kukicadnan) on CodePen.

在CodePen上查看Ado Kukic( @kukicadnan )的Pen KAzlr 。

Part two of number manipulation deals with currencies and AngularJS filters really shine here. By default if we apply the currency filter to a number, it will simply add a$symbol before the number.

数字处理涉及货币和AngularJS过滤器的第二部分确实在这里大放异彩。 默认情况下,如果我们将货币过滤器应用于一个数字,它将在该数字之前简单地添加一个$符号。

This works really well if you are writing an app that will only deal with dollars, but what if we wanted to localize the app to support a variety of currencies? We can simply expand the currency filter by passing in some parameters to the filter.

如果您正在编写仅处理美元的应用程序,则此方法非常有效,但是如果我们要本地化该应用程序以支持多种货币怎么办? 我们可以简单地通过将一些参数传递给货币过滤器来扩展货币过滤器。

For example if we wanted to display the currency in euros, our code would look like{{ totalCost | currency:'€' }}. Additionally, in Angular 1.3+, the currency filter can further be expanded to support rounding up of numbers to as many decimal places as you want - or none at all.

例如,如果我们想以欧元显示货币,我们的代码将类似于{{ totalCost | currency:'€' }}{{ totalCost | currency:'€' }}。 此外,在Angular 1.3+中,可以进一步扩展货币过滤器,以支持将数字四舍五入到所需的小数位数-或根本不舍入。

To specify the number of decimal places, you would again just pass another parameter to the currency filter such as{{ totalCost | currency:'$':4 }}, and this would render the number as "$15.0000" if totalCost was 15.

要指定小数位数,您可以再次将另一个参数传递给货币过滤器,例如{{ totalCost | currency:'$':4 }}{{ totalCost | currency:'$':4 }},如果totalCost为15,则数字将变为“ $ 15.0000”。

Check out the Codepen examples below to see this filter further illustrated.


// JavaScriptapp.controller('currencies', function($scope){$scope.defaultNumber = 59.99;$scope.defaultNumberWhole = 59;})// HTMLDefault Currency Filter:{{ defaultNumber | currency }}Currency Filter on Whole Number:{{ defaultNumberWhole | currency }}Custom Currency Filter:{{ defaultNumber | currency:'$COTCHES' }}Custom Currency Filter with Decimal Point Control (Angular 1.3+):{{ defaultNumber | currency:'£':0 }}

See the Pen eiGmD by Ado Kukic (@kukicadnan) on CodePen.

在CodePen上查看Ado Kukic( @kukicadnan )的Pen eiGmD 。

日期和时间 (Date and Time)

The Date and Time filters that come with Angular are amazing. The Date and Time filters will take any standard ISO 8601 date/time string and parse it into hundreds of different ways to meet your every need.

Angular附带的日期和时间过滤器很棒。 日期和时间过滤器将采用任何标准的ISO 8601日期/时间字符串,并将其解析为数百种不同的方式,以满足您的各种需求。

Whether you need the full date written asThursday, October 19, , or just the year, day, month or any combination you can think of such as day first, then the actual day name, followed by the last two digits of the year and concluded by the month in shorthand notation (i.e Nov for November), AngularJS will do it for you.


Parsing and manipulating date/time is often difficult and time consuming but the AngularJS filters make it a breeze. Like I said earlier, there are many different different filters you can apply here, and I could write multiple articles on all the different ways you can apply these filters, but in the interest of time I will direct you to the AngularJS docs that describe all the different parameters you can pass into the date filter and include a CodePen that shows off some of this functionality. Read more about the date filter here.

解析和处理日期/时间通常很困难并且很耗时,但是AngularJS过滤器使它变得轻而易举。 就像我之前说过的,您可以在此处应用许多不同的过滤器,并且我可以就应用这些过滤器的所有不同方式撰写多篇文章,但是为了节省时间,我将指导您访问描述所有内容的AngularJS文档。您可以将不同的参数传递到日期过滤器中,并包含一个CodePen来展示一些此功能。 在此处阅读有关日期过滤器的更多信息。

// JavaScriptapp.controller('dates', function($scope){$scope.dateCommon = "-10-19";$scope.dateUTC = "-10-19T06:46:00+00:00";})// HTMLDefault Date Filter:{{ dateCommon | date }}Full Date Filter:{{ dateCommon | date:'fullDate' }}Year Only Filter:{{ dateCommon | date:'yyyy' }}Custom Date Filter:{{ dateUTC | date:"'Year:' yyyy, 'Month:' MMM, 'Day:' EEEE" }}

See the Pen gnHjr by Ado Kukic (@kukicadnan) on CodePen.

在CodePen上查看Ado Kukic( @kukicadnan )的Pen gnHjr 。


The JSON built in filter in Angular converts a json string and prettifies it by including indentation so that the JSON is much easier to read. There really isn't anything else to say about this filter, it doesn't allow for any additional parameters to be passed into it, it simply converts an object to easily readable JSON.

Angular内置的JSON过滤器可转换json字符串,并通过包含缩进来美化它,从而使JSON更加易于阅读。 关于此过滤器,实际上没有什么可说的,它不允许将任何其他参数传递给它,它只是将对象转换为易于阅读的JSON。

Check out the simple CodePen below to see this illustrated.


// JavaScriptapp.controller('json', function($scope){$scope.userInfo = {"name": "Bob", "email": "bob@inbox", "password":"youshallnotpass", "activities": ["jogging", "swimming", "boxing"], "eligibility": true, "hasActiveDevice": false}})// HTMLJSON Filter:{{ userInfo | json }}

See the Pen vcIuB by Ado Kukic (@kukicadnan) on CodePen.

请参阅CodePen上 Ado Kukic( @kukicadnan )的Pen vcIuB 。

限制于 (LimitTo)

The LimitTo filter, as it's name implies, allows you to limit some string or array to a certain length. For example, applying alimitTo:10filter to a string that contains 15 characters, would only display the first 10 characters of that string.

顾名思义,LimitTo过滤器允许您将某些字符串或数组限制为一定长度。 例如,对包含15个字符的字符串应用limitTo:10过滤器,将仅显示该字符串的前10个字符。

LimitTo can also be applied to arrays and can be very powerful and intuitive when used in conjunction with ng-repeat. Combining limitTo and ng-repeat, you could very easily build a pagination system for your app for example.

LimitTo也可以应用于数组,与ng-repeat结合使用时,功能非常强大且直观。 例如,将limitTo和ng-repeat结合使用,您可以非常轻松地为您的应用构建分页系统。

One common use case where the limitTo filter can come in handy is preview text. Say you're building the front-page for your blog in AngularJS and want to show a preview of the first 250 characters of each blog post. This can easily be accomplished by the following code{{ previewCopy | limitTo: 250 }}.

可以使用limitTo过滤器的一种常见用例是预览文本。 假设您正在AngularJS中构建博客的首页,并希望显示每个博客文章的前250个字符的预览。 可以通过以下代码{{ previewCopy | limitTo: 250 }}{{ previewCopy | limitTo: 250 }}

Check out the CodePen below to see how we apply the ellipses(...) to the end if the previewCopy is over the character limit.


// JavaScriptapp.controller('limits', function($scope){$scope.copy = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."$scope.list = ['@scotch_io', '@sevilayha', '@kukicadnan', '@hollylawly', '@nickforthought', '@kenwheeler', '@mathiashansen']})// HTMLLimitTo Filter Applied to a String:{{ copy | limitTo:150 }}LimitTo Filter Applied to an Array:<ul><li ng-repeat="person in list | limitTo:4"> {{person}} </li></ul>

See the Pen sFoAH by Ado Kukic (@kukicadnan) on CodePen.

在CodePen上查看Ado Kukic( @kukicadnan )的Pen sFoAH 。

结论 (Conclusion)

We've gone over all of the built-in AngularJS filters. The built-in filters provide a variety of functionality from simple uppercasing of a string to complex manipulation of dates.

我们已经研究了所有内置的AngularJS过滤器。 内置的过滤器提供各种功能,从简单的字符串大写到复杂的日期操作。

We went over the different ways to apply filters, the most common being by applying the filter directly in the binding, but I've also shown you how to apply the filter through JavaScript.


I hope this article has gotten you familiar with how AngularJS filters work because next we are going to learn to build our own filters! Stay tuned!

我希望本文使您熟悉AngularJS过滤器的工作原理,因为接下来我们将学习构建自己的过滤器! 敬请关注!

翻译自: https://scotch.io/tutorials/all-about-the-built-in-angularjs-filters


